Count of Wizards

Chapter 878: Siskin behind

Hearing what this person said, whether it was Castrovilli or the young person Pastor, they were all shocked, but in the next second, the heads of Pastor and the Golovin tribe wizard who broke in, All of them exploded. The red and white ones were all sprinkled on the ground, looking like three rotten watermelons.

Castrovelli hadn't figured out what was going on, he also suddenly felt that his head was like a heavy hammer, and he fell directly to the ground.

At the same time, Connor, who was lying on the floor of the auction hall, pretending to faint, also stood up. He originally thought that he would kill more than fifty wizards. In such a big game, the first-level wizard of the Golovin tribe, Zhifu, Kovic must show up and **** him, so he has not done anything, hiding and waiting for Zivković to appear, ready to yell him for a while.

But after waiting for a long time, Connor waited, William killed the brawny Odin bar, and waited until Castrovelli turned against the water to kill William and swallowed everything, but he did not wait for the appearance of Zivkovic.

Although there were some accidents, Zhivkovic was so kind, and the overall life and death situation of a failed plan and the whole family was very likely to be extinct was given the full control of the second elder Castrovelli, but his mental power is always There was no trace of other first-class wizards in Muzhai, which made Connor believe in this very absurd and incredible fact.

Although Zhivkovic did not come, Connor would naturally not have any hands left. His mental power touched the clay pot he prepared outside Muzhai, releasing gray-white smoke, sweeping over the huge Muzhai, and here In the wooden building, Castrovilli, Pastor, and the Golovin tribe wizard who broke in later, and three apprentice wizards, with the mental calculations of Conner, the first-level wizard, naturally there is no suspense. They were resolved by one blow, and two died on the spot. Only Castrovelli was the only one. Connor was curious about what the Golovin tribe was doing and what the purpose was, so he needed someone to solve his puzzles, and luckily survived. !

Seeing Castrovilli with more than fifty space rings beside him, Connor's heart suddenly became hot. There is no doubt that he is going to make a fortune. The life-long wealth of more than fifty wizards in the auction hall now belongs to him. Na Ferguson is alone.

Because the space item cannot be put into another space item, otherwise it will cause space disorder and collapse, so Connor found a cloth bag from the space ring, and put the more than fifty space rings together with the three of Castrovilli. All of the space rings were also put into the cloth bag, and then the cloth bag was properly placed on the body. Varga had to find the 15,000 magic stones required for the first-level wizard to break through these space rings.

After completing these tasks, Connor turned his attention to Castro Villi, who had fainted on the ground. If Connor had not deliberately controlled the power of his mental storm, this Ge The second elder of the Lowen tribe, like his two clansmen, should be headshot by Connor.

Of course, now Castrovelli is just living for a while, until Connor’s contemplation, from his mind, got the content of interest to Connor, Castrovilli, will also Following in the footsteps of his two tribesmen, the three of them went to **** together, and there was a sympathy for each other, and they would definitely not be lonely!

With the palm of his hand resting on Castrovelli’s head, Connor began to exert his mental power, impacting the divine sea of ​​Castrovilli. Although Castrovilli’s mental power was also very strong among the ranks of senior wizard apprentices, it was very good. For a spiritual wizard like Connor, naturally there are still some things that are not enough!

In just ten seconds, Castrovelli’s mental power to protect his own sea of ​​gods was thrown away by Connor’s armor. However, just when Connor was about to rush into the sea of ​​gods. Connor suddenly discovered that there was a very concealed prohibition hidden in the sea of ​​Gods of Castrovelli. This prohibition had no other effect. It was just that when someone tried to enter Castrovelli, it would send a signal to the distance. Under Na’s contemplation on Castrovili, this prohibition has been triggered, and the signal has been transmitted five seconds ago.

Just when Connor was slightly stunned, thinking about where this signal was being transmitted, his powerful mental power immediately discovered that there was a powerful existence deep underground, which was ascending to the ground at an extremely fast speed. Galloping towards him.

Perceiving all this, Connor’s expression didn’t panic, but his face sank immediately. He glanced at Castrovilli, who was able to search for his soul immediately, and Connor took him with a big hand and sent him and Clan reunion!

Although I still don’t know who the person is, it’s obvious that Connor could not have the opportunity to search for Castrovilli when this person appeared. In this case, Castrovilli would not be there for Connor. Worth, a worthless Castrovilli, the only ending here in Connor is death!

After solving Castrovilli, Connor, who has obtained enough training resources to support Varga's breakthrough, originally did not intend to meet this sudden guy, but the other party is coming fast~www.NovelMTL .com~ Connor can hardly get rid of him, so there is no way, Connor can only prepare to meet the enemy.

After a few seconds, Connor finally saw the appearance of the person who came. This person looked like an old man, thin and tall, with piercing eyes, leaning on one, not very eye-catching, but The cold iron crutch that contains terrifying energy, the most important thing is this old man, who has the cultivation of a first-class wizard wizard, and the costumes he wears, impressively and Castrovelli and other Golovin tribe wizards, regardless of style , Details, or colors are all very similar...


Looking at the old man’s cultivation and clothing, Connor, who was a little annoyed, naturally came up with a name in his mind. He didn’t expect that this old guy was hidden underground, and it’s no wonder that Connor’s mental power was in Muzhai. He couldn't find his trace. Under the cover of such a deep layer of soil, Connor could discover his existence, hell!

While Conner was looking at Zivkovic, Zivkovic was also watching. The red-haired cyclops in front of him. He didn't know who this red-haired cyclops was, but the cultivation base of the first-level wizard of the opponent was Without the slightest concealment!

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