Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1432: Take measure

  Chapter 1432

   These spirit beasts looked at each other, and finally the fox demon said, "Everyone, let's go, my lord, it won't hurt us."

   "Sir? When did you call him an lord?" Jiuhuan civet was depressed, and the fox demon didn't know how to explain it, so he could only say, "It's right to follow anyway."

After   , the fox demon quickly followed Lin Tian's pace, and Qiuyue followed, and Qiuyue asked Lin Tian, ​​"What are you going to do next?"

   "I will go back to the city to set up the formation. As soon as it appears in two days, it will fall into my formation." Lin Tian explained.

   Qiuyue wondered, "Is it really that powerful?"

   "Yes, but I want you spirit beasts to help guard the formation." Lin Tian looked at Qiuyue, and Qiuyue nodded, "No problem, everything is up to you."

   Lin Tian packed up his mood, returned to the city, and came to the center of the city, renting a yard from someone else.

   Then Lin Tian started to arrange in this yard.

   During this period, those spirit beasts watched, among them, the nine-phantom civet cat said to Qiuyue, "Master, do you really believe that he can catch that evil fox?"

   "Look." Qiuyue had been here for a long time, but she didn't even see the trace of the evil fox, so she could only look at Lin Tian at the moment.

  Lin Tianque was busy until the next morning.

   At dawn, Lin Tian stopped laughing and said, "Okay, you spirit beasts wait and go to your place as I said."

   That Nine Illusionary Spirit Beast looked around, found nothing and asked, "Where is the formation?"

   "You can't see your level." Lin Tian said casually, which stimulated the nine-phantom spirit beast, "I'll see how powerful you are."

  Lin Tian ignored it, but arranged for each to walk to the designated position, and then after those spirit beasts passed by, it was like entering a foggy formation.

   However, in this fog formation, those spirit beasts can see other spirit beasts in different positions.

   This made the spirit beasts chat curiously, and Qiuyue came to the center of the formation under the guidance of Lin Tian.

  Lin Tian said to the crowd, "Now, the formation has been activated. As soon as the evil fox appears, I will get him into this formation, and then you can trap it."

"How do you know where it is?" Jiuhuan civet cat asked, and Qiuyue wanted to know, Lin Tian smiled and said, "This formation has the function of sensing monsters, once there are monsters, I will know, and then Then use a unique way to combine the formation and force it into the formation."

   Jiuhuan Civet felt that Lin Tian was joking, but Lin Tian was too lazy to talk to it, so he turned around and walked out of the yard and went outside.

  The wolf king who was waiting outside has returned to his small appearance, and said helplessly, "Boss, we have been unable to sense this evil fox."

   Little Fatty also wondered, "Will they lie to us?"

  Lin Tian has memories of fox demons, so he naturally knows that these people will not lie to him, and he also smiled and said, "Don't worry, it will definitely appear."

   The two beasts had no choice but to nod, while Lin Tian sat up in the teahouse near the courtyard.

   But some people didn't want him to rest. Not long after Lin Tian sat down, the owner of the restaurant came to Lin Tian and said embarrassingly, "Young master, let's go."


   "Yes, we don't do your business here." The boss said embarrassedly, and the little fat man said, "What do you mean?"

   "There's no way, the Yi family made this happen." The boss was helpless, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "It's the Yi family again."

   Little Fatty was curious, "Boss, what is Yijia?"

   "Before this, the Yi family didn't let me stay in an inn, and now they won't let me stay in a teahouse." Lin Tian smiled.

   The owner sighed, "It's not just inns and teahouses, as long as you do business, you can't do business with you, otherwise you will be against this Yi family."

   Little Fatty was angry when he heard, "This Yi family is too crazy."

  The Wolf King couldn't stand it anymore, "Boss, go and clean up this Yi family."

  Lin Tian didn't want to cause trouble, so he planned to leave the teahouse, but who knew that a group of people came outside the teahouse.

   Seeing these people, the owner of the restaurant immediately stepped forward and said, "Young Master Yi, I, I have persuaded them."

   "But they haven't left yet." The young man who took the lead was like a ruffian, his eyes widened, and he was shaking with a sword in his hand.

   The boss said in fright, "I, I'll go again."

   "No need, it's a waste of time." The young man slammed his sword into the boss's arm, and one arm was cut off.

  The boss screamed with a pale face on the spot, while the young man sneered, "This is the consequence of entertaining people indiscriminately."

  The people nearby immediately started talking, "Is that the young son of the Yi family?"

   "Yes, Yi Jiansha, it is said that he is the apprentice of the Sword God of the Water Kingdom, and his swordsmanship is very powerful."

   Some outsiders were puzzled, "Then he can do whatever he wants here?"

   "The Yi family is so powerful here that even the City Lord's Mansion dare not do anything to them, not to mention that the City Lord's Mansion might be a group with them."

   At this time, Lin Tian said, "If you don't go, will you hurt someone?"

   That Yi Jianshao pointed at Lin Tianxiao with his sword and said, "Boy, it's your fault, it's none of my business."

   The little fat man said immediately, "Put down your sword!"

   "What? Little guy, I'm pointing my sword at him, but it's not enough?" Yi Jiansha teased, and the little fat man glared, "You can't do it."

   "I still want to point it out, and I also want to tell everyone that whoever dares to do your business will end up like this boss." After Yi Jiansha finished speaking, he stared at the boss.

   The boss has sealed the wound, and even said gratefully, "Thank you for not killing Young Master Yi."

  Yi Jiansha laughed, and the little fat man stepped forward and grabbed the sword with one hand, and then a demonic aura appeared on his body.

   Then the sword was pulled from the opponent's hand by the little fat man, and it was broken on the spot.

  The people present were stunned, and Yi Jian's face turned black, "Damn Fatty, this sword is a holy weapon."

   "I said, you are not allowed to point to my boss." The little fat man was protecting Lin Tiandao, and the Yi Jiansha hummed, "You are the one who messed with me."

   After finishing speaking, Yi Jiansha shouted to his followers, "Go to me, teach them a good lesson, and let them know who is the master in this city."

   But as soon as these people started, they were enveloped by a red light from the little fat man. The people present were startled, and they all wondered who this little fat man was.

  Not only that, these Yi Family people, under the red light, immediately seemed stiff, and Yi Jiansha was unwilling to say, "Damn Fatty, let us go, or we won't be able to spare you."

   "I won't let it go." The little fat man didn't take the other party seriously at all, and Yi Jian gritted his teeth with murderous anger.

   At this time, the patrol guards in the city came, and the city owner also appeared.

   Yi Jiansha immediately cooperated with the city lord and shouted, "City lord, look, these people are making trouble here."

  The city lord looked at Lin Tian, ​​and then at the little fat man, and immediately shouted, "This little brother, please put away your strength, or we will start."

  Little Fatty said, "Why didn't you show up when he hurt someone just now, but at this time?"

  The city master didn't change his face, "I just heard about it and came here, only to see you do it."

   "He cut the boss's arm." The little fat man pointed at the boss and said, and the city lord said, "I will investigate this matter. As for you, stop quickly, or else you will be arrested too."

   The little fat man looked at Lin Tian angrily, "Boss, let it go?"

  Everyone thought that Lin Tian would compromise, after all, the city lord was here.

   (end of this chapter)

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