Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1176: Long-lost siblings!

From a distance, Xiao Chen and others saw the three big characters "Desolate City" on the giant city, like a supernatural craftsmanship, but they felt that these three characters did not have that majestic and majestic feeling, but a kind of softness. It was carved by a powerful female fairy.

Xiao Chen didn't think much, but there was a little excitement in his heart. The Deserted City was the center of the entire Deserted Realm, and countless powerful forces, Tianjiao, and the strong all came to the Deserted City to be proud.

"It deserves to be a deserted city, a city wall is bigger than the city of Di Ling!" Xiao Chen said with emotion as he looked at the giant city in front of him.

After following a few women into the deserted city, in addition to the strong ones, there are many kinds of goods, caravans, and Tianjiao strong can be seen everywhere.

Several women, leading Xiao Chen and others, turned left and right, finally came to a mansion, then entered through the back door, and finally came to a hall.

Entering the hall, there were only three people, a young man and two women. The Xiao family members walked to a woman who looked more cold and respectfully said: "Enjoy the young master, the man has already been brought!"

The woman nodded, and then looked at the other woman and said coldly: "Qin Feng, I have brought you people, there is nothing wrong, I will leave!"

The other woman was Qin Feng who Xiao Chen met in the Tianxing Immortal Palace.

"Sister, what are you doing in such a hurry? You did me a favor. I haven't thanked you well yet." Qin Feng took the woman and said coquettishly.

Xiao Chen glanced at Qin Feng, his gaze fell on the woman, and in just an instant, Xiao Chen's heart beat violently.

"No...No, the bloodline concentration of the God of War reaches 15%. Even if Xiao Jiajun and the others take the Bloodline Pill of the God of War, it is only 67%. If she takes the Bloodline Pill of the God of War, what kind of strength will she achieve? degree?"

Xiao Chen seemed to see a baby, his eyes full of light when he looked at the woman, he even thought about letting the woman join Xiao Chen's army at all costs.

And his gaze looked like a hungry ghost in the eyes of others. The young man and the woman snorted at the same time. The young man's gaze looking at Xiao Chen was extremely bad, even full of cold killing intent.

Xiao Chen didn't care at all, just looked at the woman, and suddenly said: "Little sister, what is your name?"

As soon as this statement came out, the atmosphere in the entire hall cooled down. Several women in the Xiao family looked at Xiao Chen coldly, and even pressed their hands on the saber around their waist, if it wasn't for Qin Feng's face. , I'm afraid they have already started directly.

Qin Feng had a black line on his face: "Xiao Chen, why didn't I see that you are such a person?"

At the same time, there was still a trace of dissatisfaction in her heart. When she was in the Tianxing Immortal Palace, she took the initiative to dedicate her life. Xiao Chen ignored it. Now she shows such an expression to other women, but she looked at the woman and then showed shame Luster, because that woman is better than her in appearance and temperament.

Xiao Chen ignored Qin Feng at all, just looked at the woman and said, "Little sister, what is your name? How old are you this year? Do you have a partner? Do you feel blood flow speeding up when you meet me? Maybe we are long-lost siblings."

Xiao Chen's series of words, listening to the words in front, unintentionally came up with an old-fashioned conversation, but the last sentence almost caused everyone to fall.

Long-lost siblings? What a loss you can tell.

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