Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1157: Thunder Manta Dragon!

Xiao Chen almost laughed when he heard the words of the young man, and there are people who justify the overbearing. It is really wonderful every year, especially this year.

"These women are not bad, take them down and wait until we finish our business and come back to have fun." An old man walked out behind him with a hoarse voice.

"Yes, Deputy Sect Master!" Upon hearing this, the young man said respectfully.

"It seems that your Langya Sect's dominance is passed down in the same vein, but dominance requires strength. Without strength, it is just an idiot." Xiao Chen's expression also became cold after hearing the old man's words.

"Hurry up, don't waste time." Another deputy suzerain said impatiently.

"Yes!" the young man replied, then turned his head to look at Xiao Chen and others, twisted his neck, a trace of cruelty appeared at the corner of his mouth; "I advise you not to resist, but I will not pity Xiangyu Yu."

"If this is the case, let's do it, anyway, we also came to destroy Langya Sect." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"I'll do it, one person is enough!" Jiang Yuqing said with cold eyes in her eyes.

When the voice fell, Jiang Yuqing had already taken a step, and there was a crackling sound on her body, black lightning rang out all over her, her eyes were extremely dark, and a small beast appeared above her head.

Unlike before, the little beast is no longer entangled in the black mist, revealing its true face. It turned out to be a dragon with bat wings and thunder and lightning on its body.

"It turned out to be a fierce beast Thunderbolt, which has the power of thunder and lightning, and also possesses bat poison. When her Thunderbolt grows up, it will be enough to deal with the powerful Daluo Jinxian."

Tian Xing'er's voice sounded in Xiao Chen's heart.

"The Fierce Beast Thunder Manta Dragon?"

Xiao Chen's eyes dazzled. In addition to the fairy beasts, there are also some fierce beasts in the immortal realm.

As the lightning bat dragon appeared behind Jiang Yuqing, dark clouds condensed again on the street, and then one small lightning bat dragon rushed into the Langya sect strong.

Boom boom boom!

The thunder and lightning manta dragon roars, the thunder and lightning are arbitrary and extremely fast.

"What is this?" The Langya Sect's face changed drastically, and they drew out immortal weapons to resist, but these thunder and lightning bat dragons couldn't be cut at all. As long as the strong below the earth immortal were touched, their body would immediately begin to paralyze, and they would become weak. On the ground.

Heavenly immortal powerhouse can only resist more.

The three major guardians of Feng Lin Huo roared again and again, and the expressions of the two Deputy Sect Masters also changed. The next moment the two rushed towards Jiang Yuqing.

"Dare to do something to my Langya Sect and die for me!"

The two yelled, and in the blink of an eye they had come to Jiang Yuqing's side.

At this moment, Yun Batian stepped forward and stood in front of Jiang Yuqing. His fists suddenly blasted out, and then they came first and hit them on the chest, instantly smashing them back under the black cloud.

The two of them vomited blood after being hit by a few people before they stabilized and looked at the indifferent young man in front of Jiang Yuqing, full of horror: "How could it be possible for the strong golden immortal!"

They couldn't think of any other reason except for the strong Jinxian to hit them both with one punch.

However, there are a few strong golden immortals in Diling City, when did such a young and strange golden immortal strong appear.

The words of the two evoked a burst of exclamation, and the faces of the other strong men in Langya Sect were pale. Every strong Golden Immortal is a hegemon, and even the two deputy suzerains are not opponents, so how are they opponents.

They were in shock, but Jiang Yuqing was not. A few thunder and lightning bat dragons bite directly at the two deputy suzerains. In just a moment, all the Langya Sect powerhouses were lying on the ground.

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