Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1108: True disciples accept disciples!

Before, Volley has introduced that whether it is bloodline testing or spiritual talent, there will be five kinds of light, white, green, silver, gold, and purple.

White is the weakest, and purple is the strongest. Those who generally appear with silver light will directly become inner disciples.

"The first one, Zhang Dashan comes out!"


Then a simple looking young man came to test the bloodline sword stone, dripped a drop of blood onto the sword stone, and the next moment a faint green light appeared.

Afterwards, the youth came to the talent test again, dripping a drop of blood, and also a green light.

"Green blood, green talent, can become an outer disciple!"

"Bloodlines and talents are all green, there is a chance to break through the earth immortal in the future."

After this disciple named Zhang Dashan was tested, a disciple of Jian Yinmen came to him, nodded to him, and then led him behind the elder.



"Next! Liu Fangfang!"

As the voice fell, the woman who was standing behind Lin Guang walked up.

Liu Fangfang dripped a drop of essence blood on the bloodline sword stone, and the next moment, a golden light emitted from the sword stone, very dazzling.

"It turned out to be golden blood, this little girl's blood is very strong!"

There was an uproar instantly on the court!

Looking at the dazzling golden light, Liu Fangfang's face was full of arrogance, and then came to the talent test stone. The next moment, a golden light lit up again.

"Golden blood, golden talent, the future will definitely become a god!"

At this moment, the ten elders were a little moved, and Lin Guang's expression changed. The next moment, a young disciple fell directly on the square. Although young, his cultivation base was much stronger than the ten elders.

"Participate in Brother Lu!"

The ten elders saluted one after another.

"Ten elders are polite." The young man said lightly, then looked at Liu Fangfang and said: "I am the true disciple Lu Liang, you are willing to worship me as a teacher, you can become an inner disciple and enjoy the core disciple resources."

As the young man's voice fell, there was another uproar on the court, the true disciple, that is the strong earth immortal, every true disciple has a very noble position in Jianyinmen.

Even the ten elders were all shocked, looking at Liu Fangfang a little envious, the young man in front of him is a true disciple, a real earthly immortal powerhouse, who can become a disciple of an earthly immortal powerhouse, their status is comparable to the core disciple, their top ten elders When you see it, you should also respectfully address your senior sister.

However, thinking of Liu Fangfang's double gold qualifications, they were relieved. If nothing else, Liu Fangfang would likely become a strong heavenly immortal in the future, a strong one in the same realm as the founder of the mountain.

"Disciple Liu Fangfang visits Master!" Liu Fangfang was overjoyed and hurriedly knelt down.

The youth nodded faintly, and then brought Liu Fangfang to the side.

The masters of Ling Kong and Lin Guang were unscrupulous, already knowing that Liu Fangfang was brought back by Lin Guang, with a triumphant smile on their faces.


Testing continues!

Next, the strongest thing that appeared was the faint silver light, barely able to enter the inner door.

Most of them are thick white and green light.

"Next, Lin Shuangshuang!"

"It's me!" Lin Shuangshuang smiled and ran up, then dripped a drop of blood.

In the next moment, a faint white light was emitted from the blood stone, almost the weakest among all people.

"Weak white light!"

Lin Shuangshuang didn't care either, and came to the talent test stone again, with a faint white light as well.

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