Chapter 389 Baby is a miracle

  Su Ruan fell into deep thought after listening to Lu Shinian's explanation.

  Babies are undoubtedly special.

   But equally, she is also special.

   She has not only human blood, but also Zerg genes, as does Lu Shinian.

   Lu Shinian, who fused the Zerg Queen's Spiritual Sea, is also a combination of Zerg and humans in a certain way.

   And the combination of her and Lu Shinian gave birth to a completely atavistic natural human being, that is, a baby.

   Genetically speaking, this is almost impossible.

   This almost means that babies inherit only the very few atavistic genes that exist in them, which is a miracle genetically speaking.

  Su Ruan clenched Lu Shinian's big hand and whispered, "What a miracle."

  Lu Shinian pinched Su Ruan's little face and comforted: "Ruan Ruan is the biggest miracle."

   At least in his mind.

  Zero watched the interaction between the two, and the smile on his face showed a touch of reality.

   "The little master is indeed a miracle."

   He looked at Su Ruan and agreed with Lu Shinian's words, "But master, you are also a miracle."

   He faintly noticed that Su Ruan and Lu Shinian were not from the empire.

   There must be other human gathering places outside the empire.

   And Su Ruan and Lu Shinian should be the people there.

   But Zero doesn't care about that, he's not completely loyal to humans.

   Or more accurately, he only serves humans who can make his heart beat.

   is the baby.

   He is only loyal to her, even though the current baby is still a baby who doesn't understand anything.

  Zero looked at the sleeping baby, lowered his head slowly, and said solemnly, "I am completely loyal to the little master."

  Su Ruan:…

   She understood why Zero suddenly called him master.

   Dare to love is a matter of the way, who made her the mother of the baby?

  I didn't expect the baby to be so young that her mother would be taken care of by the baby.

  Su Ruan couldn't help laughing, "Baby has everyone's love and will definitely live a good life."

  She has not been all smooth sailing since she was a child. It can even be said that her life is in danger every moment, but she is still living a good life.

   She has a doting husband, a well-behaved and cute baby, as well as her parents and brothers. She is happy with everything now, and she also believes that the baby will be healthy and happy.

  Lu Shinian also agreed with Su Ruan's words.

   "Baby will grow up healthy and healthy."

  Zero also said affirmatively: "Yes."

   "I will always protect the little master."

  Xu is that their voices disturbed the baby. The baby opened his eyes ignorantly, he didn't cry or make trouble, he just stretched out his fleshy little hands and wanted to hug the handsome big brother in front of him.

  Zero had already loaded hundreds of T's of parenting information, and when he saw the baby stretched out his hand, he hurriedly bent down, picked her up, and coaxed her lightly.

Su Ruan looked at Ling, then at the baby in Ling's arms, and at her empty hands, the corners of her mouth twitched, she leaned into Lu Shinian's ear, and whispered, "Why do I think Ling is like that mother? "

  Lu Shinian laughed helplessly, "Also, the posture of zero-holding the baby is better than yours."

  Su Ruan: ? ? ?

   "Are you blaming me?" She snorted softly, "I'm angry."

   "Your cutest baby is angry!"

  Lu Shinian took the person into his arms and coaxed softly, "After all, my cute little baby can only hug me."

   "The baby has zero care, we can rest assured, can't we?"

  The core program of the robot is full of "loyalty", which is much better than that of humans.

   After all, human beings are too complex, even though they are human beings, but sometimes human beings go bad, they are unpredictable.

  Compared to humans, robots are much more predictable.

  Su Ruan looked at the baby who was coaxed happily by Ling, and nodded.

  The birth of the baby was beyond her expectations. She was not ready to be a mother, and she did not know whether she could fulfill the responsibility of a mother and give her enough maternal love.

   She is also having a baby for the first time, and she is still learning everything.

   She doesn't have any big wishes, she just hopes that the baby can grow up healthy and healthy. As for other things, she can't force it.

   At this time, Su Ruan didn't notice that her gaze towards the baby was full of maternal love.

   That is the mother's love that she is still groping but seems to be born with.


   The sudden interruption of the live broadcast room made the whole empire go crazy.

   People are constantly asking what is a "natural human being". After being popularized by science, I don't know who made such remarks online now.

  【Is it because we have evolved too fast for our low fertility rate? 】

   There are tens of thousands of comments under this blog.

  【I think so, doesn't it say that the more powerful it is, the harder it is to have children? 】

  【Alas, sometimes evolution is not a good thing. 】

  【But if we don’t evolve, how are we going to survive in this dangerous universe? Let’s not talk about it, let’s talk about those star beasts, how can they survive if they don’t evolve? 】

  【Agree with the previous one, let’s not say anything about the star beasts and zerg, just say that in this harsh natural environment, how can you survive without evolution? The universe is originally the survival of the fittest. Only by living can it be inherited, otherwise everything is empty talk. 】

  【Everything has two sides, even multiple sides, so you can’t generalize them all. 】

  【But...I really want a child of my own. 】


  The people of their generation are not worth mentioning in the long river of history, but living in the present, they just want to have such a small wish.

   Having a child of his own, watching him grow up, that kind of happiness and satisfaction cannot be replaced by anything.

  Xingwang fell into silence for a while.

   Until a blogger with only two or three followers posted a post.

  【I'm pregnant! ! 】

  Three exclamation marks are enough to see the excitement of his bloggers.

   The blogger Xingbo, who originally only had two or three fans, would not be seen by others so quickly, but the word "pregnancy" means that all the people in the empire put it at the top of Xingbo's "special attention words".

   As soon as her star blog was posted, it was instantly talked about on the star network of the people of the empire.

   In just two seconds, everyone flocked to this star blog.

  【? ? ? 】

  【! ! 】

【Really? Are you sure? What planet is the blogger on now? Just found out you're pregnant? How many months? 】

【Ah ah ah ah ah! I'm so anxious, can anyone tell me where the blogger is now! 】

  【woo woo woo, blogger, look at me, can you tell me how I got pregnant? 】


   In just one minute, the number of retweets exceeded one million, and it showed a rapid upward trend.

   At the same time, Su Ruan also saw this blog.

   (end of this chapter)

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