Chapter 388 Natural Humans

  Invisible waves spread on the ancient power stone.

   The blood bead touched the power stone, but instead of sliding down it, it was swallowed by it.

   In an instant, the blood color spread, turning the original water blue ancient power stone into blood color.

   But it was only for a moment, the blood color faded, and it returned to the previous water blue.

  No, it should be said, bluer than the previous aqua blue.

   It is a very vital aqua blue, just by looking at it, you can feel the vigorous vitality of the ancient energy stone.

   "Life Force", an almost impossible word to describe "Power Stone", appeared in everyone's mind at the same time.

   Yes, life force.

   Just this moment, the ancient energy stone seemed to have vitality.

   Without waiting for everyone to see it clearly, Zero has shyly put away the ancient energy stone, withdrew it to his heart, and placed it safely.

   There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, obviously still the same face, obviously nothing changed, but I don't know why, it just gave people a feeling that this person was alive.

   In the past, no matter where Zero stood, everyone could clearly see that this was a robot.

Although the suffix of    robot is also the word "human", it is fundamentally different from human.

  Humans can easily recognize that this is a robot, a completely different species from them.

   But now, he clearly knows that Zero is a robot and the master of robots, but his mind seems to be saying that this is a person, a living person with strong vitality.

   They have completely lost sight of the difference between robots and humans, and even their brains are deceiving themselves to tell them that Zero is a human being, a human like them.

   But how is this possible?

The fact that   Zero is a robot is the consensus of the Empire.

How could    suddenly become human?

  No, not all of a sudden.

  Zero dropped a drop of baby's blood on the ancient power stone at his heart!

   Someone first thought of this and posted directly on the barrage.

  【Zero what did you do to the baby? What's so special about baby blood? 】

  Zero saw the barrage, and also saw Su Ruan's surprised eyes.

   He sorted out his uncluttered clothes, put his right hand on his heart, bent slightly towards Su Ruan, and said respectfully, "Master Su Ruan."

  Su Ruan: ? ? ?

   "Wait." Su Ruan said quickly, "Why do you call me master?"

  Zero stood up straight, and then explained: "If I didn't guess, the little master should be a natural human being."

  Su Ruan: ? ? ?

   is another unfamiliar noun.

   "What is a natural human being?" Su Ruan asked.

   Before Zero could answer, Lu Shinian, who was next to him, was the first to explain: "A completely atavistic human being."

  Lu Shinian's eyes fell on the baby who didn't know what happened and was sleeping soundly, and his eyes gradually became complicated.

   "After so many years of evolution, human beings have fewer and fewer genes from their ancestors."

   "Some people think it's natural selection, it's evolution."

   "Some people think that this is a punishment."

  Even if it was a federation, a federation with no associated beasts and no co-organization, the birth rate was also worrying.

   Even if there is no attrition, experts have done experiments and simulations to speculate that the birth rate will decrease over time, and it will drop to zero at a certain time, becoming the second empire.

   It is said that in the process of human evolution, the part of the gene that manages fertility is mistakenly regarded as a burden, especially for women.

  The female body after giving birth will always be accompanied by various problems, some of which are even life-threatening, so natural selection naturally thinks that this is a bad thing.

  In the process of selection and evolution, the gene in this aspect was eliminated.

   So fewer and fewer women are fertile, and the fertility rate is getting lower and lower.

   Now the empire is only covered by a fig leaf of the atavism period, and everything can be pushed to the atavism period, so there has been no large-scale disturbance so far.

   Of course, most people don’t know the reason for this, and only a very small number of high-level executives can see the two secrets.

  Lu Shinian is also one of them.

  The research on the federal side speculates that only people whose genes have not been completely changed can guarantee 100% pregnancy and childbirth, and such humans are also called "natural humans".

   I don't know if it's a secret consensus among humans, but the Empire actually calls such people "natural humans".

  Perhaps, this foreshadows something.

  Lu Shinian took back Piaoyuan's thoughts and said solemnly, "Turn off the live broadcast."

   Everyone in the live broadcast room didn't understand what was going on, and the live broadcast screen was pitch black.

   They can only frantically send barrages, asking what is a natural human being.

   Later, some kind people answered their doubts.

  【Natural humans, completely inherited the genes of our ancestors, atavistic humans who have not undergone cosmic evolution. 】

  【It is said that as long as natural humans want to get pregnant, they can get pregnant. 】

  【Baby, is the treasure of the empire. 】

   I don't know which big guy answered their doubts and left this sentence.

   For a time, the barrage was occupied by the phrase "Baby is the treasure of the empire".

   At the same time, in the testing room, Zero also dismissed the others, leaving only Su Ruan and Lu Shinian in the room.

   He agreed with Lu Shinian's words: "Yes, natural humans are humans who have not undergone evolution."

   "She has powers we can't imagine."

  The evolution of human beings to this stage can be said to have reached a certain bottleneck.

   Both the Empire and the Federation have their own problems, and the biggest problem is the birth rate.

   Compared to the two of them, Su Ruan was confused.

   "Then is this good or bad? Is there anything wrong with the baby's body?"

   Now both of them are silent.

  Su Ruan: ? ? ?

   "Not so good?" Su Ruan frowned slightly.

  Zero looked at Lu Shinian and motioned for him to explain.

  Lu Shiyou sighed softly, took Su Ruan's hand, and explained gently, "Natural human beings are human beings who are completely atavistic."

   "For the entire empire, nature is good."

   "But the problem is... Humans who haven't evolved will be more fragile."

   In other words, what is good for the entire empire or the Federation, but not necessarily good for the baby himself.

  The reason why human beings can occupy a place in this complex and mysterious universe is because of strong evolution.

   Those who have not evolved have already been eliminated in the long river of history.

   It can be said that the current environment is completely unsuitable for atavistic human life.

   So even Lu Shinian can't easily determine what the baby will be in the future.

   (end of this chapter)

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