Count of Wizards

Chapter 356: Soul seed

The voice of Epstein heard in his ears, and Connor was shocked, but he didn't have any reaction, and he still hid quietly in his place.

Although the demonized knight who had the upper hand died very strangely, Connor’s mental power did not discover how Epstein manipulated the ice blade to pierce the heart of the black-robed demonized knight, but it was based on the trust in his own cognition. Connor did not think that Epstein really discovered his existence, he was swindling himself!

"Do you think I'm swindling you? I have to admit that your control of your mental power is really brilliant. If it weren't for when I talked about the Turin Institute, your mental power had fluctuated a bit that you might not have discovered If you do, I really don’t know your existence..." A weird smile climbed on his bearded face, Epstein turned his head and said to Connor’s hidden direction:

Epstein's words, Connor, who sensed the murder at the beginning, knew immediately that he was wrong this time, and Epstein really found his position.


Connor immediately triggered the light body technique of the black magic robe he was wearing, and the whole person rushed directly to the centuries-old pine tree a few meters away in front of him.

Standing on a pine branch a few meters above the ground, Connor stared at Epstein with a gloomy face. Although he didn't look back, Connor's mental power had already sensed it, in the place he had just hidden. , Precise three ice blades exactly the same as those just inserted in the heart of the demonized knight. If he is a spiritual wizard, his inspiration is keen enough to find out in advance that he is not good. I am afraid that he is now the same as that demonized knight. It's so dead!

What's the matter with Epstein? It's just a few minutes of recovery from intensive meditation. How can his strength become so powerful and weird? If he showed such strength from the beginning, how could he just be beaten by that demonized knight? So miserable?

"How do you call it?" Epstein said lightly in response to Connor's gaze:

"You are not Epstein!" Ignoring Epstein's question, Connor said bitterly a fact that made his back feel cold!

"I'm afraid...!" Hearing Connor's words, Epstein clapped his hands gently, and his eyes looked at Connor with a hint of admiration!

"Although you, a young man, only has the realm of an intermediate wizard apprenticeship, his insight is much better than this inhuman and animal trifle. I really like that if you call out your meditation ideas for cultivation, I can let you go!" It was said that the admiration in Epstein's eyes towards Connor had already turned into greed.

Hearing that the other party wanted the "Abyss Secrets" he had practiced, Connor smiled without anger, smiled at Epstein and nodded and said: "If I expected it to be good, you should be on Epstein's body. With the soul seed, Epstein just seemed to be meditating for meditation and recovery, but he was actually using the soul seed in his body to summon you. I’m not wrong, right...Langley Commander !"

"Hahahahaha, the meditation thoughts of your little spiritual wizard who practiced are really magical, this has made you discover..." Epstein, no! Langley, who was already possessed, said with a smile on his palm:

"Master Langley, the soul seed is also a part of the soul. If you are destroyed, at least your vitality will be greatly damaged. Why don't you regard me as if you didn't see me? I think this is a good choice for you and me!"

Seeing Langley had confessed what he had said, Connor put away the bitterness on his face and showed a faint smile, and actually admonished Langley in turn.

Hearing that Connor was so bold and daring to threaten to kill the soul seed he possessed on Epstein, Langley’s unhurried smile on his face immediately went cold, and the cold voice said: "You are really confident, little guy. what······"

Before Langley could say another sentence, he suddenly felt a pain in his soul. He was attacked three times in a row!

Although the huge gap in cultivation made Langley, who was possessed by Epstein, faced Connor’s mental impact, there was no substantial damage, but he recovered in an instant, but that’s it. In an instant, Langley discovered that the spiritual wizard in front of him had a blue-black staff in his hand, and at the same time, a blue-black hexagonal array appeared under him. ·····

Seeing Langley who was possessed by Epstein, he was dragged into his castilla circle by himself, and the seriousness on Connor's face finally eased.

Realizing that Epstein was possessed Connor didn't think about running away. He knew very well that the person who could plant the soul seeds in Epstein, a senior wizard apprentice, must be official. Wizard, and this person is probably Epstein’s upper peak Langley.

He must run. He must not be able to run Langley, so he can't run, so the only option left for him is to kill the current arbiter of the Church of the Ruen Storm possessing Epstein, the official wizard Lange Lai!

As a spiritual wizard, Connor still has some understanding of the method of planting soul seeds on others, which is the way of being possessed by others. In this way, the possessed person must not be able to resist. Otherwise, the possession will fail. Secondly, because the soul seed is a more gentle method of possessing, it does not do much harm to the person being possessed, so the effect after possessing is not great.

And most importantly, if Epstein was possessed by Langley during his entire body, Connor would definitely evade him, but not now! Epstein was severely injured by the demonized knight and he was crumbling. Now he can be better after being possessed by Langley, but where are your fundamentals, Langley, you have Epstein possessed by the soul seed. Where can Stan be stronger afterwards?

Langley, who was imprisoned in the castilla circle, felt the limits of the circle on his mana and spiritual power, his face was almost black and water, he really did not expect this spiritual wizard who only has the realm of intermediate wizard apprenticeship. The little guy actually took the initiative to shoot at himself, and was locked in this formation for a moment with some carelessness.

His eyes swept across the black mist around him in the circle, Langley, who was possessed by Epstein, only slightly raised his hand, and the five black warriors lurking next to him were immediately given away by countless ice storms. Torn to pieces,

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