Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1431: Benefits for asking for help

   Chapter 1431 Welfare for Asking for Help

  Shui Wu was overjoyed upon hearing this, "We won."

  The Eighth Prince did not expect that he would win like this, and the Cang Palace Master said, "The teleportation formation is still in its original position in the city, you can go back the same way."

   After Shui Wu and others expressed their kindness, Cang Palace Master left, but Qiuyue looked at Lin Tian, ​​"This son, I think you are good at it, can you do me a favor."

"help you?"

   "Yes, help me find that evil fox." Qiuyue knew that if Lin Tian could find her own spirit beasts, there would be a way to find the evil fox.

  Lin Tian laughed after hearing this and said, "As a person, I don't trade at a loss."

  Everyone was shocked when they heard this, and in the observation deck, the king said with a smile, "This guy, isn't he the one who intends to blackmail Tiantongmen?"

   Yan Palace Master said, "This kid, just offended the person who killed the Immortal Palace, don't hurry up and help others?"

   As for Qiuyue, she said, "If you are willing to help me, I am willing to give you a copy of our unique centennial spirit beast element in Tiantongmen."

   Spirit Beast Yuan? When everyone heard this, they were shocked again, and Master Fu stammered, "It is rumored that a hundred years of spirit beast essence is equivalent to a thousand years of human cultivation?"

   "Yes, this one I gave is a hundred years of spirit beast essence."

  Master Fu looked at Lin Tian excitedly, "Boy, this is a good thing."

  Shui Wu's face was also bright, and Lin Tian smiled, "Is it so magical?"

   "Yes." The Qiuyue affirmed, while Lin Tian nodded, "That's fine, I'll make arrangements."

After    finished speaking, Lin Tian looked at Shui Wu, the Eighth Prince and Master Fu, "The three of you will go back to the Prince's Palace first, I will stay here for a few days."

   Shui Wu didn't want to leave, she wanted to see how the evil fox was doing, but Lin Tian looked at the Eighth Prince, "Take her back."

   "Yes, Master."

  The eighth prince immediately pulled hard, and finally took Shui Wu away, while Lin Tian looked at the sky, "Everyone, don't monitor me anymore."

   At this moment, everyone in the observation platform had already heard that the hundred-year-old spirit beast was demented in Yuanshi, until Shuiliu said, "Lord, it's over."

  The king's kindness made people close the formation, and said to the water at the same time, "Go to the secret courtyard and talk about finding the evil fox, leave it alone for the time being, and let this genius doctor handle it."

  Shui Liu said kindly, but Yan Palace Master didn't want Lin Tian to benefit, so he opened his mouth and said, "Lord of the country, this evil fox is evil by nature and will hurt people everywhere. If it is not resolved quickly, it will threaten the people of our water country."

   "Didn't the genius doctor just say it? He will handle it."

   Palace Master Yan said, "No matter how skilled he is, he can't catch that evil fox."

   "Whether you have the ability, you will know when the time comes." After the country lord finished speaking, he left, and the palace lord Yan cursed inwardly, but he still quickly passed the news to the third prince and others.

   At this moment, all the princes and princesses in the city heard that the mission was over, and after the eighth prince and the ninth princess received the reward, they all ran wild.

   But after the Lord Yan passed the situation to the third prince, the third prince passed the news to other princes and princesses.

   The fourth prince asked curiously, "Brother Sanhuang, did you tell everyone the news?"

   "The demon fox, we didn't find it, but the evil fox, don't let that kid get there first." The third prince said coldly.

  The fourth prince laughed immediately, "Brother Sanhuang, I know what you mean."

   "Look for the evil fox well, and definitely don't give that kid a chance." The third prince snorted, but he wondered if he could find Qiuyue to exchange the centennial spirit beast element if he caught the evil fox.

Not only the third prince thinks this way, but many princes think so, especially Shuifu, who stayed in one place, and said to the person wearing the helmet, "Master, this time, we must catch the evil fox, so that we can at least exchange Breitling. Beast Yuan."

   "Don't worry, this time, I'll help you find it." The person wearing the helmet said confidently.

   "Okay." Shui Fu was excited, while Lin Tian was still outside the city at the moment, looked at Qiuyue and asked, "Do you know where this evil fox is?"

   Qiuyue shook her head helplessly, "This guy is very cunning, and every time he commits a murder, he will turn into a white fox, then let everyone see it, and finally disappear."

  Lin Tian hesitated and asked, "Then when was the last time he took the girl away?"

   "Three days ago, and he was very regular, appearing every five days." That Qiuyue explained.

  Lin Tian understood and said, "What about your spirit beasts?"

   "What are you going to do?" Qiuyue was curious, while Lin Tian smiled and said, "I want to borrow those spirit beasts, after all, they are all amazing spirit beasts."


   "Yes, they can help me." Lin Tian smiled and looked at Qiuyue, and Qiuyue responded, "That's it, let's go."

After   , Qiuyue brought Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian asked the Wu family to go back first.

  When Lin Tian appeared again, he came to a mountain peak, and there were many spirit beasts gathered on this mountain peak.

   At this moment, these spirit beasts are still complaining about Lin Tian, ​​especially the nine-phantom civet cat said, "Next time I have a chance, I will definitely catch him."

  The white bird said helplessly, "This kid is too strong, and he has that stone stick, it doesn't look simple."

   Hearing this, Jiuhuan Civet was depressed, "This guy, really hateful."

   "Who are you talking about?" At this time, Lin Tian fell from the sky, followed by Qiuyue and the fox demon.

   Jiuhuan civet cat and other spirit beasts immediately alerted, and Qiuyue smiled and said, "He is his own."

   "My own people?" These spirit beasts were confused, and after Qiuyue explained them one by one, the spirit beasts understood.

   But Jiuhuan Civet was not reconciled, "Who is his own person?"

   Qiuyue knew that Jiuhuan Civet is the most temperamental, so she laughed and said, "Kitten, don't do this, treat people well, they are helping us."

   "Master, this guy almost killed me." Jiuhuan Civet said depressedly, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "You did it first, you can't blame me."

   Jiuhuan Civet heard this airway, "Who told you to catch her."

   Fox Demon said embarrassedly, "Sister Cat, I'm fine now."

   Jiuhuan Civet suddenly became depressed, and Qiuyue smiled and said, "Okay, the previous misunderstandings have been resolved, and now I have an important announcement to announce."

   These spirit beasts were puzzled, and Qiuyue pointed at Lin Tian, ​​"In order to catch that evil fox quickly, I decided to hand you over to his command, which means, next, you all have to listen to him, you know?"

   "What?" The spirit beasts widened their eyes one by one, especially the nine-phantom civet cat said anxiously, "Master, what if he wants to kill us?"

   Qiuyue smiled and said, "I actually believed him, of course I didn't think he would do it."

   "Who knows!" the nine-phantom civet said depressedly.

  But Lin Tian turned around and said, "If you want to catch the evil fox with me, just follow me."

   Qiuyue looked at the spirit beasts, "What are you still doing, hurry up."

   (end of this chapter)

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