Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1179: Also called Xiao Chen!

"Grandpa, father, mother!" Xiao Jingjing stepped forward, with a joyful expression in her eyes, saluting.

"Jingjing, you are back, come and let Grandpa take a look." Xiao Mie's face was full of kind smiles after seeing Xiao Jingjing.

Xiao Chen looked at the people in the hall, his eyes were a little weird, Xiao Mie did not have the blood of the God of War, and the blood of the God of War in Xiao Yuntian was less than 1%, and Xiao Chen also discovered that the male members in the hall were generally less than 1%. But for female disciples like Xiao Jingjing, the blood vein concentration is much higher.

"What's going on? Xiao Mie doesn't have the bloodline of the God of War, which means that Xiao Jingjing and others inherited her grandma's bloodline, but why is Xiao Yuntian so?"

After Xiao Jingjing saluted, she then introduced the youth.

"Jin Xuan has seen Senior Xiao, and his uncle and aunt." Jin Xuan politely said.

"It turned out to be a senior disciple of the Desolate Senior. Speaking of which we are also a family, we will treat it as our own from now on." Xiao Mie looked at Jin Xuan, his eyes showed satisfaction and said with a smile.

"Thank you senior." Jin Xuan arched his hands.

"Quietly, Jin Xuan, let me introduce it to you." Xiao Yuntian pulled a young man and said, "This is Xiao Chen, the long-lost elder brother, we also ran several domains before we found it!"

When Xiao Yuntian's words fell, he found that Xiao Jingjing and Jin Xuan were dumbfounded, as were the other female disciples of the Xiao family, even Xiao Chen was dumbfounded.

He looked at the young man who was a little shorter than himself and a little darker than himself. He felt as if he had been stunned by the second dog. He pretended to be his brother on a whim. As a result, he not only found his brother, but also had the same name as him.

Xiao Chen felt like God made a joke with him, a big joke.

Xiao Chen even gave birth to the feeling of a fake Li Kui meeting a real Li Kui.

"Good sister, good brother Jin Xuan!" The young man said politely.

"Hello, Brother Xiao Chen!" Jin Xuan smiled as he looked at the young black man, then glanced at Xiao Chen with a weird smile.

Xiao Chen naturally saw the gaze in Jin Xuan's eyes, but he didn't bother to pay attention. His purpose was to recruit people of the blood of the God of War, and other things had nothing to do with him.

At this moment, Xiao Jingjing also looked over, still asking Xiao Chen whether to quit.

Xiao Chen also noticed that although Xiao Jingjing looked cold, she was still very kind in her heart, but before she could speak, Jin Xuan had already spoken.

"Brother Xiao Chen, look at that little brother, you may not know, but he has the same name as you, also called Xiao Chen, and he also claims to be the long-lost brother of the junior sister."

Jin Xuan pointed to Xiao Chen and said lightly. When the words fell, Xiao Jingjing looked at Jin Xuan and frowned slightly, while in the hall, all eyes fell on Xiao Chen.

From the beginning of doubt, then weirdness, and finally becoming unkind, the Xiao family had just recovered the long-lost eldest son, and then there was a person who not only had the same name but also claimed to be Xiao Jingjing's eldest brother, who seemed to be unkind.

Xiao Chen laughed bitterly. He wanted to say that this was purely a misunderstanding, but who would believe it, even if Xiao Chen himself didn't believe it.

Xiao Chen shook his head, and under everyone's attention, he came directly to Xiao Mie, bowed his hands and said, "Junior Xiao Chen, I have seen seniors."

"Boy, who are you to pretend to be my son, why are you intent?" Rong asked Yueli and shouted, and the other people's faces were full of coldness.

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