Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1151: No time!

"I said Lin Guang, you jumped over like a beam jumping clown, do you really think I won't kill you?" Xiao Chen looked at Lin Guang lightly.

"What a daring fellow, a handyman disciple, who is still so arrogant in front of the law enforcement elders, it is simply lawless."

Lin Guangda angered.

"Okay, shut up." At this moment, a young man from the law enforcement team said lightly.

"Yes, elder!" Lin Guang looked at the youth with a sly smile, then stepped back behind him and looked at Xiao Chen with a sneer.

"Are you handyman disciples?" The young man asked Xiao Chen lightly.

"That's right." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"You wounded Lin Guang, a disciple of the outer sect, and the elder Baili of the outer sect, was unscrupulous, didn't you?"


The young man looked at Xiao Chen, his face turned cold, his eyes flashed cold, and he said: "Since you confess your guilt, it's fine, let me go to the law enforcement hall and accept punishment!"

"We are very busy, we don't have time, let's make another day." Xiao Chen said.

Hearing that, all law enforcement disciples have a cold face. Among the inner, outer, and handyman disciples, no disciple is not afraid of the law enforcement hall. When the law enforcement hall catches the disciples, they have to wait for the other party to have time.

"It seems that you think you can injure an outer door elder, so you don't need to put our law enforcement hall in your eyes." The young man said coldly.

"What the law enforcement hall is, I have never heard of it. Quickly get out of the way, we are really busy!" Xiao Chen said impatiently.

"Boy, you are too presumptuous!" The young man was furious.

"It's long-winded!" Xiao Chen said coldly, and then whispered in his heart: "Invincible domineering!"

Xiao Chen suddenly exuded a powerful aura. With Xiao Chen as the center, the surrounding outer sect elders, outer sect disciples, and even the law enforcement disciples of the youth suddenly felt a chill, and then his eyes rolled, uncontrollably Fell to the ground.

The young man looked at all the people who fell on the ground in fear. In his impression, only the strong celestial being could suppress so many people with his own power.

Could it be that the handyman disciple in front of him is a strong god?

Impossible, the youth quickly rejected it.

At this moment, a middle-aged man ran over and saw the cold sweat behind the scene. After seeing the middle-aged man, the young man breathed a sigh of relief. The middle-aged man was the core elder and the head of the Law Enforcement Hall. Is Qingniu Deputy Sovereign.

"I have seen the hall master!"

The young man hurriedly saluted, but the middle-aged man ignored him at all. He came to Xiao Chen and the others and knelt on the ground with a snap.

"The disciple Qing Meng, the master of the Law Enforcement Hall, has met several ancestors. The members of the Law Enforcement Hall don't know the identity of the ancestors. They have offended a few ancestors. Please forgive them!" Qing Meng knelt on the ground and said hurriedly.

"Ancestor?" The young man was completely dumbfounded.

"Get up, as long as you don't trouble us in the future." Xiao Chen said lightly: "By the way, after they wake up, talk to them."

Xiao Chen didn't care about them at all now, said a word, and left.

Qing Meng breathed a sigh of relief until several people disappeared from sight.

"Hall Master, what the **** is going on? Why do you call them ancestors?" the young man asked puzzled.

Qing Meng turned his head and looked at the young man and said, "A few of them, even if the lord sees them, they call themselves juniors. Do you understand now?"

"What!" The young man stunned directly. Qing Meng glanced at the other person and left silently. After he had received the news from Qingniu, he was just like the young man. He was shocked for a long time before he recovered.

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