Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1007: Titled Immortal Emperor Strong!

After the two bowed, Dongfang Jinlong pulled a white-haired old man and said, "This is my ineffective son Dongfang Xiaolong. Call Uncle Xiao quickly."

Hearing that, the white-haired Dongfang Xiaolong, who had reached the sixth level of Immortal Emperor's strength, shouted at Xiao Chen with an embarrassed look: "Nephew Dongfang Xiaolong has seen Uncle Xiao.

Although Xiao Chen was also embarrassed, but after all he had been in contact a lot, just smiled and said, "Okay, good nephew!"

The corner of Dongfang Xiaolong's mouth couldn't help but the same was true for other strong people in the Dongfang family.

Although there are some old monsters with good looks in Xianyu who look younger, the Uncle Xiao in front of him is indeed only a teenager in his twenties.

"Oh, Dongfang Xiaolong, you guys are actually higher than me in generations, I don't accept it!" Suddenly Liehu said with an upset.

"Brother Liehu, what do you mean?" Dongfang Xiaolong asked somewhat puzzled.

"I call Shizu my Shizu, but you call me Shizu my uncle, aren't you one generation higher than me."

Liehu said very uncomfortably.

"We each give it to each other, how you called them before, or how you called them." Xiao Chen said.

"Second brother, what is going on, why would he call you Master?" Dongfang Jinlong asked with some doubts.

"This matter is too troublesome to explain, let's talk about it later, let's help other people activate the bloodline first." Xiao Chen smiled bitterly.

"That's right." Dongfang Jinlong didn't care, and directly called Dongfang Xiaolong to activate their bloodlines.

Soon, all the Eastern experts who came to Star City had their bloodlines activated, but to Xiao Chen’s shock, he still underestimated the mad ape’s bloodline. The fully activated mad ape’s bloodline increased not only in speed, strength, but also defense. , And there are special attributes, such as fire-breathing gorilla, ice-breathing gorilla, flying gorilla.

The Dongfang Golden Dragon was full of smiles. The Dongfang Xiaolong and other strong men looked at Xiao Chen with respect. Then Xiao Chen gave them another heavy news.

Xiao Chen used the sword of good fortune to raise the strength of several immortal emperor powerhouses to the peak of the immortal emperor, and then bestowed the emperor pill. After learning of the effect of the emperor pill, even the eastern golden dragon took a breath.

The mystery of Xiao Chen far exceeds their cognition.

When Xiao Chen helped the children of the Dongfang family, the two seniors of the Sirius family returned once again.

The four elders were thrown to the ground by two people, each with a bruised nose and swollen face, and the breath of the beating could not be gathered. At this moment, the four elders all looked scared.

"Elder Supreme, they are the four strongest of the Blood Fiend Sect. One is the first stage of the titled Immortal Emperor, one is the first intermediate titled Immortal Emperor, and the two are both low-ranking early titled Immortal Emperor."

"You two have worked hard," Xiao Chen said, secretly surprised.

He didn't expect that the Blood Demon Cult had such a strong lineup, which was completely beyond his thoughts.

Title Immortal Emperor is divided into early stage, middle stage and late stage.

Each period is divided into elementary, intermediate, advanced, and Dzogchen.

At the beginning, Qi Tianyu was the Dzogchen in the early stage of the titled Immortal Emperor, and in this fairyland, even if the power of the rules was not destroyed, the strongest was only the early stage of the titled Immortal Emperor.

How could Blood Demon Sect have the Dzogchen in the early stage of the titled Immortal Emperor?

The four elders of the Blood Demon Cult looked at the two seniors of the Sirius clan, stunned: "How can this be possible in the middle titled Immortal Emperor?"

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