Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1109: Three extremely bad!

"Weak white light, very poor blood, very poor talent, and can become a handyman disciple!"

"Isn't it, there is a double pole difference, who brought this to my Jianyinmen? Isn't it a shame for my Jianyinmen?"

"This little girl looks good, but it's a pity."

There was another uproar on the court for an instant. Lin Guang saw this scene and glanced at Volley obliquely. Volley forced Lin Shuangshuang behind him with the mocking glances of the crowd.

A hint of anger flashed in Baili Wuxin's eyes, but after a glance at Liu Fangfang, his anger was suppressed.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Huahua tested it, which was also bipolar.

Volley again bit the bullet and brought it back.

Then Xiao Chen checked, it was also a double pole difference, and the volley almost cried, but there was no way, so he had to bring Xiao Chen back again.

Baili Wuliang looked at the three people behind Lingkong with a gloomy look, feeling the sneers cast by the other elders, and staring at Volley.

Seeing this scene, Lin Guang almost laughed when he was born. If it weren't for the time, he would have laughed.

There were no special circumstances in the subsequent tests. Except for Liu Fangfang, only two entered the inner door. The others were quite satisfactory. Of course, there were also three people with the worst talents, Xiao Chen.

They have no qualifications to become outer disciples. They can only become handyman disciples. In fact, the number of handyman disciples is the largest in Jianyinmen. They serve the entire Jianyinmen, clean the sect, and take care of the daily life of the outer disciples. Wait, all kinds of things are done by them.

Being marked with the identity of handyman disciples, they will be the objects that everyone can bully.

Baili smiled unscrupulously and sent away Senior Brother Lu and Liu Fangfang. His faces were full of joy. Now he could get a lot of rewards, but when he turned to see the three people behind Volley, the joy in his heart immediately turned into anger.

"Volley, how did you do things? You brought three wastes back. If Guang'er didn't bring back a genius, wouldn't the old man be laughed at by the other nine old guys!"

Baili unscrupulously shouted.

"Master to calm down his anger, Junior Brother Lingkong certainly didn't mean it. These people must have deceived Junior Brother Lingkong, and I don't know what method they used to bring in a human emperor."

Ling Kong hadn't spoken yet, Lin Guang had already said, but the words didn't mean to persuade at all, but were full of ridicule.

When his words fell, Baili Wuliang became even more angry. He also saw the cultivation level of Emperor Xiao Chen, and shouted at the volley: "Are you blind? This kind of waste is also brought into Jianyinmen, you are a sword. Is the hidden gate a garbage dump? You can go back to the handyman disciple for a hundred years, and I won’t be able to call it my apprentice in the future!"

"Master, listen to me to explain!" Volley was taken aback, and he didn't expect Baili Wuxin to make him a handyman disciple for a hundred years. Wouldn't it be that he wasted a hundred years of time and missed him?

"Explain what, get out of here!" Baili Wuliang didn't give Lingkong a chance to speak, and shouted directly.

"Junior brother, oh, no, you are no longer worthy of being my junior brother, so go and sweep the floor!" Lin Guang sneered.

"Fuck, the old man doesn't want to see you!" The voice fell, Baili Wuliang left directly, Lin Guang sneered, and hurriedly followed, leaving only the volley who was stunned.

"Grandma, that old man is so arrogant, do you want to beat him up?" Lin Huahua asked Baili's unscrupulous back.

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