Count of Wizards

Chapter 877: Praying mantis catching cicada

Taking a deep breath of the intoxicating and unique fragrance of the potion in his hand, Juba reluctantly took out a space ring with five thousand magic stones from his body, and threw it to William, who was standing on the auction platform. .

After paying the magic stone, Juba carefully put Pinsorio's third magic flower back into his space ring, then stood up and scanned it coldly, full of warning, and looked around with unkind intentions. His people, after doing this, Juba did not participate in the remaining blue stone blue stone auction, and without looking back, he walked in the direction of the wooden building gate very simply.

Although he is tall and mighty, he does not seem to be a very clever Azi, but he can cultivate from the weak and powerful, believe in the power of the Odin wizard to the realm of senior wizard apprenticeship, Juba is naturally not a stupid person, he is very clear from the auction Getting Pinsorio's third magic flower at the meeting does not mean that he really has this potion. He also needs to resist the prying eyes of unscrupulous people and protect the third magic flower.

In the Five Thousand Magic Stone Auction Hall, he is not the only one who can take out Juba. From his own observation, he knows that there are several senior wizard apprentices who are definitely more than five thousand magic stones, and Amon Potion, it’s not that he Juba alone has an urgent need for this. In that case, why don’t others give new quotations and win Pinsolio's third magic flower?

The answer is simple! Although I really want this potion, the auction price is too high, so why not give it a try and make a costless business? What these people are thinking, Jiubaco couldn't be more clear, after all, he had also made the same idea.

In addition, apart from more than a hundred magic stones for daily practice, Juba has no more magic stones on his body. He continued to stay at the blue stone auction and found a product that fascinated him. I can’t do much. If that’s the case, it’s better to leave now, so maybe it can reduce the occurrence of some resistance...

Looking at Juba's departure from the back, William, who stood on the auction stage and got the five thousand magic stones, did not show any signs of preventing Juba from leaving. His rich face was nothing but a faint smile, this smile. No matter how you look at it, there is a sense of pride and cunning!

He took one step and walked towards the gate of the wooden building, but when he was three steps away from the gate of the wooden building, he had no warning, and suddenly felt that his head was dizzy and the mana on his body was a little out of control... ·····

Encountered such a situation, Juba was suddenly panicked and hurriedly looked back, but what he never expected was that the auction hall at this time, whether it was the Odin wizard camp or the Kaman wizard camp, percent More than ninety wizards have fainted to the ground, and there are only a few senior wizard apprentices, who can still struggle to stay awake for the time being like him.

Seeing such a situation, Juba suddenly understood what was going on. He looked up and stood on the auction stage. Smiling William and Castrovelli cursed and said: "You two dogs... ·····"

Before I finished speaking, I saw that Castrovelli had not spoken. Castrovelli lightly tapped at him, and a dark green light struck him at Jiuba. Under the influence of Modos demon poison, it was already Juba, who couldn't control his mana and could not make any effective protection, could only watch as the dark green light penetrated his heart. March Chinese


His heart was destroyed, and Juba was full of anger. Without any struggle, he fell heavily to the ground. After Juba's death, William and Castrovelli, the two did not hesitate, and successively solved the several senior wizard apprentices who were still struggling in the hall under the poison of Modos.

Solved all the troubles and looked at no wizard standing in the hall. William finally did not hide anymore. With a triumphant smile on his face, he directed towards Castrovilli beside him, and said very excitedly: "Castrovilli, my friend, we finally did it. With the help of this group of people With flesh and blood, we can grow ten plants, no! At least twenty Pingsolio potions. With the help of these potions, the two of us will definitely become first-class wizards, hahahahaha!"

At this point, William seemed to have thought of something. The excited expression on his face suddenly became extremely hideous, and he said viciously: "When I become a first-class wizard, I will be the first to kill Lorenzo this old thing, Lao Zi Xin. The hard work and painstaking effort to organize an auction, you Temo did nothing, just to be famous, and Temo took away the big head, really an old bastard..."

William wanted to continue to curse, but before he had time to speak, he just felt a chill on his chest and looked down at a dark green light passing through his heart.

At the auction, the second elder of the Golovin tribe, Mr. Castrovilli, finally spoke with one hand, and the hoarse voice slowly said:

"Thank you William for your trust, but you are worthless!"

After finishing talking about he patted his side lightly, his vitality was very tenacious, and he lost his heart and hadn’t completely cooled William. The next second William fell softly to the ground. , Do not look at the eyes...

After dealing with William and Castrovilli, he took all the belongings from all the wizards who died and had chills in the auction hall. Just when Castrovilli began to count his harvest, they were all the same. Wearing traditional costumes of Odin, young people with a high level of apprenticeship as wizards walked into the wooden building, facing Castrovilli, and said in a deep voice: "Uncle, the people from the William Spiritual Society outside have all been taken by us. The people of the tribe are killed!"

Hearing the answer from the young man, Castrovelli nodded in satisfaction, and then he chose a beautiful space ring from his own harvest, threw it to the young man, and said faintly, "Pastor, this is The reward you deserve!"

Just when the young man Pastor got the space ring in surprise and prepared to say some words of thanks to Castrovilli, the change happened again, and a Golovin tribe wizard with blood on his face stumbled. He ran into the wooden building and said to Castrovelli in horror: "It's not good, the second elder, there was a cloud of grayish white smoke floating outside of Muzhai at some unknown time. Some people in the tribe have been bleeding from the smoke. , Died terribly..."

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