Count of Wizards

Chapter 357: Battle of Langley

While condensing the black warrior in the black fog of the circle again, a sneer appeared at the corner of Connor's mouth. Langley, who was possessed by Epstein, was really affected by Epstein's current physical state as he thought. , He couldn't exert much strength at all, he could only kill five of his black warriors at one time. According to Connor's expectation, Langley was able to kill all ten black warriors in one move, and he was not surprised!


Connor uttered a clear Byzantine language. The black warriors hidden in the castilla circle suddenly all killed Langley under the cover of the black mist in the circle, and the black mist condensed in their hands. The sharp blade made was cut at the heart, eyebrows, throat and other vital parts of Epstein's physical body! At the same time, Connor also used Castilla’s magic circle against Langley’s mana, and the suppression of mental power was also maximized. He wanted to see if this was facing the full blow of Castilla’s magic circle. Can't move the leader of the Loen Arbiter who is attached to the seriously injured Epstein!

Facing the black warrior who had been killed from all directions, Langley did not show the slightest movement on his face, nor did he tear the black warrior into pieces as before, but lifted up and wore the white piece that exuded a cold breath. The right hand of the glove, then everything.

Immediately filled with dense black fog, Castilla's formation, Langley, formed a huge ball of light centered on Langley, and Langley himself was hidden in this ball of light.

The light radiated from the ball of light dispelled the black mist in the circle, and the black warriors who were killed under the cover of the black mist had just slashed the knife in their hands on the ball of light. A strange scene happened. An ice layer appeared on the body at a speed visible to the naked eye and was directly frozen!

Connor, who perceives this scene with mental power outside the circle, was immediately shocked, and quickly wanted to drive the black warrior out of the ice again. However, what disappointed him was that the connection between him and the black warrior in the circle was cut off. , He could not drive the black warrior in his castilla circle! ,

Taking a deep breath, Connor quickly made a decision. First, he used his full strength to display the silver light pendant. After the silver light pendant had a terrifying increase in mental power, Langley once again released a mental impact, this time in In the array where his mental power and mana were severely suppressed, Connor was struggling to release the mental shock, and Langley, who was preparing for the next move, immediately let out a groan with a headache.

Connor, who temporarily delayed himself for a while with mental shock, did not dare to delay any time. He stretched out his hand to remove a glass bead from the rope tied to his ankle, and then Connor, who had a heavy face, made a straight decision. After hitting it, the glass beads that could not be ordinary in the first place immediately became radiant and radiant under the action of Fajue.

"Kadi Sai complex..." Watching this glass bead inhabiting the undead, Connor spoke the spell intently. With the sound of Connor's curse, the glass beads burst out immediately, huge energy fluctuations, a murderous, resentful undead, gradually freed from the shackles of the glass beads and appeared in front of Connor.

After reciting the last spell and looking at the undead released from the glass beads in front of him, Connor couldn’t wait to drive the undead into the castilla circle. His mental power had already sensed that he was trapped in the circle. Langley, who has got rid of the influence of his mental shock, is preparing to break out of the battle!

Connor’s confidence in being able to kill Langley stems from the fact that he thinks he can control Langley in the castilla circle that he can suppress his mana and mental power. If this Langley breaks out If the prerequisites for controlling it in the circle do not exist, Connor knows that he has actually lost this battle. Without Castilla’s Langley, who suppresses the mental power and mana, it’s even worse. It is impossible to kill, and the rest he can only choose to run away...

In order not to let things go bad to this point, besides entering the castilla circle, the only option is to put the undead into the castilla circle!

As soon as the undead entered the circle, the eyes of Langley trapped in the circle flashed with a cruel look, and some secret method was run in a low voice. Epstein possessed by him, ears, mouth, eyes, The nose was all overflowing with black blood, but Langley still ignored it, and continued to recite the mantra...

Seeing Langley’s tragic situation, Connor’s heart was immediately chilled. Although he didn’t know what Langley was doing, Epstein himself was seriously injured, and Langley, who was now attached to him, still forced it. This kind of secret method, Epstein has basically been cold, and Langley did not hesitate to use Epstein Yang Liangliang to cast out the spell, how terrifying it would be...

Thinking of this, Connor doesn’t dare to waste any more Finger pointing to Langley in the white ball of light, is the undead who uttered the ancient Byzantine language and entered the circle of Castilla Command:


Driven by Connor's control, the undead in the circle emerged with red light, and the next second appeared on the white ball of light that wrapped Langley. At this moment, Langley, who was bleeding from the seven orifices, seemed to feel the threat from the undead, and a touch of regret and resentment appeared in the eyes with blood and tears...

But Langley, who had no other way, could only forcefully use the secret method that had not yet been fully operational. The ten black warriors who had been frozen in the magic circle immediately showed violent energy fluctuations. , The next second is a "boom", the ten black warriors that were frozen all exploded, and the explosion formed ten terrifying turbulences of terrifying energy in the castilla circle. The turbulence swept through everything in the circle. The crimson undead that had already surpassed Langley’s head had not had time to use the undead entanglement, but was overturned by the energy turbulence!


Connor, who was connected to the castilla circle outside the circle, directly vomited a mouthful of blood. It was too late to recover the dizziness caused by the force of mana and mental power. Connor still managed to support it. The existence of the formation, if it is broken by the turbulence of energy at this time, it is really a complete failure. When the matter has reached this point, Connor will fight his injuries and break through the senior wizard apprentice later. , And also kill the Langley Soul Seed possessed by Epstein!

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