Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1468: shoot yourself in the foot

   Chapter 1468 Shooting yourself in the foot

  Everyone never thought that Lin Tian, ​​a genius doctor, could be so terrifying.

   But at this moment, a group of guards appeared nearby, and besides this, even the commander Song Qu was there.

   That Song Qu shouted after seeing the people lying down, "What happened?"

After the people around    talked about it, Song Qu pretended to know something, and then hummed, "Give me all these masked people who make trouble."

   "Yes." The guards responded and went up, ready to take down those people, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "Don't worry, let them speak."

   It was impossible for Song Qu to let them talk, and stared at Lin Tiandao, "Boy, what do you mean?"

   "I want to know what their origins are." Lin Tian said, while Song Qu said, "The one who killed the Immortal Hall, didn't you listen to everyone?"

   "If it was to kill the Immortal Hall, would you dare to arrest them?" Lin Tianxiao asked this Song Qu, and Song Qu shouted, "Why don't you dare, as long as there is trouble here, I will arrest them."

  Lin Tian smiled, "I hope you can remember what you said, don't kill the people from the Immortal Hall when you come, and you slip away."

   "Impossible, how can I go?" Song Qu bragged, but Lin Tian crouched down and put one hand on the leader's forehead.

   At this moment, he was seriously injured and couldn't struggle at all, but he still threatened there, "I will kill the Temple of Immortals, and I will definitely not let you go."

  Lin Tian smiled without saying a word, but the next moment, the picture changed, and he quickly changed his words, "I didn't kill the Immortal Palace, I belonged to the Qin State, and the Palace Master of the Imperial Palace and the Palace Master Yan came to kill."

   As soon as these words came out, the scene immediately became lively, and some people shouted, "This, how did this Qin people collude with the Hall Master Yan?"

   "Could it be that this Hall Master Yan has something to do with Qin State?"

   All of a sudden, the place was lively, but Song Qu's expression changed greatly, and he still stared at Lin Tiandao, "Boy, did you cast a spell on him? Made him crazy?"

   "Spellcasting? I'll find out when I send him to the enforcement court." Lin Tian believed in the enforcement court, so he smiled at Song Qu.

   But Song Qu refused, "He's making trouble here, so he has to leave it to me."

   "You can take it away, let's talk about it." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he grabbed the man and went to the enforcement court, while Song Qu cursed, "Damn it."

   But the expression of Hall Master Yan in the dark changed greatly, and he quickly got someone to kill that Lin Tian in the dark.

   But those people couldn't kill Lin Tian at all. Instead, Lin Tian made it easy for him to tell the court, and smiled at the dean, "I'll leave it to you."

  The dean didn't know what was going on at first, but when he heard the whole thing, he widened his eyes and said, "What? Hall Master Yan and Qin Guo colluded?"


   The dean hesitated and said, "I'll go tell the king, you, you wait."

   After the dean finished speaking, he immediately turned around and left, while Lin Tian sat down, but after a while, Song Qu came with someone, and shouted for Lin Tian to hand over them.

  Lin Tian said with a smile, "The people who enforce the court have already gone to the lord of the country. If you want someone, wait until the lord of the country comes."

   Hearing this, Song Qu's face changed greatly, "You."

   "Or is it that General Song is also related to the state of Qin?" Lin Tian asked Song Qu with a smile, and Song Qu immediately dismissed the relationship, "I'm not."

   After finishing speaking, Song Qu immediately fled with people in despair, and the Hall Master Yan, who was near the executive court, immediately asked Song Qu what was going on.

After explaining the whole thing, Song Qu said, "Dianzhu Yan, this is too sudden, you, hurry up and hide it first, or the country lord will definitely send someone to ask you to question, and if you find out something, you will definitely not let you. go."

   Palace Master Yan gritted his teeth and said, "It seems that I can only hide for a while."

   So Hall Master Yan snorted angrily and left, while Song Qu scolded, "This kid, this is really abominable, and he killed Hall Master Yan in one fell swoop."

   However, at this moment, the country lord also received the news of what happened in the city, and saw him looking at the water flow, "National teacher, what do you think?"

   "The lord, you should have seen something." Shui Liu looked at the lord, and the lord was not a fool, especially he also had members of the Secret Academy, who were distributed in the city.

   Therefore, he knew what was going on in the city, so the country lord became gloomy and ordered the president of the executive court, "Go, call the palace lord Yan and the commander Song, and the palace lord Cang to me."


   About a while later, Song Qu and Cang Palace Master came, but the country lord was puzzled, "Where's Yan Palace Master?"

   The president of the executive court said helplessly, "I didn't find him."

  The king got up in anger, "Are you guilty?"

   The Cang Palace Master was puzzled, "Lord, what happened?"

  The lord of the country told everything that happened just now, and the lord of the Cang Palace was shocked and looked at Song Qu, "Song Qu, is there any such thing?"

   "I, I just heard about it." Song Qu said quickly, but the country lord stared at Song Qu and said with a smile, "Just heard about it? But I heard that Commander Song appeared there for the first time."

  Song Qu said nervously, "Lord, I don't know what you want to say."

"Dare to argue? Do you think I'm a blind man from the secret academy? When such a big thing happened, the people in your **** team didn't show up until those people were taken down, and you just happened to be there, Didn't you and Yan Palace Master plot to hurt people together?"

   "The country, the country's lord, I, I just happened to pass by."

   "Oh? Then do you want me to invite someone to examine your memory." The king asked, and Song Qu knew that once his memory was examined, his secret would be known.

   So Song Qu became anxious, "The lord of the country, I, I was wrong, it was the lord of the palace who persecuted me."

   "To persecute you?"

   "Yes, Hall Master Yan asked me to do this." That Song Qu hurriedly explained, but Hall Master Cang said angrily, "Song Qu, Song Qu, you are the commander, to actually do such a thing."

  Song Qu said nervously, "Palace Master Cang, you, you must intercede for me."

   Hall Master Cang shook his head helplessly, "This is a big deal."

  Song Qu was completely dumbfounded, and the country lord said coldly, "Palace Lord Cang ordered to revoke Song Qu's identity, and then escorted him to the prison and handed it over to the court for questioning. We must find out Palace Lord Yan and all those who are related to Qin."

"Yes, I will definitely find the Hall Master Yan." The Hall Master Cang reported that the country lord looked at the President of the Executive Court, "Go, tell the genius doctor, I thank him, and bring him to see me. As for the killer, first Shut it down."


   Soon Hall Master Cang and the President of the Executive Court withdrew. As for Song Qu, he shouted, "Master, I have wronged me."

   But Cang Palace Master brought him a magic weapon of locking spirit, which made Song Qu unable to release his spiritual energy at all, so he could only shout madly there.

   Until these people left, the country lord suddenly laughed, "National teacher, you said that this Yan Palace Lord and others are too difficult to be lonely, and they shot so quickly."

   "Then I have to thank my master for his many stimulations, and finally let them expose themselves." The water flow said with a smile, and the king laughed, "Yes, I will thank him later."

   (end of this chapter)

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