Count of Wizards

Chapter 358: Kill

"Go back to me...!"

Connor gave a violent shout, and once again a powerful energy wave flashed on his body, which was all injected into the staff of Castilla. As this energy was injected into the staff by Connor, the energy chaos caused by Langley The castilla circle, which was riddled with holes and nearly collapsed, was immediately strengthened and stabilized.

Not only that, the crimson undead in the magic circle, after the Castilla circle was strengthened as a whole, it was also free from the influence of the energy turbulence on it. It was full of resentment and killing intent, and appeared again. On the white ball of light where Langley was in the circle.

Feeling the changes in the circle, Langley's face was very ugly. If it hadn't been for the sudden appearance of the crimson undead that made him feel threatened, he would not have been forced to choose to release him in advance of this careful preparation. If he had just given him a few more seconds, the power of these turbulent energy flows would at least double...If that were the case, how could it be such a situation now?

In this situation, this little spiritual wizard who suddenly jumped out has gradually stabilized the circle. With his current strength, it is difficult to make any big storms. Epstein must be unable to keep it, but he The spiritual seed planted on Epstein was cultivated after a lot of effort, and he would not give up unless he had to.

"I remember you!" Just when the undead who became scarlet-red, already under the drive of Connor, began to wrap around the white ball of light, the white ball of light was attached to Epstein. Langley suddenly said bitterly at the dark mist in the circle;

Outside the circle, Connor, whose face was fully controlling the circle, heard Langley say so, his face immediately changed, and realized that it was not good, this guy was going to run!

Sure enough, Connor’s guess was not wrong at all. Just after saying this, Langley, who was possessed by Epstein, was controlling Epstein’s hand and hit Epstein’s head with a palm. Taking a palm of himself, Epstein's body fell directly into the circle, and a white light the size of a fingernail flew directly out of Epstein's head. A flash was to break through. The thick black mist in the circle came to the edge of the circle.

A weird sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. Connor did not stop this white light movement, and without any prevention from Connor, this white light directly broke through the barriers of Castilla’s circle. Appeared outside the magic circle, but this white light just appeared, before it had time to flicker and flew away again, a mental shock hit this white light again!

"I want to kill..."

Langley's angry voice was heard from the white light, but before he could finish his words, he was directly attacked by Connor's mental shock and disappeared into the air.

At the same time, in a quiet room of a remote and quiet manor in Ruen, there was still a gray windbreaker, and the masked male Langley was closing his eyes and meditating with white light flashing. There was no sign in his mouth, but suddenly he was a mouthful. Blood spurted out, and the breath all over his body became very sluggish.

"Skull and Bones, and this spiritual wizard, I will kill you, kill you..." In the next second, Langley’s angry and spiteful shouts broke out in this quiet room. sound

About ten minutes later, Langley, who calmed down from the anger of the soul seed being killed, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, took out a purple crystal bead from the space ring, and said coldly: " You won! I agree to work with you!"

Ten seconds after Langley finished speaking, a woman's chuckle came from the purple crystal beads, and after the laughter, a woman's leisurely voice came again from the crystal beads: "Master Langley, you did A very wise decision..."



"So that's what happened..."

In the safe house in the countryside, Connor took his palm from Epstein’s head. With the increase of the silver pendant, he used a mental shock to kill Langley’s spiritual seeds. After eliminating the traces of battle left by him, he just returned here.

Before Langley’s soul seed escaped for his life, in order to prevent Epstein from falling into the hands of Connor, a spiritual wizard, he was leaked by the soul search to reveal the secrets of the church. He had already broken Epstein’s soul, but he still looked down upon it. After Connor’s method, I underestimated the magic of Connor’s advanced meditation idea "The Secret of the Abyss" Facing Epstein’s broken soul, Connor was thankful that Lange Lai is the soul of Epstein shattered in the circle of Castilla. In this way, although Epstein's soul is inevitably fragmented, it is in the circle of Castilla that Connor absolutely controls. Epstein’s fragmented soul did not dissipate completely, and the existence of dementia allowed Connor to extract from these fragmented souls what he wanted to know, even though these things could not be achieved. System, and extremely chaotic but enough!

When facing the demonized knight, Epstein wanted to delay the time to activate the soul seed that Langley had planted on him in order to summon Langley to possess him. He once told the demonized knight that he was once the Black Organization of the headquarters of the Storm Church. A member of the.

Connor was suspicious of this point after Epstein was possessed by Langley, but after he cast his mind on Epstein, Connor got confirmation from Epstein’s broken memory. Epstein was in Before coming to Luen, he worked in the Black Agency for ten years, and recently conducted a lot of investigations on the secret society, and has deep research on the secret society. This is why he followed Langley The important reason to Ruen.

From the information obtained from Epstein, Connor can confirm the following points. First of all, the Torino Academy that Epstein said does exist, and where it is a very mysterious wizarding institution that few people know about. Now the wizarding world is on the Byzantine continent. Many formal wizards have studied and lived there, and the most important point is that there is no black wizard and white wizard in the Torino Academy, as long as you pass the entrance exam to pay for the study and follow the rules and regulations of the Torino Academy , You can study there!

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