Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1156: Rectify your name for domineering!

"Seven monsters? What is this?" Lin Sheng asked with some doubts.

"You'll know then, you can arrange it first!" Xiao Chen smiled lightly.

"Yes." Finding that Xiao Chen was unwilling to explain more, Lin Sheng did not continue to ask more.


Two days later, everyone came to a Jedi in the Nanyue Continent. This Jedi was a jungle, and was declared a Jedi by the four major sects, and no forces were allowed to enter.

In fact, there is only one teleportation formation here, a vivid formation leading to the barren continent.

On that day, Lin Sheng killed Zhang Haiwai, and the other three sects asked them to return.

Afterwards, Xiao Chen summoned Ba Dao, Su Xiaoyue, Lin Huahua, Lin Shuangshuang, Yun Batian, Jiang Yuqing, and Lin Sheng, Kang Hu, a total of nine people, to the teleportation formation.

A burst of light flickered, and everyone disappeared into the teleportation array.

The barren continent, Dongzhou region, Lingcheng.

A teleportation formation in the east of Dilingcheng suddenly lit up, and then nine figures appeared in the teleportation formation.

"Who are you? Where are you from?" Just when the nine appeared, two sergeants in black armor stepped forward and asked.

When everyone looked at it, they discovered that these two people were both powerful celestial beings.

"Enlighten the two adults, we are from the Nanyue Continent, and are the subordinate forces of the Langya Sect. These are filial tribute to the two adults. Please also the two adults to laugh." Lin Sheng said with his hand, and gave each other a storage ring.

The two took the storage ring, took a look, and then said impatiently: "Let's go."

"Thank you, sir." Lin Sheng arched his hands, and then led everyone to leave the teleportation formation.

"They are the guards of the City Lord's Mansion in Diling City, and there are guards at various teleportation formations. In the Desolate Continent, the people in the City Lord's Mansion cannot be offended. They are all under the control of the Heavenly Desolate Palace.

"As for the Heavenly Desolate Palace, you must also be aware that they are the power of the Tianwu Immortal Palace, a force created by the Lord of the Desolate Continent.

Lin Sheng introduced to everyone in a low voice, except that Kang Hu was a little afraid, the others did not take it seriously.

Just as they walked out of the teleportation array and came to the wide street, a group of people suddenly came oncoming, aggressive and full of murderous intent.

Pedestrians rushed to evade, looking at this group of people with fear.

"He is the Langya Sect powerhouse, one of the three major forces in Diling City!"

"The two major deputy suzerains, the three major guardians of Feng Lin Huo, and eight of the ten princes also appeared. Which force has offended Langya Sect and caused Langya Sect to almost come out."

There was an uproar in the streets.

This group of people soon came in front of Xiao Chen and the others, watching Xiao Chen and the others actually stand in front of them, each of them looked bad and showed fierce light.

"Go away!" a fierce-looking young man sternly said.

"You didn't drive this road, so why let us go away!" Xiao Chen glanced at the other side and said, at this moment, Lin Sheng also leaned into Xiao Chen's ear and said in a low voice, "Ancestor, they belong to Langya Sect. "

"Well, from Langya Sect, this saves a lot of things." Xiao Chen looked at this group of people with a smile on his lips.

"You dare to talk back, don't you want to live anymore?" The young man's eyes were cold, and the others looked cold. When did anyone dare to block their Langya Sect's way.

"You guys are really overbearing, you are obviously going this way, why do we want to let it, but you don't let it?" Jiang Yuqing said dissatisfied.

"Because we belong to Langya Sect, we are so domineering, we justify our name for dominance." The young man said domineering, his face full of pride.

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