Count of Wizards

Chapter 876: Conspiracy emerges

Kaidos hardwood has many advantages, but the only disadvantage is that this tree is slightly toxic, but the toxicity is too slight. If people and livestock are not too unlucky, they cannot trigger this toxin.

And if Connor is not wrong, the biggest protagonist in the field now, the Ping Sorio third magic flower in William's hand, should have been sprayed with Moreno perfume...

Moreno perfume, also known as Moreno toxin, is a colorless and odorless poison that can cause nerve paralysis and temporary paralysis of the whole body within ten minutes. Under normal circumstances, this toxin can only dry up ordinary people or The junior wizard apprentice basically has no effect on the wizards who are above the intermediate apprenticeship!

However, if you let Kaidos hardwood encounter Moreno toxin, it will be different. Once the two meet, Moreno toxin will be triggered. The original weak toxicity of Kaidos hardwood. Under certain conditions, the two types of toxicity will definitely The combination of proportions will create a new toxin called Modos Demon in the wizarding world!

Although it is born out of Kaedos hardwood and Moreno toxin, compared with the toxicity of Modos demon poison, whether it is the hardwood of Kaedos or the toxicity of Moreno toxin, it is completely inadequate. A one-hundred-meter apprentice wizard or no beast, as long as he inhales Modos' magic poison for more than one minute, he will be unable to control his mana and gradually become blurred without any warning in his body.

After the above symptoms appear, they will be stunned within five seconds. Without the help of external force, the apprentice of the wizard who has been poisoned by Modos can not be relieved within a week, and cannot use mental power and mana. No different from ordinary people...

The poison of Modos demon is so powerful, the only drawback is that its smell is a bit pungent and very unique. As long as you smell this smell, you will know that it is Modos demon poison, a brainless talent. Will continue to stay within 100 meters of Modos Demon Poison, and if you want to cause Modos Demon Poison to be poisoned, the inhalation time is more than one minute, which is a hard indicator, less than this time will not be poisoned!

Connor already understood how William and the gang did it. Pinsorio's third magic flower was sprayed with colorless and odorless. It is difficult to find morenotoxin, and morenotoxin is used here now. In the hall built of Kaidos hardwood, it quickly merged with the toxins of Kaidos hardwood, and the two formed Modos magic poison.

And the only shortcoming of Modos Demon Poison is pungent and unique, and it is also covered by the floral fragrance of Pinsolio's third magic flower. The fifty-odd wizards in the auction hall will be unknowingly. Eroded by Modos Devil's Poison House!

In this way, why William put Pinsorio's third magic flower in the first place auction, and it takes such a careful time to explain, the origin and purpose of the role of Pinsorio's third magic flower is OK. Understood!

It seemed to confirm Connor’s guess. A few seconds later, under the intentional examination of Connor’s mental power, he suddenly found that his body was slightly uncomfortable. This was exactly the symptom of Modos’ magic poison, but Connor’s cultivation level. Exceeding the scope of Modos demon poison, before Modos demon poison formally attacked, his mental power could already perceive that his body had been invaded by Modos demon poison.

However, the apprentice wizards in the auction at this time did not have the luck of Connor, and still did not perceive them. At this time, they have been poisoned by Modos, and they will be poisoned soon. , Unable to control their spiritual power and mana, reduced to fat on the chopping board, let others slaughter.

Now in the auction hall, thanks to the unremitting efforts of everyone, the quotation for Pinsolio’s third magic stone has already gone from 2,000 magic stones to 4,300 magic stones. It seems that the price distance has broken through to 5,000 magic stones. It's just a matter of time.

Although I don't understand why the William Psionic Society and the Golovin tribe used the Pinsolio Third Magic Flower to set up such a big game, what is the purpose of the more than fifty wizards present.

But now for Connor, no matter what the reason, the William Psionic Society and the Golovin tribe are willing to risk being chased to death by the relatives and friends of these more than fifty wizards to do such a major event. Connor Remember that the purpose of his coming to the blue stone auction was to get 15,000 magic stones for Varga. He didn’t care or care about the rest. In this **** conspiracy, he took the magic stones and took them all over his body. And retreat is the most important thing for Connor!

Just when Connor had begun to secretly prepare, the strong man Juba Odin, who was the first to quote Pinsorio’s third magic flower, listened to the four thousand five hundred magic stones that others shouted in his ears. Quoting, a decisive look appeared in his eyes, and he stretched out five fingers and shouted loudly:

"Five thousand magic stones!"

Although everyone at the scene guessed that this Pinsolio third magic flower that could replace the Black Forest Demon Flower, the final price would exceed five thousand magic stones, but when Juba called out this price, the auction hall suddenly There was no sound, and there was no new offer. Everyone's eyes were on Odin's strong man Juba.

Although spending five thousand magic stones is also very painful for him, but enjoying the envy of everyone’s eyes, Juba’s expression is also very excited, he even wears red to the guy who just bid with him in the Kaman camp. The senior wizard apprentice in the mask and others sent provocative glances.

Facing Juba's provocation may be really unbearable, the high price of more than five thousand magic stones, everyone dare not speak, no one is giving a new offer!

Seeing a flash of ridicule in William’s eyes, a fleeting mockery, and no more words like "five thousand magic stones once, twice", he just said loudly: "Congratulations, Mr. Juba, with five thousand magic stones. At a high price, I photographed this Ping Sorio third magic flower. I wish Mr. Juba an early breakthrough to become a first-class wizard!"

After speaking, William didn't hesitate at all, just patted the Pinsolio's third magic flower in his hand. The potion that grew on the crystal immediately flew in front of Juba.

After receiving Pinsolio's third magic flower, Juba couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart, and a happy smile suddenly appeared on his face. Although the price of five thousand magic stones was almost all his wealth, he had this potion. After finding other potions and practicing Amon's potions, he could become a first-class wizard in a short time with his strength. At that time, let alone five thousand magic stones, it would be fifty thousand magic stones, he thought If you want it, it's just a matter of time.

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