Count of Wizards

Chapter 875: Pinsolio 3rd Magic Flower (2)

For senior wizard apprentices who need Amon's potion to assist in breaking through to become official wizards, it is almost impossible to obtain the Black Forest Demon Flower, but the market demand is so large, so driven by huge profits Many pharmacists in the Odin Empire began to try to cultivate a new potion to replace the Black Forest Demon Flower and refine Amon's Potion!

Against this background, in more than ten years, many potions that claim to be able to replace the black forest demon flower turned out, but although there are many new potions, more than half of the new potions are used. After replacing the Black Forest Demon Flower, the refined Amon Potion, either turned into a poison, or the new potion had only 30% or less of the efficacy of the Black Forest Demon Flower. Use the refined Amon Potion , The role of assisting in breaking through the formal wizard is minimal and basically has no effect.

There are only a few new potions to replace the Amon's potion refined by the Black Forest Demon Flower, and the potency has reached more than 50% of the original Amon's potion. As for William now, this Ping Solio's third demon The flower, in this way, achieves 80% of the efficacy of the Black Forest Demon Flower. It is said that only a new potion developed by the Royal Family of the Odin Empire can do it.

As if to prove the medicinal effect of the third demonization of Pinsolio in William’s mouth, a young man in the auction hall took out a thick copy of "The Fourth Edition of Odin’s Potions" from the space ring and began to look through it. When I got up, I saw someone flipping the book, William and Castrovilli on the auction stage, their expressions were unchanged, they were all sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

Seeing someone flipping the book to confirm the efficacy of Pinsolio's third magic flower, everyone in the auction hall focused on the teenager who was flipping the book. Five minutes later, the teenager who was flipping the book, He let out an exclamation and whispered: "Found it!"

As soon as he spoke, his voice had not fallen yet. The thick "Fourth Edition of Odin's Potions" in his hand was the first to speak. Odin's strong man Juba swallowed his hand with a big hand, and browsed it carefully. In the book, the record about Pinsolio's third magic flower, a face full of flesh, with a surprised expression, he handed the book back to the boy, and then directly shouted at William on the auction stage: " One thousand and five hundred magic stones!"

Most people, although they don’t know what Juba saw in the "Fourth Edition of Odin’s Potions", but looking at Juba’s expression and his offer to William, they understand the book’s question about peace. Solio's record of the third magic flower should be consistent with William's narration, and he immediately looked at the third magic flower in William's hand, and it was no longer doubtful.

The Royal Apothecary Association of Odin is a top medical institution in the Odin Empire and the entire Byzantium continent. The "Encyclopedia of Odin Potions" compiled and published by them can be said to be the most authoritative encyclopedia of potions in the Odin Empire. With their endorsement, there is no dispute about the medicinal effect of the third demonization of Pinsolio!

The price of 1,500 magic stones given by Juba immediately plunged the auction hall into silence. Several intermediate wizards who were eager to try were also ashamed. The price of 1,500 magic stones, let alone intermediate wizards. Even for an ordinary senior wizard apprentice, it can basically be said that he has all his wealth.

"Five hundred magic stones for the first time!" Still keeping a smile on his face, William, holding the third magic flower on the auction stage, started the formal auction process.

"Two thousand magic stones!"

William's voice fell. On the side of the Kaman wizard camp, a senior wizard apprentice wearing a red mask sitting in the front row did not fear Juba and gave his offer.

Following the quotations of these two individuals, the other senior wizard apprentices with strong financial resources in the auction suddenly couldn’t sit still and began to give their quotations. The price of Pinsorio’s third magic flower was right. At the speed of a rocket, he rose quickly.

Looking at everyone’s quotations, Connor, who was sitting in the corner, quietly narrowed his eyes. Although it was the first time that he saw Pinsorio's third magic flower, he had only heard about Pinsor before. Some rumors of Leo's third magic flower.

But now that Pinsolio’s third magic flower that grows on the crystal ball, whether it’s appearance or smell, or William’s description of the third magic flower’s role, is all the same as what he knew before. The description of the strain information is consistent!

Pinsolio's third magic flower has very high requirements for growth conditions such as sunlight, humidity, and other conditions. It also requires the absorption of absolutely pure energy, which is why it is planted in a crystal ball!

Although this Ping Sorio third magic flower looks normal and has no problems, Connor has a deep doubt in his heart. William and Castrovelli are now standing on the auction stage. , Are all senior wizard apprentices, and they must be very eager to break through to become a formal wizard.

With this third magic flower, you can collect other materials for refining Amon's potion, and then find a pharmacist to refine Amon's potion, so as to help you break through and become a first-level wizard. In that case, although there are various risks, Isn't it more valuable than selling the third magic flower now? Anyway, if Connor was allowed to make a choice, he would never choose to sell Pinsolio's third magic flower.

And based on the experience of Connor’s participation in dozens of auctions, it is very puzzling that William chose to use Pinsolio’s third magic flower as his first auction item in the Blue Stone auction today. !

According to experience, such high-value items as Pinsolio's third magic flower should be the finale of the auction, and should not be placed in the first auction, the first auction product. It should be a medium-value, but very hot-selling thing, used for the whole auction.

And William, a veteran of holding auctions, uncharacteristically used Pinsorio's third magic flower as the first auction item. His behavior is very strange in Connor's eyes, and he also deliberately spent a lot of money. The time, a large introduction, the origin of Pinsolio’s third demonization, his purpose for doing this seems to be deliberately delaying time...

Thinking of this, Connor seemed to have thought of something, quietly shifting his gaze to the surrounding walls, and observing it concealedly, Connor's heart suddenly sank. He was right. The wood used to build this wooden building, It is the hardwood of Kaidos!

Kaidos hardwood is a common wood in the Odin Empire. It has moderate hardness and corrosion resistance. It has a wide range of uses. It is often used to build various buildings in some areas of the Odin Empire and the Kaman Empire.

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