Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1178: Embarrassing!

Xiao Jingjing said coldly, and at the same time, she glanced at it again, which was obviously for Xiao Chen.

There was no change on Xiao Chen's face, but a fairy sword appeared in his hand again, and he handed it to Qin Feng, "My brothers and sisters will stay with you first, and help me take care of them."

"Local tyrant, you are so generous." Qin Feng said with a smile on his face as he grabbed the fairy sword.

Xiao Chen told Lin Shuangshuang and the others, and followed Xiao Jingjing and others to the Xiao family.

After leaving the conference hall, Xiao Jingjing took Xiao Chen to a beast cart, which was a very common vehicle used by fairy beasts to pull carts in Desolate City.

Everyone sat on the animal cart, and the animal cart flew away.

After a short time, everyone came to Xiao's house.

The mansion of the Xiao family is towering and magnificent. In front of the tall gate, two rows of guards are powerful and majestic. Each has the cultivation base of the five golden immortals, and 20 golden immortal five-level powerhouses are combined together. , Gives a very strong coercion.

Xiao Chen was also frightened when he saw this. There were only twenty golden immortals and five tiers who watched the door. The strength of the Xiao family was beyond Xiao Chen's imagination.

But he is not afraid.

After seeing Xiao Jingjing, more than 20 guards showed surprise in their eyes, and they stepped forward and saluted respectfully: "Young Master!"

"Free gift."

Xiao Jingjing just said lightly.

"Young Master, did you come back from the Heavenly Desolate Palace to participate in the birthday of the ancestors?" a golden fairy said respectfully.


Xiao Jingjing said coldly and spoke very concisely.

"Today, my Xiao family has double happiness. Both the head of the family and his wife have returned, and they have also found the long-lost eldest son. Now that the young head has returned, the ancestor must be very happy." The leader said.

But when these words fell, the court instantly calmed down, and every face showed weird colors. Then everyone looked at Xiao Chen, their faces extremely weird.

The same was true on Xiao Chen's face. He had just found an excuse to enter the Xiao family at will, but as a result, they really found the lost eldest son, which was embarrassing now.

Xiao Jingjing's senior sneered at Xiao Chen.

"Are you still going in with me now? If you regret now, I can let you leave!" Xiao Jingjing said coldly.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Chen smiled faintly: "Since we have reached the door of the house, there is no reason not to enter."

"Death to face!" The young man sneered.

Xiao Jingjing did not speak, but walked in with Xiao Chen.

At this time, the Xiao family was full of excitement, because the Patriarch and the wife of the Patriarch returned and brought back the long-lost elder son, and the elders were dispatched one after another.

The Xiao Family Reception Hall.

The ancestor of the Xiao family, Xiao Mie, the head of the Xiao family, Xiao Yuntian, the wife of the head of the family, Rong Wenyue, the other elders of the Xiao family, and some Tianjiao who are qualified to enter the reception hall of the Xiao family. Most of them are heavenly immortals, and there are also many golden immortals. .

When Xiao Jingjing and others entered the reception hall, the hall was very lively, and several people were all talking around. At this time, when some people found Xiao Jingjing, they saluted respectfully: "I have seen the young master!"

Xiao Jingjing just nodded faintly, and suddenly found that Xiao Jingjing had more and more people, and then even the elders greeted Xiao Jingjing one after another.

"This girl's status seems to be quite high!" Xiao Chen was a little surprised, because not only every Tianjiao disciple respected Xiao Jingjing, even the elders were very polite and even asked kindly.

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