Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1245: The Four Sovereign Forces Blue Dragon Sacred Mountain!

A young man in Tsing Yi, with a folding fan in his hand, was personable. After hearing that the Youth Daily became famous, everyone's expressions suddenly changed, looking at the young man with horror.

"Who is Hua Yanzi?" Xiao Chen asked with a frown, looking at Lei Qingxuan whose expression had changed drastically.

Lei Qingxuan's face was very ugly, took a deep breath, and solemnly said: "Hua Yanzi is a disciple of the four emperors force Qinglong Sacred Mountain. Although this person has average talent, he is extremely fond of beauty. It is said that almost no woman he admires can Escape from his clutches, and he has a younger brother named Hua Wushang, who is less than twenty-year-old Immortal Monarch Daluo!"

"Daluo Xianjun who is less than twenty years old!" Xiao Chen also took a breath. Daluo Xianjun is the strong man who has mastered the second most important Dao power.

If Daluo Jinxian to Daluo Xuanxian is a quantitative change, then Daluo Xuanxian to Daluo Xianjun is a qualitative change. Even if Daluo Xuanxian's comprehension of the great power is strong, it cannot be the opponent of the strong who understands the second most important way. .

Daluo Xianjun, who is less than twenty years old, can hardly imagine how talented Hua Wushang is.

Hua Yanzi glanced at the powerful people around him with disdain, his face was full of arrogance, no wonder that there is such a strong younger brother, plus he himself is a disciple of the Four Emperors, naturally very arrogant.

"Aren't all the disciples of the Four Emperors in the core area of ​​the realm battlefield? Why does he appear here?"

"It's over, the inheritance has nothing to do with us, really unwilling!"

"What if you are not reconciled, that is the Four Emperors disciple, you dare to grab it?"

"This immortal ship is good, my son wants it, and these ten women are not bad too, my son wants it, and there are ten fairy artifacts, my son wants too!"

Hua Yanzi shook the folding fan lightly, and said lightly, everyone's expressions changed drastically when they heard Hua Yanzi's words.

"The fairy ship belongs to the little master, ten of them are the little master's younger sisters, and these ten fairy artifacts belong to the little master's disciple, you can't take any of them!"

Xiao Chen was also angered by Hua Yanzi's arrogant attitude, and asked for it all as soon as he opened his mouth. If Hua Wushang was there, Xiao Chen might still find it a little difficult to handle, but what a big Luo Xuanxian Hua Yanzi was.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, the surrounding experts were all stunned, and then looked at Xiao Chen like an idiot. He actually refused. Is he going to die?

Hua Yanzi's face also became gloomy, "What did you just say?"

"When you are young, your ears don't work well. I advise you to go back and treat your ears. This is not suitable for you, lest you can't hear and die here."

Xiao Chen's faint voice chilled the atmosphere in the entire field, not only mocking Hua Yanzi, but in the end threatening Hua Yanzi, how brave it is.

"No one has ever dared to talk to me Huayanzi like this. You are the first one. Now kneel down and apologize to this young man, and send the fairy ship, the woman, and the fairy reverently. This young man can consider forgiving you." Hua Yanzi shook the paper fan lightly, and said lightly, with a look high above.

"My little master gave you a word, get out!" Xiao Chen looked cold. Although he didn't want to get into the Four Emperors right now, it didn't mean he was afraid of the Four Emperors.

"So courageous!" Hua Yanzi closed the folding fan, her face was extremely gloomy, pointed at Xiao Chen, and said to the surrounding strong men: "My son orders you to take them down. By the way, don't hurt a few beauties."

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