Count of Wizards

Chapter 335: Another role

Hearing that Connor actually apologized to himself for what happened last time, there was an unexpected look in the old Victor's eyes. He didn't seem to think Connor would do this at all. After hesitating, he nodded and seemed to accept Kang. Na's apology, and then squeezed out "I'm leaving" after saying that the rickety figure seemed to be transparent and disappeared into Conner's apartment.

Seeing old Victor's weird way of leaving, Connor could not help but increase his awareness of the strength of the old Victor by three points again. After a full ten minutes, Connor's mental power carefully inspected his apartment. Once again, it was confirmed that the old Victor had really left his home, and Connor took the bottle of azure blue potion named Spiritual Spring out of the space ring with confidence.

   Spiritual power Feeling the rich spiritual vitality in the "Spiritual Spring" potion, a sneer appeared at the corner of Connor's mouth.

Old Victor said that this bottle of "Spiritual Spring" can increase his probability of breaking through the senior wizard apprenticeship by 30%. Connor believes 90%, but Connor doesn't believe it 1,000%. This bottle of "Spiritual Spring" Only to help one's own senior wizard apprentice such a role! This other effect is that if people want to tell themselves, they will tell themselves if they don't ask. If they don't want to tell themselves, they won't tell themselves even if they ask.

No matter what kind of spooky idea the old Victor or the secret agency makes, you must first confuse the other party, let the other party think that you are not aware of the improperness of the "Spirit Spring" potion, and paralyze the other party. You can protect yourself better. Compared with your own safety, what is the point of apologizing to an old thing like Victor? New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   "Assistant chip, scan this bottle of Spiritual Spring, and use the database to determine all the effects of this bottle of Spiritual Spring!" Connor commanded to the auxiliary chip in his own heart:

"Dip! Following the will of the subject, the task is established and the scan is completed. The scan is completed. The database is combined with the data that matches it. The task is over, and the auxiliary chip can only be judged. The Spirit Spring Potion can help the subject break through to a higher level of life, and the rest of the role cannot be concluded due to insufficient data in the database!"

"Can't you draw a conclusion?" Connor nodded secretly. He was not surprised by the result obtained by the auxiliary chip. Most of the information he obtained now because he was an alchemist was alchemy information. , Except for some basic common sense, there is basically no knowledge of pharmacy. In addition, the sources of information in the database are largely from his mentor Reyes. Reyes does not want to let himself see any information. Basically, I can’t see it, so this situation is not unintelligible. First release https://https://

"Auxiliary chip, this bottle of Spiritual Spring Potion has helped me break through to a higher level of life. How likely is it to have other effects?" Although there is a definite answer to this question in his heart, Connor still thinks To get a confirmation from the auxiliary chip.

   "Dip! According to the database, the probability that the Potion of Spiritual Spring has other effects is 81%!" It was still the cold female voice, which sounded in Connor's mind.

Connor's expression has not changed the slightest. The confirmation of the auxiliary chip only made him no longer have any fluke in his heart. He looked deeply at the medicine in his hand. Connor really did the effect on this medicine. I have a deep curiosity, and if you want to determine the composition and effect of a bottle of medicine, the most reliable way is to find a professional, preferably the refiner of this bottle of medicine to understand the situation.·······

Originally, Connor intended to wait quietly. Varga refined the "mystery potion", and then broke through the senior wizard apprentice with peace of mind, but now it seems that he may still need to talk to Val about this "spiritual spring". Let’s take a look at the situation face-to-face.



   "Connor, why are you here?" Varga in a dark red robe in the safe house looked at Connor in the quiet room of the safe house and asked in a puzzled way:

   Yesterday she received a letter from Connor. In the letter, Connor seemed to only say that he had obtained the black rock grass and asked her to come to the safe house to get it, but it did not say that Connor himself would come to the safe house. ,

Hearing Varga’s question, Connor shook his head, and said to Varga somewhat complicatedly: “Varga really made you guess right...” After finishing Connor’s ring from his own space He found out the azure blue "Spiritual Spring" potion and threw it to Varga.

The potion traversed a beautiful arc in mid-air, and finally fell into Varga's hands accurately. Varga picked up the potion and checked it carefully, nodded solemnly at Connor, and said seriously: " That’s right, it’s the spiritual spring that I spent a few months refining. Has the secret society told you the effect of this potion?"

Connor put up three fingers and said to Varga: "Increase the success rate of my breakthrough to become a senior wizard apprentice by 30%. I didn't tell the rest, but I'm sure this bottle of spiritual spring. There are other functions besides helping me to break through!"

Seeing that Connor was so sure that "Spiritual Spring" had other effects, Varga did not ask why Connor was so affirmative. After thinking for a while, he began to preach to Connor: "This bottle of potion was not originally handed over. What I refined was something that was refined by the Secret Society for Mr. Gulsi, but Mr. Gulsi was busy with other things recently, so he left this work to me..."

"Wait!" Connor seemed to realize something. Before Varga finished speaking, he interrupted her and said: "Varga, you mean, this bottle of Spiritual Spring potion was not directly confessed to you by the secret society at first. Mission?"

Facing Connor’s question, Varga nodded gently and explained: “Yes! Teacher Gulsi has been busy with other important things recently, and there is no time to refine the medicine. My level of refining pharmaceutical agents has improved! Now the task of refining pharmaceutical agents is done by me. The task assigned by the secret society, Mr. Gulsi will give me directly if you don’t see it now, Gulsi The teacher may not even know that the secret society wants her to refine the Spring of Spirit!"

"By the way, Connor, my space ring contains instructions from the secret agency to give the hospital to refine the Spring of Spirit, do you want to read it?" At the end Varga seemed to think of something, and took it out of the space ring. A piece of letter paper was handed to Connor.


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