Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1005: Attack the blood evil sect!

Ten immortal emperors surrounded the powerhouses of the Blood Fiend Sect, and the powerhouses who had not left, and the Eastern Golden Dragon all looked over.

"It doesn't mean anything, this sect wants you to submit to the blood evil sect!"

Xiao Chen said lightly, he still has a task of cleaning up the Blood Demon Cult. The outside of the ancient battlefield has been cleaned up by the flame mad and the blood evil ancestors.

Although this task can only obtain killing points and pit immortals, this is what he needs most at the moment.

"Let the blood evil sect surrender to you, are you sure you are joking?" A strong hostility flashed in the eyes of the old demon blood, a layer of blood mist appeared on his body, and a layer of blood fog appeared on all the strong people of the blood evil sect.

"Blood Mist Dafa?" Xiao Chen narrowed his eyes, and then sneered: "Even if you all use the Blood Mist Dafa, your strength will be greatly increased, but so what, can you be their ten opponents? Even if you escaped. , How much combat power do you have left, and how long will it take to recover?"

Xiao Chen said lightly, his eyes were very calm. The Blood Mist Dafa is a famous skill of the Blood Demon Cult. It stimulates the blood qi absorbed in the body and achieves the effect of greatly increasing strength in a short period of time. However, the side effects are also great. After the effect of the Blood Mist Dafa is lost, they will Entering the exhausted area, the strength is less than half of the heyday, and the only way to recover is to constantly replenish the blood.

The reason why the Blood Demon Cult had everyone shouted at the beginning was because after they used the Blood Mist Dafa, they would frantically capture the strong and absorb the blood qi in their bodies, while the strong ones who were absorbed by the blood qi would turn into withered bones.

The old demon Xuesha changed his expression, his eyes were a little serious, and his voice stared at Xiao Chen coldly, "Who are you?"

"The Supreme Elder of the Sky Star Sect, Xiao Chen is also the Sect Master who destroyed the Blood Demon Sect Demon God Sect!"

"Demon God Sect, I thought it was just the same name. I didn't expect that it was the original Demon God Sect. However, as far as this seat knows, the power of the Monster God Sect can't fight in the Monster God Sect. There is no such thing as a Sect Master. Which Sect Master are you? ?"

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the old blood evil demon. His father was the protector of the blood demon sect. He died under the power of the Demon God Sect at the beginning. Therefore, the Demon God Sect was a mortal enemy to him. It is just a place in the Demon God State, which is very difficult to enter, otherwise he would have long been Bringing the powerful blood evil sect into the Demon God State, the Demon God Sect was destroyed.

"This sect has obtained the inheritance of the demon god. The purpose of this sect is very simple. It is to integrate the strong power of the original demon **** sect on the demon **** state, and then destroy the remnant party of the blood demon sect. Of course, this sect is kind and can give you a chance to surrender!"

Xiao Chen's voice was still flat, but it was full of undoubtedly.

Hearing this, the blood demon ancestor's eyes became more chilly, and he laughed: "Let us surrender to the power that destroyed us. You are not awake, and since you know that we are the blood demon sect, do you think Does our Blood Demon Cult only have this strength on the surface?"

The blood demon ancestor was completely angry. The blood demon sect and the demon **** sect were enemies of life and death. Now that Xiao Chen even let him surrender to his enemy, how could he not be angry.

Moreover, the Blood Demon Sect was the first power to rise at the beginning, and the three ancient tribes were far behind. Even if they were later annihilated by the Demon God Sect, the remaining heritage could not be caused by ordinary forces.

"Of course this sect knows that your Blood Demon Cult has an extraordinary background, but to put it bluntly, after so many years, there are only a few old immortals left. How long can they last?"

Xiao Chen sneered: "Moreover, do you think there are only ten of them in this sect?"

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