Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1154: Plum Blossom Villa!

"There are other people?" Xiao Chen was taken aback, but he knew that Yun Batian would not lie, and he was very sensitive to anger, and could perceive enemies that ordinary people could not perceive.

"Take them down."

"Okay." When the voice fell, Yun Batian rushed out, only a few seconds later, a group of figures flew over and fell in front of Xiao Chen, looking at Yun Batian who came afterwards with a look of fear on his face.

"It's you, Tian Dachang!" Xiao Chen looked at one of them, his face full of coldness.

At this time, Lin Sheng also looked at the other four people. There was a black plum blossom on their necks. After seeing these plum blossoms, Lin Sheng's eyes shot a cold light: "Meihua Villa!"

"Meihua Villa?"

Xiao Chen looked at a few people. Except for Tian Dachang, everyone else turned out to be a strong celestial being. These forces are placed on the Nanyue Continent and can easily wipe out all the forces on the Nanyue Continent.


Lin Sheng nodded, his eyes were slightly solemn, and then took a deep breath, and said: "Meihua Villa and Langya Sect are hostile forces, and they often fight to grab the territory."

Being able to grab the territory with Langya Sect, I am afraid that the strength is not weaker than Langya Sect. Xiao Chen glanced at the people of Tian Dachang and Meihua Villa with a chill.

Lin Sheng apparently discovered this too, staring coldly at Tian Dachang, his body exuding an icy breath, "Are you colluding with the people at Plum Blossom Villa?"

"The lord is joking, I know that the lord and the plum blossom villa have a great feud, how could I collude with the people of the plum blossom villa." Tian Dachang said sullenly.

"He escaped with those few people." Yun Batian said suddenly.

Tian Dachang's face changed as soon as he said this.

"You want to collude with Plum Blossom Villa to seize the position of Sect Master of Jian Yinmen, kill me by the way, and avenge your son." Xiao Chen suddenly laughed.

Tian Dachang's expression was repeated again, he did have this idea, but before he could implement it, he discovered that Langya Sect had sent a mountain general of the Nine Heavens Immortal, and then the mountain would be killed in front of them, directly frightening them.

"I am from Jianyinmen, how can I betray Jianyinmen, even if you are the ancestor of Jianyinmen, you can't be so slanderous to me." Tian Dachang shouted immediately, but his eyes flashed when he looked at Xiao Chen A bit of bitterness.

Xiao Chen took a look, then looked at the people at Plum Blossom Villa, and put the long sword that Ling Tian turned into on a person's neck, and said coldly: "Tell me, how did you appear here?"

This person glanced at Xiao Chen disdainfully, he was a strong heavenly immortal, if it weren't for that monster, the little villain in front of him would not have the qualifications to stand in front of him.

Xiao Chen's gaze remained unchanged, but with a stroke of the long sword in his hand, a head flew out, and the fairy soul stared at Xiao Chen dumbfounded, obviously not thinking that Xiao Chen would dare to kill him.

Xiao Chen grabbed his fairy soul with one hand, walked to the next person, Ling Tian handed it, and said lightly: "Say it."

"You dare to kill my people at Plum Blossom Villa, the owner will definitely not let you go..."

"There is so much nonsense." Xiao Chen snorted coldly, and another head flew up.

Xiao Chen came to the third person and continued: "Say it."

"The owner has already married the first-class power Lie Family Daughter. The Lie Family will definitely not let you go..."


Another head flew up, and Xiao Chen looked at the last person indifferently. Xiao Chen hadn't spoken yet. This person had already knelt down and said, "I said!"

This immortal looked at the young man with only immortals in front of him, a trace of terror flashed in his eyes, and even killing the immortal without blinking his eyes was completely beyond his cognition.

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