Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1150: Leave the fairy palace!

"The little girl who has just controlled many remnant souls is Tian Xing'er, the Sect Master of the Sky Star Sect. I am Xiao Chen, the Supreme Elder of the Sky Star Sect. Now I invite you seven to join the Sky Star Sect. Are you willing?"

Xiao Chen sent an invitation.

Except for Fengsiwai, everyone else agreed without thinking about it, especially Ba Dao and Su Xiaoyue. They seemed to have found an organization. It turns out that in this world, besides them, there are other people who are like them. monster.

"Sanshou Palace is kind to me." Feng Sihai said embarrassedly.

"Joining the Sky Star Sect does not make you withdraw from Sanshou Palace, and in the future, Sanshou Palace can use the reputation of the Sky Star Sect to develop better." Xiao Chen said.

"My grandmother's purpose is to be the overlord of the immortal realm, so is your vision so short?" Lin Shuangshuang looked at the wind everywhere with contempt.

"As a man, we have aspirations in all directions, and we are all monsters. Don't you think we are gathered together because of fate?" Tyrant Dao patted Feng Sihai on the shoulder.

"I just talk about it casually, I am willing to join the Sky Star Sect, because I am also a monster." Feng Sihai smiled.

Hearing this, everyone burst into laughter.

"Well, starting today, the seven of you will be the Seven Devils of the Sky Star Sect!"

The Seven Devils of the Sky Star Sect was officially established. Xiao Chen was full of expectations for the seven, and then talked to the seven about killing the golden corpse, and then the eight directly began to act.


A month later, the eight Xiao Chen beheaded the golden corpses everywhere, and the remaining corpse soldiers, Yun Batian, the king of corpses, drove them back to the abyss.

Within a month, eight people beheaded nearly a hundred golden corpses, all of which were heavenly immortal-level golden corpses, and Xiao Chen's immortal power value reached tens of millions.

With all the corpse soldiers beheaded and killed, returning to the abyss, all seven palaces returned to the ground, and then a transparent crystal block suddenly appeared in the sky above the fairy palace.

The crystal block exudes several rays of light, covering everyone in the fairy palace, and then the crystal block disappears and a whirlpool appears.

Immediately after the light shrouded everyone, they directly dragged them into the whirlpool, and then disappeared.

In the Wild Spirit Mountain Range, a group of people suddenly appeared, it was Xiao Chen and others, but they disappeared from all over the world, and there were more clouds and clouds.

And the huge Tianxing Immortal Palace also disappeared.

Everyone discussed it, and Su Xiaoyue and others returned to their sect.

And Xiao Chen and others are also preparing to return to Jianyinmen.

Soon after Xiao Chen and the others left, a person appeared in the grass not far away. He was Tian Dachang's big disciple. He glanced at the backs of Xiao Chen and the others, and then walked in one direction.

Jianyinmen, when the five of Xiao Chen returned to Jianyinmen, there was news that immediately after they returned to the outer gate, ten outer gate elders headed by Baili Wuliang blocked Xiao Chen and the others. before.

In addition, there is a team of law enforcement team members dressed in black. They are a law enforcement team composed of inner disciples who specialize in supervising various affairs of the outer and inner doors and have considerable power.

"You are so courageous. You committed the following crimes, wounded the elders outside the door, the crime is very heinous, don't kneel down, listen to the judgment of the law enforcement elders!" Lin Guang jumped out again and shouted at Xiao Chen and others, his tone full of resentment .

Baili looked at Xiao Chen and others unscrupulously, his eyes were also full of murderous aura.

Xiao Chen looked at these people standing in front of him, really helpless, really ignorant and fearless.

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