Chapter 387 No Companion Beast Detected

   These words seem to wake up everyone present, and also wake up the audience in the live broadcast room.

  The screen is filled with barrage again.

  【There must be something wrong with the instrument! How can there be no mental power? 】

  【Who took the instrument? Can it be done in the end? Does the broken instrument harm the baby? This matter must be investigated! 】

   [Woooo, although I can't see the baby's little face, but I can see the baby's little feet, so cute! 】

  【Agree with the previous one! It looks so soft, I want to pinch it! 】

  【Change the instrument and test it again, I really want to see what the baby's companion animal looks like, it must be super cute! 】


   On the scene, Zero looked at the testing instrument in his hand, and a dense stream of data flashed through his blue eyes.

Someone next to    handed over a new testing instrument.

   He took it and tested it again.

   That sentence still popped up on the virtual screen in mid-air.

  【Undetected Companion Beast】

  The crowd was in an uproar.

   The first time was the instrument error, what about the second time?

   Or is there something wrong with the instrument?

   "Could it be that these instruments have not been used for a long time, so they are malfunctioning?"

  I don't know who said that.

   The barrage echoed.

  【Yes, it must be so. 】

   [Yes, after all, we haven't had a newborn in ten years, and these instruments must be eaten up there. 】

【Okay ah? If not, hurry up and build a new testing instrument. 】

   [That is, why is Wanlingxing so unreliable? It will definitely be possible to replace our Tianyanxing. 】

  【Our Firestar is not bad either. 】

  【Sorry, let’s forget about our Winter Stars, we are really poor. 】


  The style of the barrage is gradually deviating.

   Or, everyone dares not continue to think deeply, and can only divert their attention in this way.

   How could someone not have a companion beast?

   This is absolutely impossible in the history of the empire.

   There is no precedent, so invisible panic gradually rises in people's hearts.

  The instruments were changed one after another, but the words on the half-empty virtual screen never changed.

  【Undetected Companion Beast】A few big characters, like some kind of magic spell, pierced straight into people's hearts, and some even couldn't help crying.

  【Without a companion beast, will the baby die prematurely? 】

   I don't know who asked such a question on the barrage, which made everyone panic even more.

   The cubs they have been expecting for so many years, will they die?

   It can be said that the disappointment and despair accumulated over the years disappeared at the moment when the baby was born, and the rest was a surprise.

  The people of the Empire who have been waiting for many years believe that there are two babies if one is born.

  But if, if you die halfway...

   That is to give this huge surprise a despair, which is more cruel than years of waiting.

   Crying and despair spread.

   Even the testing room was filled with a depressing atmosphere.

  Su Ruan doesn't have much feeling about companion beasts. After all, there has never been such a thing as a companion beast in the Federation. That is, after she came to the empire, she knew there was such a thing.

   Even so, the depressing and desperate atmosphere at the scene still affected her.

   She frowned subconsciously, and wanted to say that they were from the Federation and had no companion beasts, but considering that the situation between the two countries is currently unknown, these words were stuck in her throat and did not happen.

   Lu Shinian, who was next to him, seemed to have sensed Su Ruan's thoughts. He took her into his arms, lowered his head, put him in her ear, and whispered, "Our baby will be healthy."

   "Yes." Su Ruan replied in a low voice.

   At the same time, Zero, who was the chief prosecutor, suddenly said, "Su Ruan, can I draw some baby's blood for testing?"

   Blood was never used in the newborn test, so Zero asked Su Ruan for his opinion.

   His question left many people confused.

  【Why do you want to draw your baby's blood? The baby is already miserable without a companion beast! 】

【that is! Babies don't know how long they can live, why are they so cruel! 】

  【Robots just have no heart! That's abominable! woohoo

  【Our robot swears to support the zero adults and the baby! 】

  【Bah! Robots have no hearts! 】

  【Heart is a power stone, much better than you despicable adults, thank you. 】


  The barrage started arguing again for some unknown reason.

  The robots who have always only watched the battle even joined the barrage battle.

   What happened on the barrage, Su Ruan and the others don't know.

  Su Ruan was also very puzzled as to why Zero wanted to draw blood, and asked, "Why do you want to draw blood all of a sudden?"

  Zero did not answer Su Ruan's question, but promised: "I only take a drop, please promise me."

   He even used honorifics.

   also bent down, bowing at a standard 90 degrees, full of sincerity.

   Drawing a drop of blood has no effect on the baby, and Su Ruan is also a little worried about other abnormalities in the baby. After all, the medical treatment of this empire is more developed than that of the Federation, so maybe it can detect what is written.

  Thinking of this, Su Ruan nodded and replied, "Yes."

  Zero thanked again, and then used a professional blood collection needle, which really took just a drop of blood.

   Then, in front of the live broadcast camera, Zero directly turned on his heart switch.

There is the only ancient energy stone in the empire. It is said that this energy stone was brought from the ancient blue star by people who escaped from the ancient blue star thousands of years ago. This energy stone is also the power core of the ancient blue star. .

  No one knows how much energy it has, only that thousands of years later, it can still provide energy to the master of the zero robot.

   And it is said that the reason why Zero can awaken his self-consciousness is also because of this ancient power stone.

   There were countless people who wanted to take it away, but they were all well protected by Zero.

  I didn't expect to see this power stone with my own eyes in this live broadcast room today.

   Unlike all power stones, this power stone is a spherical shape, showing aqua blue with faint lines on it, very similar to the ancient blue star in people's ancient memory.

  Behind the screen, I don't know how many people's breathing became cautious.

  Ancient Blue Star, this concept that only exists in textbooks, they will be able to see it with their own eyes one day.

  Although it is only a core, it is also possible to imagine how beautiful and moving the ancient blue star that is thousands of years old.

The    barrage seemed to disappear from the live broadcast screen. At this time, no one was willing to say a word.

   They all widened their eyes, held their breath, and looked at the miniature of the ancient blue star seriously and carefully.

   Even at the inspection site, the sound of breathing became much slower.

  Zero didn't seem to know what other people were thinking, so he picked up the blood needle, pushed it gently, and dropped the baby's blood on the ancient energy stone.

   (end of this chapter)

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