Count of Wizards

Chapter 544: Secret letter from Martina

| | |  -> ->   However, to Connor’s surprise, he searched the apartment three times and checked the crystal ball in charge of the camera hidden in the wall. No suspicious signs were found. The person in the dark seemed to be very cautious. Although he placed a sensing device in the trash can on the street outside the apartment, he didn't lurch into his Ferguson apartment without pretending to be.

Although the man in the dark did not sneak into the apartment, Connor did not care about it. He pondered for a while, and then came to a room on the second floor of the apartment. This is the guest room in the Ferguson apartment. Sometimes Varga will be there. Staying here for one night, and the old butler Martinez who visited last time lived in this room. The balcony of this room is facing the trash can on the street where the sensor device is placed.

After observing the location of the trash can, Connor took out a small bronze mirror with a slightly rough workmanship from the space ring and placed it on the desk in the room. Placed the small bronze mirror, Connor placed his finger on it. I opened a small mouth, and then used my finger as a pen and blood as ink to write a rune on the mirror. It is also very strange. This small bronze mirror seems to be swallowed, Connor’s blood. It was strangely sucked into the mirror. When Connor had painted the last rune, a faint red light appeared on the small bronze mirror. After a few seconds, the red light was restrained, and the small bronze mirror returned to its original appearance. .

Connor, who saw this scene, turned his head and looked at the trash can on the street outside the window. A mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Now that someone is staring at him again, he wants to see how sacred the other person is. As long as someone moves the sensing device in the trash can, this small bronze mirror will record it and transmit the picture to a matching crystal ball in Conner's hands in real time!

After doing all this, Connor took away from the secret compartment of the apartment. He needed the tools to turn on the cube crystal. However, just as Connor was about to leave the apartment and head to Ramsey Street, Connor’s eyes were taken by his apartment. The full mailbox was attracted.

Touching his chin a little awkwardly, Connor walked over to the mailbox. If he remembered correctly, he hadn't cleared the letters in the mailbox for a while. Maybe there was something interesting in the mailbox right now. Anyway, he is not in a hurry, and it is not too late to go to Ramsey Street after reading the mailbox.

Taking away all the letters in the mailbox, Connor threw more than a dozen advertisements or promotional letters into the trash can. Then when he read the content of the last letter, Connor was instantly refreshed. There was a flash of light in his eyes, and then Connor found a book called "Glazer Quotations" from the space ring, and compared it with this letter.

While the Zhaka Textile Factory let go of Martina, Connor and Martina agreed on the contact information in the secret language letter, and the codebook for decrypting the secret language is the "Grazer Quotations" in hand. If Kang If Na remembered it correctly, Martina said it these days. Old Victor was looking for him. Now this time Martina sent him a secret letter. Isn't it because things have changed? Thinking of this, Connor couldn't help being curious about the true content of the secret letter.

   It took more than ten minutes to completely translate Connor's secret letter. The expression on his face immediately became serious...

The time for the old Victor to meet him was indeed changed and delayed until later, but this was not the main content of Martina’s letter. Martina told Connor in the letter that the secret agency was in Roen’s office during the recent period. The intelligence network discovered that Celta wizards had sneaked into the city of Luen again secretly, and among these Celta wizards, the identity of one person had been This person is Alex Sandro, the senior wizard apprentice of Celtaism. The figure of Mr. Alex Sandro has been found near Rand Street within the last week.

In combination with Celta’s conspiracy against the Ferguson family, the old Victor believes that Alex Sandro’s target is likely to be Connor Ferguson, the owner of the Ferguson apartment at 16 Rand Street. That's why the old Victor took the initiative to postpone the meeting with Connor. This time, the old Victor wants to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, watching Connor Ferguson and Celta teach you a life and death!

In view of the disappearance of Lindelof, who was also a senior wizard apprentice, in Roen last time, the old Victor believes that apart from this Alex Sandro, Celta has other people lurking in the dark. !

   And Martina wrote this letter, revealing the situation of Celta and Victor's guess to Connor's purpose, is to hope that Connor will be prepared and not be taught to death by Celta!

Carefully read the contents of the letter paper again and printed it into his head. Connor’s finger lit a black arrogance, burning this secret letter to him by Martina to ashes. There is no doubt that if Ma Tina’s words are true, then the situation Connor is facing now is very close to clarity. The sensing device placed in the street trash can is not Alex Sander’s or something else. Celta taught the wizard who was still lurking in the dark.

   "Dog nose is really spiritual!" Connor muttered to himself in a low voice. Although he was targeted by Celta wizards again, there was a look of expectation on Connor's angular face.

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