Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1430: the truth

   Chapter 1430 The Truth

   The civet cat transformed into nine figures at once, and the nine figures silently recited strange languages.

   In the next moment, there were countless black shackles around Lin Tian, ​​tying Lin Tian's whole body there.

Master   Fu was shocked, "It's the soul-locking technique of the Nine Illusory Civet."

   "Is it amazing?" Shui Wu asked curiously, Master Fu nodded and said, "It is rumored that people without the power of immortality cannot break free."

   "What?" Shui Wu was startled, and the eighth prince also looked at Lin Tian worriedly, "Master, what should we do."

   But the other spirit beasts surrounded the Eighth Prince and others, preventing them from passing.

  Not only that, there is a white bird, and a white fog barrier is created to cover everyone in this barrier, so that passers-by cannot see the situation inside.

   Therefore, the people outside were curious about what that cloud of white mist was.

   At the moment in the observation deck, the country lord looked at the water with worry, "National teacher, do you want to help?"

   "No." Shuiliu said with certainty, and Hall Master Yan also opened his mouth and said, "Master, now all princes and princesses are competing fairly, so no matter what troubles we encounter, we can't interfere."

  The country lord didn't speak, because he listened to the flow of water, but Lin Tian, ​​who was there, smiled at the nine-phantom civet cat, "Do you think your trick can trap me?"

   "Boy, this move of mine can't break free without immortality and immortal soul." The other party believed.

  Lin Tian smiled, "Then you can be optimistic."

   Lin Tian's body trembled slightly, all those shackles were shaken off, and Lin Tian suddenly came to a civet cat, and the trapping beast technique was activated.

   At the same time, Lin Tian took out the ghostly trapped beast stick and threw it away.

  The civet was hit on the spot, and screamed, and then shouted to the white bird, "White Crane, go."

   "Yes." The white crane immediately created a white mist.

   The next moment, these spirit beasts all disappeared, and Shui Wu quickly looked around, "These guys, how can they run so fast."

   Uchi, who was watching from the corner, shouted, "Look, it's inside."

   Everyone looked at the direction Uchi was pointing, it was Qiuyue's yard.

   I saw this yard flickering, and then the next moment, the whole yard disappeared in an instant.

   Not only Shui Wu and others were shocked, but even those passing by were dumbfounded.

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "Let's leave this master alone, let's go."

After   , Lin Tian took Shui Wu and others away.

   After a while, everyone came to the outside of the city, and the water dance was curious, "What are we doing outside the city?"

   "I know where the fox demon is." Lin Tian smiled deeply, and Shui Wu said strangely, "Really?"

   "Let's go."

   After Lin Tian finished speaking, he came to a **** area after a while, and in this **** light, Shui Wu saw a blood-red bat and an enlarged wolf king.

   In front of these two beasts at the same time, is a fox demon that is affected by the blood light and cannot escape.

  Shui Wu was overjoyed, "Look, that fox demon."

Master   fu wondered, "What is the bat next to the wolf king?"

   Shui Wu and the Eighth Prince became curious, and Wu Qi even muttered, "This, it seems, it seems to be very fierce."

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "Old friend."

After    finished speaking, Lin Tian walked over, the bat did not speak, but silently transmitted a voice to Lin Tian, ​​"Boss, trap her."

"Yea, very good."

  Lin Tian walked towards the fox demon, and the fox demon struggled in a woman's voice, "Let me go."

   "Tell me, why did you attack the girl."

   "Boy, if I say it, it's not me, do you believe it?" The fox demon stared.

  Lin Tian stared at the fox demon, "Do you think I will believe it?"

   "Believe it or not, it's up to you!" The fox demon said angrily, while Lin Tian said, "Wait until I take you down first."

   "Boy, let me go."

Lin Tian ignored it, but stepped forward, used the trapping technique, and took out the ghost trapping stick, "You can return to me now, you can still not die, or I will completely separate your soul later, and you will be in trouble. "

   The fox demon was frightened, and said quickly, "Okay, I will listen to you, but I hope that you will not kill me and find out who really hurt the girl."

   "Are you sure you didn't hurt those girls or take them away?"


  Lin Tian still didn't believe it, so he asked this fox demon to make a contract with him, and after reading her memory as well, he frowned, "It really isn't her."

   "How? Can you let me go?" The fox demon asked anxiously, but Shui Wu stepped forward and said, "No, you are our mission."

   "Mission? You all caught the wrong target. Do you still want to hand me in as a quest?" The fox demon obviously knew what these princes and princesses were doing, so she said anxiously.

   Shui Wu wanted to say something, but Lin Tian told Bat and Wolf King to put away their momentum and let them leave first.

  Then the two beasts left, and the fox demon looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Please also ask your lord to investigate."

At this time, Qiuyue also came from the side, and said to Lin Tian from a distance, "Boy, I do admire your ability, but I still want to tell you that I, the fox demon, did not arrest anyone or hurt anyone. people."

   "Then why do people in the city say they are fox demons?" Lin Tian stared at this Qiuyue and asked.

   Shui Wu was on guard, "Why should I believe you?"

Qiuyue said, "There is an illusory evil beast called the evil fox, which can transform into any fox, and I came to this city for the purpose of catching it, but it knew that there was a fox demon beside me, so it went It has turned into my fox demon, and I want everyone to focus on it."

  Lin Tian already knew everything through the fox demon's memory, so he didn't doubt what Qiuyue said.

   But Shui Wu didn't believe it, and the Eighth Prince and others obviously didn't believe it, but Lin Tian looked around and said, "It's time for the person who issued this mission to come out."

  Shui Wu was stunned and looked around, "What did you say to the sky?"

   "They know what I'm talking about." Lin Tian looked at the sky, while the king in the observation deck smiled and said, "This guy."

  Shui Liu looked at the lord, "The lord, what's the matter with this mission?"

  The King smiled, "Yes, this task is my choice, and then let Cang Palace Master and the others release it."

"Then this fox demon?" Shui Liu was puzzled, and the country lord explained, "It was news from the Secret Academy that there was an evil fox that appeared and turned into a white fox, so I will take the plan and release it according to this task first, and wait for the princes. Searching with the princess, now that the eighth prince and others have found it, and they have solved the mystery, then they will win."

   The Hall Master Yan was shocked, "The lord of the country, it turns out to be an evil fox, then you should win if you catch the evil fox, not replace it with a white fox."

   "But my mission is the white fox." The country lord stared at the Hall Master Yan, which made the Hall Master Yan not know what to say.

   "Okay, this mission ends here, and about the evil fox, I will continue to let the people in the secret academy find a way to catch it." After that, the country lord asked Cangdian lord to announce it.

   Then Cang Palace Master came to Lin Tian and others, and Shui Wu was surprised when he saw Cang Palace Master appear, "Cang Palace Master, what's going on?"

  The Cang Palace Master explained, "The King, it has been announced that you have won. As for the evil fox, it will be handed over to the Secret Academy."

   (end of this chapter)

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