Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1470: really come

   Chapter 1470 is really here

   Palace Master Yan was completely frightened when he saw Lin Tianzhenrong, and then looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Why are you here?"

   For Lin Tian to be here, Hall Master Yan never dreamed of it.

  Ke Lin Tian smiled slightly, "Have you figured it out yet?"

   Hall Master Yan's eyes were terrified, "No, it's impossible, this place was told by the censor to come, and you."

   "Are you talking about the spy from Qin?"


"He was taken down by me long ago and became my person." Lin Tian smiled and looked at Palace Master Yan, but Palace Master Yan paled in shock, "How is it possible that the Qin country will kill you, how could he become your person. "

   "I said, I took him down."

   "No, he has a soul shackle, and outsiders can't take him down at all." Hall Master Yan retorted, and Lin Tian smiled at him, "Why? Don't you believe in my ability so much?"

   Palace Master Yan's mind was in chaos until he calmed down and snorted, "Boy, then I'll kill you."

   "Kill me? Are you sure you have the ability?"

   "Hmph, how can I say, I'm also the Palace Master of the Prince's Palace. You don't have to doubt my strength." That Palace Master Yan believed in himself, while Lin Tian smiled, "That's fine, I'll show you how powerful I am."

   After finishing speaking, there were countless ghostly shadows behind Lin Tian. Seeing those ghostly shadows, Hall Master Yan said, "Don't think this can scare me."

  Lin Tian smiled evilly, "You can enjoy it slowly."

   In the next moment, these ghost shadows surrounded the main body of Yan Palace, and these ghost shadows from the main company of Yan Palace, who knew that these ghost shadows penetrated into the main body of Yan Palace.

   Palace Master Yan thought it was just an ordinary ghost at first, but these ghosts were so powerful that his soul couldn't resist at all, so he could only retreat to the corner.

  Lin Tian manipulated and said, "As for me, with just one command, these ghost shadows will destroy your soul."

   Palace Master Yan was frightened, "Boy, what do you want?"

   "I, it's very simple, I want you to go back to the city and wait to be arrested." Lin Tian smiled at him, while Hall Master Yan widened his eyes, "You, do you want me to be arrested?"

   "What? Is there a problem?"

   Palace Master Yan said anxiously, "Boy, if I get caught, I'll be finished."

   "Oh? Afraid that the people of the Water Kingdom will retaliate against you?"

   "Nonsense, they will definitely try their best to read my memory, don't tell my secrets, and they will know about you taking over the censor." In order to survive, Hall Master Yan said everything that could happen.

  Lin Tian muttered after hearing this, "That's right, it's all possible."

   Palace Master Yan continued to persuade him, "You can be both a cow and a horse, but don't hand me over to Shuiguo."

   "Really anything?"

   "Yes." Hall Master Yan nodded wildly, while Lin Tian smiled and said, "That's fine, come to me first."

   This Hall Master Yan wondered what Lin Tian wanted to do, until Lin Tian smiled at him and pointed a finger. When Hall Master Yan was imprinted with a soul imprint, Lin Tian took the ghost back.

   Palace Master Yan had a demented look on his face, and even at this moment, he couldn't believe that he had lost, and he didn't even have the ability to resist.

  Lin Tian, ​​who looked at him like this, said, "Okay, now you can go."


   "Yes, continue to hide, I will find you again if necessary." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he took him out of the painting, put away the painting, and left.

   Palace Master Yan stared at Lin Tian's back and sighed, "Who the **** is this guy!"

   As for Lin Tian, ​​he returned to the city, and Hall Master Yan solved it, and Song Qu was also taken down.

  I thought it would be clean, but after entering the city for a while, people nearby suddenly ran into the house, as if something terrible had happened, and then the street where Lin Tian was located was suddenly empty.

   "Empty?" Lin Tian was suspicious, and the people nearby all detoured, not daring to run here.

  Lin Tian opened his consciousness and found that at one end of the street, there were some people, and these people were all pretentious, and some people were holding waist cards at the same time.

  Lin Tian took a closer look and found that these people were very bloody, and the words "Killing the Immortal Hall" were engraved on the token.

   Not only that, but someone also issued a warning sound to the surrounding, "Kill the Immortal Hall to do things, no one should approach, or they will die."

  Lin Tian smiled slightly when he saw this, "It's finally here."

   Killing the Temple of Immortals, Lin Tian originally thought that he had destroyed the Temple of Killing, and the other party would come immediately, but as a result, a group of fake ones came, and now a group of real ones appeared.

  But Lin Tian didn't take these people seriously, but the people hiding nearby whispered in the dark, "This time it's the people who really killed the Immortal Hall."

   "Yes, all of them are terrible."

   "No, the immortal energy emanating from the body is the same as that of a real immortal."

   At this time, the guards of the temple came, and the leader of the temple was Cangdian.

  Because Lin Tian provoked the matter of Killing Immortal Hall, he also knew, but at the moment it happened in the city, he had to come forward, so he stepped forward, but Killing Immortal Hall stopped him.

   One person also said proudly, "No one is allowed to step in."

   "This is our country of water. You kill the Immortal Palace, and you want to make trouble and go to other places." What the Cang Palace Master said was not at all confident, because he knew how terrible these people were.

As for the people who killed the Immortal Hall, they all showed their disdain, especially when a young man's voice came from a teahouse, "Shuiguo, you better not interfere, or believe it or not, I will slaughter the whole city of you. ?"

   The Cang Hall Master looked ugly, "I heard that the Temple of Immortals will be killed, and he will never kill innocent people himself."

   "That's the case, but we want to arrest people. If someone blocks it, that's another story." said the person in the teahouse who had never been seen.

   Hall Master Cang was about to say something when Lin Tian smiled and said, "Hall Master Cang, you should lead someone back. This group of guys belongs to me, so don't interfere."

   Everyone didn't expect that Lin Tian didn't need the help of Cang Hall Master and others, and the people in the teahouse smiled and said, "Boy, you still have the backbone."

   "I dare to provoke you, of course I'm not afraid of you." Lin Tian stared at the teahouse, and saw that there was a constant fog inside the teahouse.

   In that fog, the people inside laughed, "I'm afraid you don't know much about the strength of our Temple of Killing Immortals."

   "I don't need to know."

   "Boy, you are crazy."

   "I'm not crazy, it's just that you provoked me by killing the Immortal Palace, so I won't be polite." Lin Tian said with a smile, but the man sneered, "Provoked you?"

"Is not it?"

   "You destroyed our Killing Temple, should you be the one who provokes us first?" The other party asked back, and Lin Tianxiao said, "It's you who often publish killer missions to deal with me."

   "We are only responsible for releasing the mission, and we are not involved in killing people." The man defended, but Lin Tian smiled strangely, "This is called non-participation? Then what is called participation?"

   "We are just a place to do business, a place to kill, buy and sell, but if you kill someone, it really has nothing to do with us killing the Immortal Hall."

  Lin Tian smiled, "Do you dare to kill the Immortal Hall? It's a bit of a tortoise."

   These words immediately stimulated the people who were present to kill the Immortal Hall, causing them to shout one by one, "Boy, say it again? Believe it or not, I will smash your tongue!"

   (end of this chapter)

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