Count of Wizards

Chapter 359: Skull and Bones

The Church of the Storm has received very reliable news. The second-person professor of the secret society and the great alchemist Southgate of the Skull and Bones have both studied at the Turin Academy, and the church Black agency guessed that it is very likely to be in the Turin Academy. People know! Connor is quite certain about this speculation of the Black mechanism. After all, the word "three classes" appeared in the content about Southgate in "Reyes Alchemy", which obviously proves this. A little bit.

The Skeleton Society is the name of the mysterious dark wizard organization that Connor has always wanted to know about the demonized knights. Compared with the secret society that has been active in the Byzantine continent, the Skeleton Society has more activities in the Hoy continent. In the mainland of the empire, the Skull and Bones are not very active. The Skull and Bones were established ten years ago in the records of the Church of the Storm. The establishment of the Skull and Bones has no sign, as if the Skull and Bones were established overnight.

In the world of wizards one after another, the Skull and Bones, which has only been established for ten years, is undoubtedly an emerging black wizard organization. Although it is an emerging black wizard organization, this does not mean that the Skeleton is very weak. On the contrary, the Skull and Bones are very strong. The newly formed Skull and Bones did not attract the attention of the church.

After all, there are hundreds of known dark wizard organizations that only exist in the Kaman Empire. A newly established dark wizard organization can only be regarded as a drop in the wizarding world. The establishment of a new organization in the wizarding world , And the destruction of the old organization is a very normal thing, one or several new organizations will be established every once in a while, so the establishment of the Skull and Bones is not much worth the attention of the Storm Church.

However, the development of the Skull and Bones Society is very fierce. In the first three years of its establishment, they swallowed three small black wizard organizations on the continent of Hoy. Their methods were very cruel and barbaric. The annexed black wizards As long as the members of the organization are unwilling to join the Skull and Bones, there is only death. Such a ferocious momentum immediately attracted the attention of the Church of the Storm in the mainland of Hoy. However, because of the Church of the Storm in the mainland of Hoy, the strength is not It's not very strong, so the style is not very strong. In addition, after the Skull and Bones have swallowed three black wizard organizations, they need to digest everything that they can get, so the Skull and Bones disappeared again and lurked underwater.

In the past two years, the signs of the Skull and Bones activities have become more frequent again. They first raided the headquarters of a more famous dark wizard organization Evolution in Hoy Continent at a very fast speed. The evolutionary teachings of the church almost fell apart, and then in the process of investigating and hunting the secret society, the church dug up the inextricable connection between the Skull and Bones and the secret society, and confirmed that it can transform ordinary knights into demons. The bizarre technique of the chem knight was researched and practiced by the Skull and Bones Society.

Whether it is the research of the demonized knight or the collusion with the secret society, it is enough to make the Church of the Storm pay more attention to the Skeleton and Bones. I have to say that the Church of the Storm is too powerful in terms of strength and influence. After he pays attention to the Skeleton, the Black Organ gains A lot of information about the Skull and Bones!

The structure of the Skull and Bones is very strict. The leader of the Skull and Bones is a second-level wizard who calls himself the Skeleton King, and under him is an official wizard named Reinhardt. He and the Skeleton King are both very identities. According to the information in Epstein’s mind, the church’s Black organization only knows that Reinhardt and the Skeleton King once killed an evolutionist’s each when the Skull and Bones raided the evolution headquarters. Official wizard!

In the Skull and Bones, under the Skeleton King and Reinhardt, is the great alchemist Southgate in the Skull and Bones. There is a lot of information about the Southgate Church. Southgate was once in the Turin Academy. After studying for ten years, after graduating from the Turin Academy, Southgate received invitations from many wizarding forces including the two major churches of the Empire, the secret institutions of the Empire, and the Byzantine continent. But for these invitations, On the grounds of indulging in alchemy and having no intention of joining any wizarding organization, Sgate all chose to refuse. After refusing the invitation of these forces, Southgate traveled to various countries throughout the Byzantine continent, and during this time, became It is the sorcerer who has refined the third-order enchanted item Yumohuan, and is recognized by the wizarding world as the master of alchemy!

And just ten years ago, Southgate disappeared, and there is very little news about him appearing in the wizarding world. Everyone thinks that he was in an accident, and they are so amazing about him. The disappearance of the master alchemist is very sorry, but after the recent investigation of the Skull and Bones by the Storm Church I learned that Southgate had joined the Skull and Bones ten years ago and has been Concentrated on alchemy, the technique in the Skull and Bones that can transform ordinary knights into demonized knights, is the result of Southgate's research in the Skull and Bones for ten years!

"The results of the magic circle part of the magical knight technology are provided by the instructor to Southgate. Southgate will take part of the magical knight out of the skull and bones and join the secret society... "Recalling the most critical information from Epstein's mind, Connor's eyes became a little confused.

Margaret once told him that there is a relationship between the secret society and the demonized knight, and his "distant relative" Politano has a connection with the secret society, and now there is a relationship between the secret society and the demonized knight. The existing connection has been basically figured out. The secret society and the Skull and Bones have jointly researched the technology to transform ordinary knights into demonized knights. So what is the connection between Politano and the secret society?

I don’t know why, but I told Connor instinctively that after he figured out the relationship between Politano and the secret society, he would be very close to solving the biggest mystery in his heart. In the wizarding world, such a person is indifferent and emphasizes equivalent exchange In the world, why did his mentor, Professor Reyes, the second-ranked professor of the Secret Society of the Dark Wizarding Organization, treat him Connor Ferguson so almost unrequitedly "good?"

What kind of shocking conspiracy is hidden under Reyes's smile?

With a wry smile and shook his head, Connor slowly exhaled a foul breath. Regarding the results of this action, Connor felt

There are still pros and cons. Although the soul seed of Langley, who killed Langley, who is the new Arbiter of the Ruen Storm Church, must be offended by Langley, it is an uncontrollable situation, and no one can control it. I would think that Langley actually planted soul seeds on Epstein.

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