Count of Wizards

Chapter 968: Joints in the Opera House (1)


Hearing this mysterious person, he seemed to have said a lot this time, but in fact there was nothing to say. Christant immediately let out a cold snort of dissatisfaction, and looked at the mysterious person's gaze, which changed somewhat. Get upset.

   The mysterious man was not surprised by the change in Christant’s attitude towards him. He continued to say in a hoarse voice: "Mr. Director, I would like to ask you to confirm one thing with me!"

Hearing this mysterious man’s question to him, although the mysterious man did not clearly say what the matter was, Christant seemed to already know what the mysterious man wanted to ask. His eyes flickered and he said: "Three days ago When I left the Bernabéu by train and rushed to Frosinone, Reyes had already fought against McKennie, the third-level wizard of the Earth Gods. Reyes was seriously injured and fled, McKenney. I also suffered some minor injuries..."

Regarding Christant’s account, this mysterious person was shocked, and it took a long time to faintly praised: “Reyes, the secret society professor is indeed well-deserved, and the second-level wizard is against the third-level wizard, not only successfully escaped, It even injured a third-level wizard, Reyes is truly a legend!"

Having said that, the mysterious man turned his voice and said to Christant: "Since the gears of fate are already in motion, Mr. Director, we can't just sit and wait as if nothing happened. We must take our Plan to act!"

"Connor Ferguson is the only student of Reyes. We all know who Reyes is. He is not a person who accepts students casually. He accepts Connor Ferguson as a student. There must be something wrong with him. Known secret!"

   And judging from the various behaviors of Connor Ferguson, the relationship between him and Reyes is absolutely very delicate, otherwise he would not take the initiative to contact his teacher's opponent in the secret society, Wang Jue. "

"I believe that the Black mechanism must have a hidden stake buried in the Prince's faction, so Mr. Director, did your hidden stake tell you why Connor Ferguson had to contact the Prince's faction?" After finishing this, the whole body was grayed out. The mysterious man with the cloak hidden without showing the slightest figure raised his head and looked at Kristant expectantly.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Connor Ferguson was in fear of his mentor Reyes, so he wanted to hold the thigh of the king, but this guy wanted to He wants to cooperate on an equal footing with the Wang Jue faction, so the Wang Jue faction looks down on him, and Connor and the Wang Jue faction have had trouble with each other some time ago.

"But recently, because Connor has done things for the Prince’s faction, and the female pharmacist who was so desperate for Connor has become an official wizard, considering that Connor’s bargaining chip has increased, so the Prince’s faction has also turned to Connor. Some kindness was released, so the relationship between the two of them has eased, and it will not be so tense, but they have not reached any specific agreement!" Christant pondered for a moment, and told him what he had secretly reported to him. The mysterious man.

"Mr. Director, I met Connor Ferguson two months ago. I told him part of the plan. Although he didn't say anything, I could feel that he seemed to know something, but at this time, He is considering his own interests and is just waiting for the price. Believe me, Connor Ferguson is definitely the key figure in our removal of Reyes. Our plan needs him. With his help, this plan can be successful! "The mysterious man in a gray cloak, facing the gaze of Christant's scrutiny, said very confidently:

Hearing the words of the mysterious man, Christant fell into thinking. The mysterious man also waited patiently and quietly for Christant’s final answer without urging him. Christant did not spend a long time thinking about it. , Just after thinking about it for five minutes, he raised his head and looked at the mysterious man, and said in a deep voice: "Since you persist in this way, then I will give you a chance, but if you fail, you should understand the consequences!"

   "If you fail, I will naturally give you an explanation, but please rest assured, Mr. Director, I am very confident in my plan and I will not fail!" The mysterious man said with a very confident smile:



   The Rossi Opera House in downtown Frosinone three days later.

   "I am not rich enough to love you the way you wish!"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "I am not poor enough to be loved by you as you wish!"

   "My love, the pain you have caused me is just a proof of your love for me!"

   "Let us forget each other, you are forgetting a name that is quite cruel to you, I am forgetting a kind of happiness that I can't afford to support..."

The handsome actor on the stage confessed emotionally to the The hundreds of spectators sitting around the stage all seemed to be attracted by the fascinating plot and the superb performance of the actors. , But if you look closely, you can find that the blonde girl sitting on the right side of the first row of the auditorium, and the red-haired middle-aged man sitting in the middle of the seventh row, seem to be just pretending to be watching the opera. In fact, their attention Power is elsewhere...

   "Is it necessary to meet here?"

   From the corner of his eye, he looked at the audience around him. Connor, disguised as a middle-aged red-haired man, reluctantly spoke to Margaret sitting in front of him:

At this time, Margaret was also disguised as a blonde girl, watching the opera written by the Emperor Raul of the Kaman Empire personally. Judging from the tears in her eyes, her attention seemed to be I have already invested in this poignant love story.

"Connor, do you know that it is very impolite to disturb a lady who is watching an opera?" Varga, who was watching the opera, then took the opportunity to wipe the teardrops at the corner of his eyes with a handkerchief, and took the opportunity to tell Connor The tone replied:

Just as Connor was preparing, when the voice transmission said something, Margaret continued to explain to him via the voice transmission: "If I guess correctly, Christant is really the intelligence director of the Blake agency. , The two of us can't be too careful. In such a public place, with so many spectators, Connor is the best cover for you and me!"

After explaining to Connor the reason for meeting at the opera house, Margaret seemed to have heard something and asked Connor: "Yes, Connor, you have already met Christant, you are right. How does he feel?"

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