Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1107: Blood test!

"Whether he is an illusion or reality, let's kill it first!"

Xiao Chen directly turned into a Baizhang Ice Eucharist.

"Ice Age!"

Firmly grasping the claws of a huge alien race with both hands, the next Ice Age will directly launch, centering on Xiao Chen, instantly all the alien races within a thousand meters are frozen.

"Emperor Yan!" Xiao Chen shouted in a low voice, turned directly into the blazing corpse, and the big fire ball hit it directly.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Tian turned into a huge stick, and every stick dropped, there was an ice sculpture shattered.

Bang bang bang!

Within a short period of time, more than a dozen alien races were killed, but more alien races in the distance also ran over.

"Nine-turn avatar!"

Xiao Chen yelled again, and the nine clones ran directly to the alien race in the distance. These clones were different from the previous clones. They could only last for three minutes.

Boom boom boom!

The war broke out instantly.

There was also a voice in Xiao Chen's mind.

"There are really kill rewards, and there are alien blood. This kind of thing can only be exploded in a hunting ground. I didn't expect it to be exploded here."

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen's heart moved, summoning Xiao Qing, throwing the foreign blood to it, Xiao Qing happily swallowed it, and soon Xiao Qing's breath rose again.

"Well, yes, if that's the case, then continue to kill!"

Xiao Chen greeted him and went directly to Xiaoqing.

After a little over an hour, the alien races in this grassland were slaughtered by Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen upgraded all the immortal powers to the other two systems, and Xiaoqing also reached the semi-immortal late stage.

As all the alien races disappeared, a black hole suddenly appeared in front of him, and Xiao Chen was suddenly sucked in. When he appeared again, he had already arrived at a square, and there were already many people in the square.

However, the number of people in the square was nearly half less than before, with fewer than five thousand people.

Xiao Chen quickly found Lin Shuangshuang and Lin Huahua in the crowd, and then came to them both.

"Brother, why are you so slow?" Lin Shuangshuang asked after seeing Xiao Chen.

"Nothing." Xiao Chen said casually: "By the way, what have you two experienced?"

"I didn't experience anything. We walked directly here." Lin Shuangshuang said, and Lin Huahua looked at Xiao Chen incomprehensibly.

"Oh." Xiao Chen suppressed the doubts in his heart, and then looked at the people around him, and then found that they were calm, some had lingering fears, some were angry, some were sad, and their expressions were very complicated.

After nearly ten minutes, the ten great elders reappeared, and the same elder said: "Two hours have passed. First of all, congratulations to you for becoming disciples of Jianyinmen. What is tested in this first level is your character. You will encounter various illusions, as long as you successfully pass the illusion, you can become the disciple of the sword hidden door.

"Illusion?" Xiao Chen was taken aback, but he clearly killed a real alien. How could this be an illusion?

Without waiting for Xiao Chen to figure it out, the elder has continued to speak, "Next, we will test your bloodline and cultivation talent. If your bloodline and cultivation talent are strong, you can directly enter the inner gate and start testing now!"

As the elder's voice fell, a disciple of the Jian Yinmen immediately brought up the stone monument for testing the bloodline and testing the talent of cultivation.

These stone tablets are the same as the common sword-shaped stone pillars in Jianyinmen. Then, a disciple immediately took out a record book and began to read the name for inspection.

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