Count of Wizards

Chapter 543: Are you being targeted again?

| | |  -> ->   Although Connor did not find any traces of alchemy on the cube crystal at the very beginning, but with these days of observation and research, Connor’s efforts have paid off, and he is finally here Some clues were found on the cube crystal. If Connor did not make a mistake, then this cube crystal is a crystal or in a sense it is not a crystal!

The reason for saying this is entirely because this cube crystal is probably not like a normal crystal, it was condensed in nature over the years, but by a Byzantine period called "Crystal Seal". Caused by ancient alchemy.

   The so-called "Crystal Sealing Technique" is simply the use of spells to condense a layer of crystals on the object to be sealed, using the crystal's characteristics of good mana conductivity and strong mana storage to seal the treasure in the crystal.

   After discovering that this cube crystal might have something to do with the crystal seal technique, Connor immediately realized that there was a possibility, then there was something in this cube crystal! Connor immediately used all the methods he knew to detect the center of the cube crystal, but no matter what method Connor used, he failed without exception, and could not detect whether there was another treasure in the center of the cube crystal. , But although it has not been detected whether there is another treasure, it does not mean that Connor has found nothing during the detection process. Connor found that at least half of the cube crystal is at least crystal!

However, according to the classics that Connor saw, the crystal seal technique is nothing more than covering a layer of crystal on the surface of the object, and the cube crystal that appears in front of him now, if it is really caused by the crystal seal technique, it seems Some are too exaggerated, after all, this is a cube with a side of one meter! Even if only the outer half is crystal, that's a lot of weight!

In addition to the clues found on the cube crystal, there is also evidence that the cube crystal is condensed by the "crystal seal technique", which is the letter pressed under the cube crystal in the ruby ​​space ring. According to the description in the classics, the crystal The main purpose of the seal technique is the inheritance of the wizard family!

  What is a wizard family? Since it is called a family, it must be related by blood, right? No blood relationship, that's a **** family? Doesn't this coincide with the Byzantine word "blood" in that letter?

If you look at it this way, the word "blood" on the letter paper can be explained clearly. As for the other Byzantine word "soul" on the letter paper, Connor has no idea yet, but if you look at it according to the current thinking, he wants to solve it. This square crystal, got the things left by Step Ferguson, on the one hand, it needs Ferguson's blood, and on the other hand, it seems to be related to the soul!

Thinking of this, Connor’s eyes flickered, and he reinstalled the cube crystal into his own space ring, then sorted out his clothes, made a simple disguise, and walked out of the safe room. He is now on. Although the injury of the mana backlash was not completely healed, it was also controlled. The rest of the recovery of the injury is water milling time. It is impossible to heal all at once, only slowly. Connor currently only needs to do nothing with people. There will be no problems, and the injury will not recur!

Connor can’t wait to figure out what the ancestor of the Ferguson family, Step Ferguson, left behind to him, the descendant of the Ferguson it possible to have a relationship with that in this cube crystal? Is something related...?

Although the classics that recorded the "Crystal Sealing Technique" did not say how to open the Crystal Sealing technique, since Connor analyzed that it was related to the bloodline and soul, Connor, as an alchemist, already had some ideas on how to open the cube crystals. Ideas, and now is undoubtedly the time to put the ideas into reality. Connor now wants to go back to his Ferguson apartment at 16 Rand Street and take the alchemy tool to open the "Crystal Seal". Then go to the safe house on Ramsey Street in the North District that only he knows to practice.

Connor’s execution has always been commendable, and he did it when he thought of it. In just half an hour, Connor returned to Rand Street in the East End, just when Connor was about to quietly touch back from the back door of the apartment. , But he suddenly discovered something. The trash can on the street where his Ferguson apartment was located seemed to have been tampered with.

A playful smile appeared on the corner of   's mouth, and Connor thought he seemed to have encountered stubble again! There seemed to be a sensing device in the trash can, and the sensing range of this sensing device seemed to be his Ferguson apartment.

The person who placed the sensing device in the trash can is undoubtedly a wizard, and since he is a wizard, as long as he is not stupid, he should know that in the city of Luen, perhaps other places have not been stormed due to cost issues. The church places the eye of the storm to monitor energy fluctuations, but in the rich areas of Ruen East, every street will be covered by the eye of the storm, so since this is still daring to play tricks in the trash can, it is obvious that the person who placed the sensor , I am very confident of my own methods.

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