Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1177: Go to Xiao's house!

The faces of those women were getting colder and colder, and the woman was even more so, as if a layer of frost appeared on her face, and at this moment, Qin Feng hurriedly took the woman's arm, and then signaled Xiao Chen to apologize.

Xiao Chen didn't seem to see Qin Feng's gesture, but just looked at the woman and said, "Sister, why are you not talking? By the way, sister, here is a small item for you as a gift for our brothers and sisters to meet for the first time."

Speaking of a hairpin appeared in Xiao Chen's hand, it was the plum flower hairpin that was the fifth-grade fairy artifact!

So shameless! This is everyone's first feeling. He even called his sister and treated himself as a brother. He had never seen such a shameless person.

However, everyone subconsciously looked at the plum flower hairpin in Xiao Chen's hand, and when they found that the plum flower hairpin was a fifth-grade immortal artifact, they all showed very surprised expressions.

Generally speaking, the golden immortal powerhouses only use the sixth-rank immortal implements, like this kind of fifth-level immortal implements are only in the hands of the Daluo Jinxian strongmen, and not too many.

A meeting gift is a fifth-grade immortal device, which has to shock them, even a woman, because of her identity, she has a fifth-grade immortal device, but no one dislikes too many immortal devices.

The appearance of the Five-Rank Immortal Artifact loosened the hands of several women from the Xiao family on their sabers.

"Xiao Chen, you are really generous!" Qin Feng said with a bit of resentment. Thinking of all the things he had in the Heavenly Star Immortal Palace back then, Qin Feng's resentment towards Xiao Chen grew deeper.

"She is my sister, of course she is generous!" Xiao Chen said naturally, and then a fifth-grade fairy sword appeared in his hand, and said to the woman: "Sister, this will protect you from yourself."

Then he looked at the other women and said, "These are for you. You are welcome, we are all a family."

The voice fell, and several fifth-grade immortal swords floated in front of several women.

At this moment, everyone in the hall was moved, and they took out so many fifth-grade immortal artifacts at once, even if the headquarters of the Tianyan Chamber of Commerce in the deserted city could not be taken out.

Several women looked at Immortal Sword with enthusiasm, but they still all looked at the woman. The woman was obviously tempted, but if she accepted it, wouldn't it mean that she became the sister of the guy in front of her?

The woman seemed to have thought of something suddenly and looked at Xiao Chen: "Your name is Xiao Chen?"

"Yes, sister!" Xiao Chen said shamelessly.

The woman was speechless, and then said: "My name is Xiao Jingjing. You said that we may be separated brothers and sisters, but I have never heard of this. If you dare, you will come back to Xiao's house with me. Of course, if you If you dare not, I advise you to be cautious in your words and deeds in the future, otherwise, don't blame me for not giving face to sister Qin Feng.

Although the woman's voice sounded a little cold, her words still gave Xiao Chen plenty of choices.

"Okay, I'll accompany you to the Xiao family!" Xiao Chen replied without hesitation. After finally meeting someone with the blood of the God of War, he would naturally not give up.

Seeing Xiao Chen agreeing so decisively, Xiao Jingjing was puzzled instead, but she did not show it. She motioned to other people to put away the fairy sword, and then stood up and said, "In this case, then you go with us."

Give the fifth-grade immortal artifact for free, don't give it away

"Junior sister, you don't really believe that he will be your eldest brother. At first glance, he is unkind." At this moment, the young man on the side discouraged him.

"Is it right? Go to Xiao's house and you will find out. I have a blood test tablet in Xiao's house. If he is not, he will naturally be suppressed by Xiao's strong."

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