Count of Wizards

Chapter 969: Joints in the Opera House (2)

"I think Margaret, you guessed it right, Christant is very likely to be the biggest intelligence leader of your Storm Church!" Connor replied with a bitter voice transmission: "This old thing, I don't know him yet. You have guessed his identity, and he is still talking to me as an official wizard-level priest, but I can feel that there is some kind of powerful magical item hidden in his body, that should definitely not be It can be carried by an ordinary official wizard-level priest!"

Hearing what Connor said in the back, Margaret, who was watching the opera, seemed to have thought of something, her face changed slightly, and she said to Connor's tentative voice transmission: "Connor, you mean, Kerry Does Stent have a level 3 magical item on his body?"

"It's possible, but I still don't know what it is. As an alchemist, I can vaguely feel a powerful breath that belongs only to enchanted items from Christant's body! Connor nodded and replied with Voice Transmission:

   Hearing what Connor said, Margaret nodded secretly, and then she asked Connor again: "Connor, what did Christant talk to you in the Durst Tavern?"

In response to Margaret’s question, Connor recalled the conversation between him and Christant, and said in a deep thought; “From the very beginning when we met, Christant was deliberately strong, that is, In order to control the situation, it also seemed to want to give me a slap in the face, so that I would be honest and obedient. After I felt the energy of that powerful magical item from him, I just spoke a little bit. Tested him. "

"For my temptation, Christant was a bit angry, but he still showed restraint and did not leave. This shows that he values ​​this meeting very seriously. Then he threatened me and asked me to serve the church. For one thing, if I did not agree, I would be wanted, so that I could not become Earl Ferguson, and I would never be able to return to Frosinone, but after I agreed to his request, he did not tell me. What are you going to do, just let me go back and wait for the express!'

   "I was in Ferguson Mansion the next day and received a courier from Christant. As for the content of the courier, it is the things Margaret I asked you to investigate!"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   telling the cause and effect, the ins and outs, and after talking to Margaret one to five to ten, Connor sitting behind Margaret, his eyes look Can't help but glance at Margaret. Connor is really confused about the details of what Christant wants him to do, so he is very much looking forward to knowing something from Margaret. .

Margaret obviously also knew what Connor expected of her. After considering the language, he introduced to Connor: "Because Christant is very likely to be the intelligence director of the Black Agency, he used the information of the Storm Church. If you investigate on the Internet, it will be easy to alarm Christant, so this time, I did not use the relationship with the storm church, but found a reliable friend, used the channel of the Earth God Church, and investigated Christant. , The man named Ruiz who wants you to kill!"

"This man named Ruiz, like Connor, is a member of the secret society, but what is strange is that although this Ruiz has the cultivation of a senior wizard apprentice, he only joined five years ago. The secret society, but he has been unable to squeeze into the inner circle of the secret society. He can only be regarded as a dispensable little person outside your secret society."

"This guy Ruiz has been exposed three years ago and was targeted by the Earth God Church. However, because of his secret society status, neither the two major churches nor the ninth game moved him. Everyone With a long-term plan to catch a big fish, judging from the results of my investigation, apart from the possibility of casting a name, I can’t imagine Crestant’s motive for letting you kill him!” At the end Marguerite Te's tone also became a little confused. Obviously this Ruiz had brought her a lot of confusion.

   Regarding the information Margaret gave, Connor thought for a while, and then asked Margaret again: "Margaret, do you know why Ruiz joined the secret society?"

"The identity of Ruiz in the secular world is that he is the owner of a **** shop, but in fact he has some channels for selling stolen goods. Three years ago, the secret agency had a batch of things that needed to be distributed. Ruiz helped A lot of busyness, and the realization is very outstanding, so he was absorbed by the secret society and became a peripheral member. The Earth God Sect has a surveillance record of him. The surveillance record shows that in addition to distributing things, the secret society rarely communicates with Ruiz! "Margaret introduced:

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   After listening to Margaret’s explanation, Connor frowned. Except that Ruiz turned out to be a secret society member, he did not notice , This Ruiz has any I received a courier from Cristant two days ago, knowing that Cristant wanted to kill him in Frosinone, 200 kilometers away. Prua, when a Ruiz man in the Málaga community, Connor realized that Christant set up another bureau for him, so he did not leave for Ipulua, but in I contacted Margaret as soon as possible, wanting to know exactly who this Ruiz is, but now it seems that he really wants to go to Ipurua to find out!

All in all, Connor has determined that Christant is the biggest intelligence leader of the Storm Church, the intelligence director of the Black Organization, and he concealed his identity, pretending to be a pastor, and coming to meet with himself will never be just for him. Ferguson, just now, he Connor Ferguson does not have this ability.

Christant must have a deeper purpose in doing this, and this deeper purpose, in Connor’s eyes, is undoubtedly the secret society and Reyes, and there is only the secret society behemoth, and Reyes second. Grade-level wizard, can make Christant, the intelligence chief, specialize in traveling far and wide. Riding on the train for several days and nights, from the capital Bernabeu, I made a special trip to Frosinone to meet myself.

   And now knowing from Margaret that Ruiz is a member of the secret society, it is undoubtedly more evidence of Connor's idea!

   Just when Connor was in deep thought, Margaret was in the middle of the opera and said to Connor again: "Connor, Philo is missing!"

   Connor, who was immersed in his thoughts, was taken aback when he heard the news in his ears, and then asked Margaret: "What's the matter?"

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