Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1006: Bow down!

When the voice fell, two old figures suddenly appeared beside Old Blood Fiend. Although there was no aura on his body, his whole body was chilled.

He is an eight-fold powerhouse of the Immortal Emperor, but he hasn't discovered how the two appeared at all, and he doesn't even know if the two have been hidden here long ago or if they suddenly appeared.

"Thank you both."

Xiao Chen arched his hands.

In the next moment, two old figures, one holding the old blood evil demon's arm, disappeared in the next moment.

"Are you surrendered or dead?"

After the three of them disappeared, Xiao Chen's eyes fell on the remaining powerhouses of the Blood Fiend Sect, and their faint voice pulled back their thoughts.

Several powerful blood evil sects glanced at each other, instantly turned into a blood mist, fleeing in all directions, but how could they be opponents of ten people, they were quickly beheaded, and those who did not escape, they chose directly Surrender.

Not long after, the blood evil sect came to the strong man in Sky Star City, dead to death, and descending.

"Small friendly means!" Dongfang Jinlong brought the strong from the Dongfang family to the city wall of Star City, glanced at the ten people behind Xiao Chen, a dignified look flashed in his eyes.

"Senior said and laughed." Xiao Chen smiled lightly.

"The two seniors just now didn't know if they were...?" How could it be easy to subdue the old blood evil demon easily.

"The two of them are Senior Zongmen, I don't know if Senior is ready?" Xiao Chen explained at will, then changed the subject.

There was a member of the Eastern family in the Xuanbing Legion. After Xiao Chen used the lotus of creation to activate his bloodline concentration, Xiao Chen sent him to the Dongfang Clan, with a simple purpose, to form an alliance with the Dongfang Clan.

"I want to verify with my own eyes." Dongfang Jinlong said sternly. He had personally checked the power of that strong man's bloodline. It was indeed much stronger, and his combat power was at least doubled, but he did not believe that the bloodline could be activated so easily in the world. Things.

"of course!"

Xiao Chen smiled.


In the Star City, the Eastern Golden Dragon became a huge chimpanzee. After activating the bloodline, even if there is no real breakthrough, its combat power is no less than that of the ordinary Immortal Emperor Nine Layers.


The Eastern Golden Dragon roared up to the sky, and suddenly a golden dragon spouted from its mouth, hovering towards the sky, the golden dragon exuding terrifying power, and many people showed surprise.

"The gorillas vomited out the golden dragon attack, this won't mutate, will it?"

Xiao Chen looked at this scene and thought in his heart.

"Thank you little friend, I didn't expect him to have such a way to reach the sky."

The Oriental Golden Dragon turned into a man, with undisguised excitement on his old face.

"Senior is too good."

"What kind of senior is called, I will call me Old Man Dongfang from now on. By the way, let's form an alliance now!" Dongfang Jinlong said, with a bit of urgency in his tone. After seeing the strong man around Xiao Chen and the methods he used, he even had Thinking of the appearance of the Oriental Family Ding Sheng in the future, he is now desperate for an alliance.

Xiao Chen glanced at Dongfang Golden Dragon speechlessly, "I'll call you senior."

Calling Dongfang Old Man sounds weird.

"Well, then, since the little friend is afraid of making Dongfang old man uncomfortable, then we two will bow to each other. I will call you your second brother, and you will call my eldest brother!"

The Dongfang Golden Dragon patted Xiao Chen on the shoulder directly.

"That's fine."

Xiao Chen smiled.

After that, the two got up and burned incense, and bowed on the spot in front of the many powerhouses in the Star City and the strong from the East.

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