Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1149: Seven monsters!

With a move of Xiao Chen's eyes, these remnant souls were already held by Tian Xing'er and could not move. Then, all he had to do was crush the fairy puppet to control the remnant soul.

"Huahua, don't you like fairy puppets? These are all yours." Xiao Chen said while looking at Lin Huahua.


"Of course."

"Great." Lin Huahua, who had always been indifferent, actually smiled happily, then walked to the old man's fairy puppet, grabbed the fairy puppet, just like eating a biscuit, biting it all into pieces, swallowing her stomach. .

"What kind of monster is this?" Feng Sihai was stunned, and Su Xiaoyue and Ba Dao looked at each other, and there was an inexplicable light flashing in their eyes.

In less than a minute, a fairy puppet was swallowed by Lin Huahua, leaving only the old man's dumbfounded soul.

With a move of Xiao Chen's thoughts, the green scale phantom appeared beside him, grabbing at the remnant soul, and then branded with the Heavenly Dao, thrown into the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory, and reincarnated.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Huahua walked to the second fairy puppet, and every time he ate a fairy puppet, Qinglin reincarnated a remnant soul.

After eating ten fairy puppets, Lin Huahua seemed to be full, and violently broke the fairy puppets to pieces, and then put away the parts.

Soon, all the one hundred immortal puppets were collected by Lin Huahua, and all the remnant souls were reincarnated and reborn in the heavenly immortal domain.

"Monster!" Feng Sihai looked at Lin Huahuadao.

But the others didn't show any expressions.

Then everyone walked into the palace. There were alchemy rooms everywhere in the palace. After opening, there were all kinds of pill medicines, some shaped, and some that had not been successfully refined.

Except for Xiao Chen, Jiang Yuqing, and the wind everywhere, no one had much expression.

Then, Jiang Yuqing also showed her monster side. She swallowed all the pills and medicinal materials. After eating, she packed up all the rest.

Xiao Chen and Feng Sihai were distressed, but Jiang Yuqing was too determined to not allow anyone to take a pill, Xiao Chen and Feng Sihai could only look at each other.

After a few people left the alchemy pavilion, Feng Sihai set up a teleportation formation and directly teleported to the next stone pillar, and on this stone pillar was the inscription Wen Pavilion.

After the gate was opened, many remnants of souls possessed on the fairy puppets were encountered, and they were all torn down by Lin Huahua. Then the palace was filled with various fairy charms and materials.

After seeing these fairy charms, Su Xiaoyue's eyes lit up and she turned into a monster, sucking all the fairy-compliant materials into her stomach, and after she was full, she still packed.

Then there was Yu Beast Pavilion, which contained all kinds of fairy beast essence and blood, which was completely absorbed by Lin Shuangshuang.

Immediately after that was the Immortal Puppet Pavilion, there were many complete immortal puppets in it, and they were all collected by Lin Huahua.

Then came to the refining equipment pavilion, there were all kinds of immortal artifacts, and these immortal artifacts also contained a lot of remnants of souls. The overlord sword showed his ferocious side, crushing the immortal artifacts into pieces, and then swallowed his stomach. .

Then I met the Yinshi Pavilion, which was gloomy and gloomy. There were only a few corpse fires, all of which were collected by Xiao Chen, and the portions were divided among Yun Batian.

Finally, everyone came to the Formation Pavilion. There were scrolls and formation plates that recorded various formations in the Formation Pavilion. I don't know if the wind and the world were affected by others or what happened. Finally, they turned into monsters and swallowed them all. In the belly.

"I have also become a monster." Feng Qihai said helplessly.

"You seven are monsters originally." Xiao Chen said in shock.

Devouring fairy talisman, devouring fairy weapon, devouring fairy puppet, swallowing essence and blood, swallowing formation, swallowing corpse fire, swallowing elixir, what kind of monsters are these seven?

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