Count of Wizards

Chapter 970: Joints in the Opera House (3)

"Connor, do you remember the last time I told you about Philo's appearance in the small town of Spall?" Margaret asked rhetorically;

"Of course remember, Margaret, you also told me that the Storm Church and the Earth God Sect organized a joint team, and under the leadership of an official wizard, went to the small town of Spall!" Connor Weiwei Nodded and said:

"According to the information I got, after the combined team arrived in the town of Spar, two girls were missing in the town of Spar, but since then, there has been no population in the town of Spar. The disappearance restored the peace in the past, so the small town of Spar was also judged to be a successful mission, and the mission report was saved in the archives."

"However, after the mission was successful, the united team sent by the Storm Church and the Earth God to the small town of Spar did not return to Frosinone, and the united team included the official wizard of the Earth God. All the members of Reina did not return to Frosinone, but within a few days, due to various reasons, they received an order from their department directly in the small town of Spar and were transferred. To other places!" Marguerite said in a deep voice:

   "The entire united team has been transferred away?"

   From Margaret's mouth, hearing such a thing unexpectedly happened, Connor was shocked, and a look of doubt immediately appeared in his eyes.

From a normal point of view, the mission of this united team is actually quite ordinary, that is, there was an incident of a black wizard injuring civilians in the small town of Spar, so they were sent to solve the black wizard. This task is in the white wizard camp. It is a normal task. The entire Kaman Empire basically happens every week on average, and it’s nothing unusual.

   Normally, there are only three results for this kind of task!

   The first type is the white wizard who was sent or the black wizard who killed the trouble, or the black wizard who was captured alive.

The second type is that the dark wizard is not killed or captured alive, but the dark wizard is beaten away, or even before he arrives, the dark wizard has already run away. In this case, the dark wizard will chase after the dark wizard and run away. Just post a wanted.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   In the eyes of the white wizard, the first two results are regarded as successful missions and solved the trouble.

   But the third result is that the mission failed. Although this situation is serious, it is not troublesome to deal with it. It is nothing more than sending a stronger wizard to solve the trouble.

As Margaret said, this situation should logically be one of the two results of the success of the mission. If it continues to develop as normal, then this temporary joint team should complete the mission of the Marquis. It is disbanded, and the subordinates will return to their homes and return to their original units to continue their previous work.

And it definitely shouldn’t be like Margaret’s narrative, without returning to Frosinone, he was transferred directly in the small town of Spar, the mission location. Obviously, this time it seemed unremarkable. Yes, the task of chasing the black wizard in the small town of Spar has an unknown change.

The final result of the mission must definitely not be the success of the mission as stated in the mission report. As for why all the members of the joint team were transferred away, Connor boldly guessed that this should be someone in the church. Want to cover up what happened in the small town of Spar.

   After some calculations in his mind, Connor asked Margaret, "Margaret, have you found anything?"

"No! Nothing, Philo, the **** guy, seems to have disappeared out of thin air. Through some relationships, I saw the mission report of this mission, but there are no valuable clues on it." Margaret Te shook his head and preached to Connor a little frustrated:

   Just as Connor felt the frustration in Margaret's voice transmission, and was about to say something to appease Margaret, Margaret continued the voice transmission to him:

"Connor, you have to be careful. Although I haven't found anything, the united squad sent to the small town of Spar contains not only the wizards of our Storm Church, but also the wizards of the Earth God Sect. , But they were all transferred away, without exception, this shows that there are big bosses in the church who have hands and eyes to the sky!

"Although I don't know yet, it was the big guy in the church who did this, but the Black Organization is the largest intelligence organization of the Storm Church. It has a huge energy. Even in the Earth God Church, it is very influential. The intelligence director of the Black Organization, If he wants to do this, he can do it!" At the end, Marguerite's tone became more and more determined.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   Margaret’s words once again silenced Connor. The meaning of Margaret’s remarks is very obvious. Luo's disappearance, the small town of Spar has changed, UU reading is probably related to Kristant!

When Margaret did not remind, Connor did not make any associations in this regard, but with Margaret’s reminder, Connor carefully pondered and discovered this matter. Ristante has a relationship.

   First of all, according to Connor's judgment, Christant came to Frosinone to find him not for Connor Ferguson, but for the secret society and Reyes. And Philo's purpose is also Reyes, at least in terms of purpose, Philo and Christant are highly consistent.

Secondly, just as Margaret said, Christant has the ability to transfer all the members of the joint team, and at this time, appeared in Frosinone, so one is capable, purposeful, and still Connor, the leader of the Storm Church who appeared here, felt that Margaret suspected that Philo's disappearance was related to Christant. It was not just a fantasy. On the contrary, Christant, indeed, should be suspected most. Object!

"Connor, I should go, contact me anytime if you have anything!" While Connor was thinking about it, the opera on the stage finally ended amid the applause and applause of the audience. Margaret also transmitted the sound to Connor. bid farewell.

   "Yeah! Take care of yourself too!" Hearing Margaret's goodbye, Connor finished thinking and told Margaret:

Saying goodbye to Margaret, Connor also walked out of the Rossi Opera House, but at this time Connor, disguised as a middle-aged red-haired man, of course would not walk directly back to the Ferguson Mansion in the Hoffenheim community, but at After strolling around the streets of Frosinone city for two times, he quietly returned to his home after seeing that there was no tail behind him.

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