Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1153: One trick to uniform!

As soon as these words came out, Jian Yinmen was in an uproar.

The mountain general also stared at Binghan and said: "Since you admit it, then kneel down to the ground."

"If you want me to kneel down, you are not qualified!"

Xiao Chen looked at the mountain general and said lightly.

"Looking for death!" The mountain general said coldly, and the next moment he charged directly at Xiao Chen, but the moment he moved, Yun Batian also moved, and the speed was faster than him, directly blocking Xiao Chen. Before, a punch came out.

The mountain general's expression changed, and he didn't expect that the small Nanyue Continent would have such a fast powerhouse, and immediately blasted him with a punch.

The two fist and fist collided, and the strong above the gods fought against each other, the powerful force shook the void, and the four major sects retreated.

"How is it possible?" Shan Jiang's complexion changed. He only felt a powerful force hit, and the whole arm bones made a crisp sound, all of them broke, and the intense pain made his entire forehead crumpled together.

In the next moment, Yun Batian directly grabbed him, threw him in front of Xiao Chen, and his aura was directly shaken away.

Everyone looked frightened, especially the Sect Masters of the three big sects. They knew the strength of the mountain generals, so they were defeated.

"Who are you? Are you a Jinxian strong, how could such a strong appear in Nanyue Continent!" Shan Jiang cried out in disbelief, his eyes full of horror.

Yun Batian was extremely indifferent and ignored the mountain general at all. Xiao Chen stepped forward and looked at the mountain general and said, "Kill you, will Langya Sect send a strong one?"

"You want to kill me? Hahaha, do you think you have a golden immortal powerhouse that is great? The Langya Sect headquarters has four great heavenly immortals and nine guardians, two great golden immortal elders, and the suzerain is the five golden immortals. I, Langya Zong will definitely make every effort to kill the Jian Yinmen!"

After Shan Jiang was shocked, then he sneered. A golden fairy appeared on a small Nanyue Continent and thought it was great. Compared with the power of the Barren Continent, it was far behind.

It's just that as soon as his voice fell, Xiao Chen had already started to cut off his head with a sword, and the fairy soul was shattered as soon as he came out.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for slaying the nine-fold boss mountain general of the heavenly immortal, gaining one hundred thousand pit fate, one hundred thousand celestial strength, and one hundred thousand killing points!"

"Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for getting the Gauntlets of the God of War!"

"Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for getting the Ice Gauntlets!"

"Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for getting the special summon card!"


"It's only 100,000 cents, which is only equivalent to killing a golden corpse." Xiao Chen was speechless, but the Super God suit still made up for it.

Xiao Chen looked at the special summon cards again, and suddenly remembered the role of special summon cards. After collecting twenty special summon cards, they could be formed into a card set, and then they could be used.

Xiao Chen checked it, and then bought three more at Kengyuan Value Mall.

"Ding! Congratulations to the player Xiao Chen for obtaining the special summon card set and enabling the special summon. Please obtain the special summon card fragments by killing monsters for synthesis."

Hearing the voice of the system, Xiao Chen was speechless for a while, and at this moment, the whole audience was dead silent, with a look of aghast and a hint of fear.

Langya Sect, the powerhouse of the 9th Heavenly Immortal, was killed in this way, and even the fairy soul was completely wiped out.

The complexions of the four major sects changed drastically, and Zhang Hai was sweating again and again.

"Boss, there are other strong players, do you want to catch them?" At this moment, Yun Batian stood beside Xiao Chen, looked not far away, and said indifferently.

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