Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1180: Be arrogant!

"I have no interest in pretending to be your son. I'm here to find Elder Xiao and work with him to do some big things." Xiao Chen glanced at Rong Wenyue. In this case, no matter what you say, it seems to others. With good intentions, it is better to be more aggressive. Even if he insists, he will take Xiao Jingjing and others away.

"Master Xiao, can you listen to the younger generation." Xiao Chen looked at Xiao Mie lightly.


"Presumptuous!" Jin Xuan and the young black man shouted sharply at the same time, looking at Xiao Chen with coldness, the whole palace's aura became cold, everyone stared at Xiao Chen with murderous intent.

Xiao Chen didn't mind at all. He just pulled a chair in the living room, ignoring everyone, put the chair next to Xiao Mie, and sat down with Erlang's legs tilted, extremely arrogant.

Seeing Xiao Chen's arrogant appearance, the entire Xiao family in the living room was furious. When did a fairy boy be so arrogant in Xiao's family.

However, Xiao Mie looked at Xiao Chen with great interest. He carefully looked at Xiao Chen. Whether Xiao Chen was acting or really had arrogant capital, it was enough to show that this kid was not easy.

"What do you want to cooperate with the old man?" Xiao Mie asked with a slight smile.

Hearing Xiao Mie's words, all the Xiao family members suppressed their anger and just stared at Xiao Chen indifferently.

"Help your Xiao family improve their strength!" Xiao Chen said lightly.

"What about the conditions?" Xiao Mie asked lightly.

"I want a few people, of course, if your entire Xiao family is willing to follow me, I don't mind." Xiao Chen said lightly.

As soon as he said this, the temperature in the meeting room dropped again, and even a hint of coldness appeared on Xiao Mie's face.

"How do you help my Xiao family improve their strength?" Xiao Mie was somewhat cold.

"How about this?" A fifth-grade fairy sword appeared again in Xiao Chen's hands.

Not only that, Ling Tian also appeared in Xiao Chen's hands, an extremely sharp sword aura, pressing towards Xiao Mie alone.

Xiao Mie glanced at the Fifth-Rank Immortal Sword, then looked at the long sword Xiao Chen was playing with, with a dignified look in his eyes.

Xiao Mie’s cultivation base is not low, he is already a strong Golden Immortal Daluo, he was surprised when he saw the fifth-grade immortal sword, and when he saw Ling Tian, ​​he felt that the sword was radiating intentionally or unintentionally. Angrily, Xiao Mie was silent.

He didn't believe that these sword auras were refined by Xiao Chen himself, and must have been sealed in by the strong. With such a treasure to protect him, how could Xiao Chen's identity be simple.

"Which people do you want?" Xiao Mie asked in a deep voice.

"She, there are a few of them, I want it!" Xiao Chen pointed at Xiao Jingjing and a few other women, and said lightly.

Looking at the few women that Xiao Chen pointed to, everyone had already thought of an idiom in their hearts.

How dare this guy dare to fight Xiao Jingjing's idea.

"Do you know Jingjing's identity?" Xiao Mie asked, instead of expressing too much expression.

"Regardless of her former status, she will be my sister from today, and no matter who is behind her, I must take them away!"

Xiao Chen's tone was very firm, nothing else, he must open the bloodline corridor as soon as possible, and raise the strength of the Xiao Family Army as soon as possible to deal with the future comeback of Wang Kun.

"It's not ashamed to say that we are the disciples of the Lord of the Desolate World, and Junior Sister is the master's most proud disciple. You want to get involved with Junior Sister, so you can't help yourself!"

Jin Xuan had long seen Xiao Chen upset, and finally couldn't help but jump out.

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