Count of Wizards

Chapter 542: purpose

| | |  -> ->   "Now you can see that Connor Ferguson lives in Rand Street, the most prosperous place in Ruen. It is covered with the Eye of the Storm of the Church of the Storm. Here we just have to Connor Ferguson did it. I can guarantee that in less than half an hour, the arbiter of the Church of the Storm will be dispatched, and then in the next period of time, we will all be chased by the arbiter of the Church. You know Ruen is the Church of the Storm. The traditional sphere of influence, so even if an official wizard appears among the arbiter of the Storm Church who is chasing us, it is not a surprise!"

  Wanda shrugged and continued. Although the content of the words was serious, there was a slight mockery in her tone!

"Correa is my elder brother, but it doesn't mean that I have to follow the path he walked in whatever I do. That's not what I want!" Wanda said the name "Correa" seems to be a poke After being hit by Palin's inverse scales, Palin raised his eyebrows, and said with a cold voice:

Seeing Palin’s expression, although the middle-aged beautiful woman Wanda had an innocent look on her face, there was a touch of cunning and pride in her eyes. The bridge she walked was more than the road Palin walked. To be more, what Palin cares about, she naturally has no idea. She deliberately mentioned Correa’s name to excite Palin. She can’t handle this action alone. She needs the help of the rebellious and talented wizard in front of her. Judging from Palin's reaction now, it seems that she is not far from success!

   "What are you going to do?" After rebutting Wanda, he pondered again, and Palin continued to ask Wanda:

   "Did you choose your elder sister?" Throwing an eye at Palin, Wanda said seductively:

"Huh!" Palin snorted coldly at the m-eyes that Wanda threw over, and then said in an unkind tone: "You don't know, I didn't deal with Emily, and Amy Li and Sandro are both students of Teacher Van der Vaart, and their relationship has always been very good, so it is impossible for me to cooperate with Sandro!"

Wanda seemed to be very convinced of the reasons given by Palin. She smiled and shook the coffee in the cup. Looking at the exterior not far from the window, the luxurious Ferguson apartment slowly said, "Pellin, have you heard of , A famous saying from Emperor Raul?"

   "What are you talking about?" Palin asked, frowning:

   "The praying mantis catches the cicadas, the oriole is behind!" A weird smile appeared on Wanda's face, and he said word by word. If Connor were here, she would be amused by her strange Chinese pronunciation.

After speaking, Wanda turned his attention back to Palin, watching Palin frowning and thinking secretly, Wanda immediately explained: "This sentence means that the praying mantis wants to eat it. A kind of insect called "Cicada", but what Mantis didn't expect was that a bird behind him was also waiting to eat it!"

   Wanda's voice just fell, Palin's eyes lit up immediately. Obviously Wanda's explanation made him understand what Wanda planned to do.

Seeing Palin's eyes lit up, Wanda smiled slightly, looking at the Ferguson apartment outside the window, and continued: "I know Sandro very well. He doesn't have much patience, and he is the person whose footprints are commendable. Therefore, Sandro will definitely take action against Connor Ferguson in a week or half a month! We only need to wait for Sandro to take action. The attraction of the Church of the Storm is all focused on When he lost Sandro, just take things from Sandro again!"

Speaking of this, Wanda glanced at Palin, and then continued: "We need a dead ghost to help me resist the arbiter of the church, and Sandro is the best candidate for the dead ghost. Palin, you can buy two of them these days. A ferry ticket to the New World in half a month!"

  "Why are we going to Hoyland?" There was a hint of puzzlement in his Palin hesitated and asked:

Seeing that Palin didn’t realize his intentions, Wanda was a little helpless stroking his forehead and said: “After Sandro’s identity is known by the Storm Church, the Storm Church will definitely investigate the route from Luen back to Catalonia. By the way, in order to avoid the Church of Storms, we will not go to Catalonia after we take things, but go the other way to the New World, then go from the New World to the Empire of Persis, and then return from the Empire of Persis. Catalonia, even though this has been done in a circle, safety will be very guaranteed!"



   In the safe house, Connor, who hadn't realized that he had been targeted, was squinting at the cube crystal in front of him.

In the past few days, he has been staying in a safe room to recover from his injuries. Varga is right. He is not the first mana backlash. Although Varga is a genius pharmacist doing his best to recover for him, he still needs to be careful. Yes, you can’t relax your vigilance, Varga thousand exhorted, Wan beg, if Connor is injured by mana backlash next time, then Connor will be in big trouble!

In order not to leave the sequelae, Connor has been strictly following the treatment methods that Varga left behind to recover from his mana back injury. As for Varga herself, because the secret society gave her the task of refining medicine, two days ago He has returned to the hospital to refine the medicine, leaving Connor alone in the safe house, but Varga said he will come back to the safe house to check Connor's recovery in a week.

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