Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1155: I have seven monsters that can crush everything!

"Let's talk." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Yes." The Tianxian nodded hurriedly, then pointed at Tian Dachang, and said very fast: "He found us, and he brought us here. We promised him that as long as he takes the Nanyue mainland, he It is the king of Nanyue mainland."

"You dare to slander me, the lord must not listen to him nonsense!" Tian Dachang hurriedly defended.

"If it weren't for you to lead, how could we get here through the teleportation array." The Tianxian said.

"It may also be brought by someone else, so why should I be identified as me?" Tian Dachang said angrily.

"Chi!" It's just that as soon as his words fell, Xiao Chen had impatiently nailed Ling Tian into Tian Dachang's body.

"Why are there so many defenses? Just admit it obediently. Besides, even if you don't plead guilty, I won't let you go." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"You..." Tian Dachang looked at Xiao Chen with bitterness and unwillingness.

"If you want to blame, blame your son. If people don't offend me, I don't offend people. If people offend me, I will repay them a hundred times!"

Xiao Chen said lightly, and then wiped out the Tian Dachang Immortal Soul. The Jianyinmen powerhouse saw the deputy suzerain being killed, and looked at Xiao Chen with a little more fear.

Zhang Hai looked at Tian Dachang's death with despair in his heart.

"You have an enmity with Meihua Villa?" Xiao Chen asked Lin Sheng, looking at him.

"Yes, when my wife and I were in the deserted continent, we encountered a strong man in Meihua Villa. We were chased by him and accidentally escaped into a Jedi. My lover never came out again." Lin Sheng's voice was calm, but there were scarlet eyes flashing in his eyes. .

"Since it's your lover, it's the people of my Tianshen Village. If you dare to kill the people of Tianshen Village, you must pay for it with blood. We will destroy the Meihua Villa." Lin Huahua said coldly.

"Exit!" Lin Shuangshuang also said.

At this moment, a voice sounded in Xiao Chen's mind: "Ding! Congratulations to the players for triggering the task: Kill Plum Blossom Villa!"

"Task description: Kill Plum Blossom Villa!"

"Task reward: 500,000 pit margin value, 500,000 cents power value, special summoning card fragment +10!"

"The value of half a million holes!" Xiao Chen was overjoyed, but he didn't expect to trigger another mission.

"Okay, then go to the Barren Continent and destroy the Plum Blossom Villa!" Xiao Chen said directly.

At this time, both Lin Sheng and that strong heavenly immortal were confused.

"What's your name?" Xiao Chen looked at the Tianxian.

"Prince Qizi, the villain is called Kang Hu!" The immortal smiled flatteringly, not at all like an immortal.

"Kang Hu, right? You will call Xiaohu in the future. You will take us to the Meihua Villa headquarters. When the Meihua Villa is destroyed, you will be benefited." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Thank you son." Kang Hu smiled.

Lin Sheng glanced at Kang Hu with great disdain, even if the others were dumbfounded, are they still those incomparably powerful immortals?

"Others, you can solve it yourself, arrange it, and we will go to the deserted continent today."

Xiao Chen faced Lin Shengdao.

"Ancestor, the Barren Continent is no better than the Nanyue Continent. In the Barren Continent, the heavenly immortals are nothing. Even the golden immortals are not uncommon. Moreover, forces like Langya Sect and Meihua Villa are only third-rate forces in the Barren Continent."

"There are no less than a hundred third-rate forces in the Barren Continent, and now Langya Sect must have discovered the death of the mountain general. Maybe this time is sending a large army to prepare to come. If we go at this time, I am afraid we will meet them."

Lin Sheng said.

"It's okay." Xiao Chen said lightly: "I have seven monsters, I can crush the barren continent!"

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