Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1469: delivered to your door

   Chapter 1469 Self-delivery

  Shui Liu opened his mouth and said, "King lord, I think we have to continue the performance now."

   "Go on?"

   "Yes, according to my master's instructions, after slowly digging out some people, we will catch them all in one net." Shui Liu explained, but the king couldn't wait to say, "I think so."

"Lord, I know that you want to make my master an official immediately, but my master likes freedom, and my master only wants to clean up the people of Qin, and has no other extra thoughts, so wait, don't give him too much reward, Just walk through the motions." Shui Liu explained.

  The king was a little depressed when he heard this, "He, really doesn't want any officials?"

   "The lord, my master, doesn't like bondage."

   "Well, wait and see what your master wants." The lord of the country was a little lost, but at this moment in the city, because of Song Qu and the palace lord Yan, all over the city, even the ministers were hotly discussing.

  Lin Tian was also led by the President of the Executive Court and came to the palace to meet the lord.

   There are many people present at the moment, the lord still pretended to be very calm, and cooperated, "This, you are the Lin Shenyi?"

   "Yes." Lin Tian wanted to laugh when he saw the excitement of the king and pretended to be calm.

The    king continued, "You helped us catch some traitors, what reward do you want?"

   "Reward? Then give me some colorful stones." Lin Tian simply said, and the king said excitedly, "Tell me, how much do you want."

   "Well, 10 billion." Lin Tian said, and 10 billion is a small problem for a country lord, so the country lord immediately asked the Minister of Finance to give Lin Tian 10 billion.

   Then the king asked, "Do you need anything else?"

"no need."

  The king asked again, "I really don't need it?"

   "Well, no need."

  The king had no choice but to say, "Well, if you need anything in the future, just come to the palace and ask me for it."

   "Thank you." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he performed a show in front of the ministers, then left here, and the news spread quickly.

   made a lot of treasonous people relieved, because they were deeply afraid that Lin Tian would control the power, so these people have been uneasy.

   But now Lin Tian only took a little multi-colored stone, but they didn't have any real power in the water country, they were relieved.

   But when the third prince and the fourth prince heard what happened, they were both dumbfounded, especially the fourth prince said, "This, the Lord of the Palace of Hell."

  The third prince got serious, then got up one by one and said, "Go, go back to the mansion."

   "Well." The fourth prince knew that the matter was not trivial, so he hurriedly followed the third prince and left, while the eighth prince, Shui Wu said there, "This Hall Master Yan is actually from the Qin country?"

   The eighth prince sighed, "I didn't expect that the person who is with us every day is actually from the Qin state."

  Master Fu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Your master has contributed a lot this time."

  The eighth prince smiled after hearing this, "Yes, my master is a great hero this time."

   But after a while, there was news from someone who said what happened to Lin Tian in the palace, the eighth prince wondered, "Master only needs colorful stones?"

   Shui Wu was stunned, "Why is this kid so stupid?"

Master   Fu didn't understand, "No, this is a good opportunity to ask for a high official."

   Not only these people, but many people were also curious about how Lin Tian only wanted the colorful stone, and after the third prince and others returned to the mansion, the third prince came to a secret room, took out the sound transmission stone, and contacted Hall Master Yan.

   Palace Master Yan said there, "Three princes, I'm fine for the time being, you don't need to worry."

  The third prince said angrily, "You almost killed me, you know?"

   "Three princes, what's the matter?" Palace Master Yan wondered, and the third prince said angrily, "If this is found on my head, it means that I am also a treason, and then I will be in big trouble."

   Palace Master Yan comforted, "Third prince, don't worry, even if I am caught someday, I won't tell you about you."

  The third prince was relieved after hearing this, but he said resentfully, "This kid, let you and Song Qu be arrested at once, and my power in the capital will be greatly weakened."

   Palace Master Yan reluctantly said, "Commander Song is the guardian of the palace, and I am of the prince's palace, and the youth palace and the executive court are not yours, the third prince. It seems that it will be difficult for the third prince to ascend to the throne in the future."

  The third prince said, "No, I will definitely take the crown of the prince, so that I don't have to guard the palace and the prince's palace, and I can also take the position."

   "That being said, but in the first five levels, the Eighth Prince is already far ahead. It's very difficult if you want to win later."

  The third prince hummed, "I'm not one to admit defeat so easily."

   "Three princes, what are your plans?"

   "You contacted Qin, and asked them to get rid of that kid for me no matter what, otherwise I wouldn't cooperate with them," said the third prince.

   Palace Master Yan responded, "Third prince, don't worry, I have contacted the imperial envoy of the Qin State, and I will meet him soon."

   "Okay, let's go."

  The Hall Master Yan then disconnected the third prince, and at the moment he was hiding outside the city, and quickly contacted the imperial envoy, "My identity has been exposed."

  The scout Yushi was already Lin Tian's person, but he also pretended to be on the other side of the sound transmission stone, covered his face, turned into a black shadow, and said, "Exposed? What's going on?"

   Palace Master Yan explained one by one and said, "Now the third prince wants me, hurry up and ask your Qin people to deal with that kid, otherwise he won't cooperate with you."

   "Oh, this is threatening me?"

The Palace Master Yan immediately said, "Yushi, you should know that now my identity is exposed, the Prince's Palace will soon be replaced by others, and the Guard Palace, the Executive Court, and the Juvenile Palace will not listen to your Qin, so now the only one The solution is to support the third prince to be the crown prince, but that genius doctor is an obstacle and must be removed, otherwise."

   "Okay, don't say it, I know it all."

   "Thank you so much for the Censor." The Palace Master Yan was excited, but the Censor asked, "Where are you now?"

   "I'm outside the capital city."

   "I'll give you an address, you can find me there, and we'll chat face-to-face." The scout Yushi said, and Hall Master Yan said excitedly, "Okay."

  Who would have thought that the scout Yushi told Lin Tian what happened, but Lin Tian smiled, went outside the city, and found a place, made a formation, and then added a painting.

But the painting was under the cover of Lin Tian, ​​so that it could not be seen that it was a painting there, so Hall Master Yan walked into the painting according to the address given by the scout Yushi, with a puzzled look on his face, "Why are there demons everywhere. "

  Lin Tian closed the entrance of the painting, and then said with a smile inside the painting, "Dianzhu Yan, you are here."

   Palace Master Yan was shocked when he heard this voice, "Why are you?"

   "What? Don't you want to see me?" Lin Tian walked out of the misty mist and asked with a smile while standing in front of him.

   (end of this chapter)

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