Count of Wizards

Chapter 336: by coincidence

The appearance of the copy of the instruction undoubtedly made Connor's eyes bright. He did not reject Varga's kindness, but took the note paper over and observed the content recorded on it.

   "Doctor Gulsi, attachment one is the method of making the Spiritual Finger Spring Potion this time you are going to refine this time. This drug is the one that the professor personally ordered to refine. Please keep everything secret!!!"

   Looking at the six words "Be sure to keep everything secret" at the back, Connor suddenly felt a hint of conspiracy...

In order to confirm whether his conjectures are consistent with the facts, Connor did not directly tell what he had thought of. Instead, he pondered for a while and asked Varga again: "You can tell me how the secret society distributes the medicine to your hospital. Mission?"

Regarding Connor’s inquiry, Varga did not choose to refuse. She thought for a while and preached gently: "Yes, there is a crystal ball in the secret room of the hospital. This crystal ball can be unilaterally contacted, that is to say. The secret agency can actively contact the hospital, but the hospital cannot actively contact them. The secret agency assigns us the task of refining pharmaceutical agents through this crystal ball. As for the medicinal materials needed for refining pharmaceutical agents, the hospital itself stores them every other period. The Secret Society of Time will provide hospitals with a batch of medicinal materials consumed in refining pharmaceutical agents."

"Every time the secret society assigns us the task of refining pharmaceutical agents, our hospital will record it in the current way of copying. After a certain period of time, the secret society will send people over to refine the medicine and medicinal materials. The consumption is audited. As for the potion refining, I only need to put the potion in a secret location, and the secret agency will automatically come and get it!"

"The crystal ball was previously in charge by Mr. Gulsi. I originally didn’t have the authority to touch the crystal ball, but now all the attention of Mr. Gulsi is on treating her son and has no time and energy to complete the potion task. , So the teacher authorized the use of the crystal ball to me, and I accepted and completed the task assigned by the secret agency that the crystal ball conveyed!" said Varga hesitated and said: "Ms. Gulsi didn’t say it, but I guess she didn't inform the secret society that I was receiving the task from them through the crystal ball!"

   Varga's more detailed introduction undoubtedly made Connor more certain of one thing, that is, the secret society did not know that the person who refined this bottle of "Spirit Spring" potion was Varga!

The instruction sent by the Secret Service to the hospital can be seen from the title "Doctor Gulsi" at the beginning and "It is important to keep everything confidential" at the end. From the beginning, this instruction was issued by the Secret Service to Dr. Gulsi, Doctor Gulsi refining the finished medicine alone, the secret society did not expect Gulsi to hand over all the tasks of refining the medicine in the hospital to Varga because of her own reasons. She refining the "Spiritual Spring" told herself who wanted to break through the senior wizard apprentices, and she also discovered the unusualness of the Spiritual Spring because of the psychology of being careful about the secret society. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

After figuring out this truth, Connor’s fear of the secret society deepened by three points again, and the problem before him was to figure out that this "spiritual spring" potion could not only help him break through and become one of the senior wizard apprentices. Besides, what is the role of the rest!

   "Varga, can you figure out all the functions of this Spiritual Spring Potion?" Pointing to the Spiritual Spring Potion in Varga's hand, Connor asked with a serious face:

   At this time, Varga also realized the seriousness of the matter from this series of unusual actions by Connor. She lowered her head and meditated and said; "I think I can try it. The last time I refined the Spirit Spring Medicine, I gave it to the secret society. The time in my hand is too short. I can only get it from the medicine. Inferred from the pharmacology, now I can try some other methods to try!"

"Very good!" Connor was very pleased to receive the affirmative answer from Varga. Although he still believed in Varga very much, Connor told Varga just in case: "About this matter. , Don't tell anyone!"

"Yeah!" Varga obediently agreed. Now Connor, who was at ease, put down the defenses on his face and let out a long sigh of relief. At this time, Connor did not even notice Varga's clever eyes behind him. Doubts and Uneasiness...Starting

   "This is for you!" After dealing with the "Spiritual Spring" temporarily, Connor remembered why he had let Varga here, and quickly took out all the black rock grass he had obtained from his space ring.

Seeing Connor taking out these hundreds of black rock grass, Varga's eyes flashed with surprise, and he didn't ask how Connor got it. It was said that all black rock grass was received, and then he said to Connor: "One week. After that, I will go to your apartment to find you. If everything goes well, I should be able to give you the analysis of the Secret Energy Potion and the Potion of Spiritual Spring at that time!"

“Don’t work too It’s okay to be slow!” The mystery of "Spiritual Spring" may be solved a week later. Connor is naturally very happy in his heart, but he still says Concerned to exhort Varga.

   Feeling the concern of his lover, Varga smiled sweetly at Connor from the bottom of his heart.

Saying goodbye to Varga, he left the safe house and walked to Connor on the way back to his apartment, thinking that he could not put all his eggs in the same basket, in case Varga did not analyze the potion of "Spiritual Spring"... ····Won't you catch yourself blind by that time!

   In order to be safe, maybe I should try my other channel... After figuring out this idea, Connor changed his formation and walked directly to the Imperial Department Store, a few streets away from his apartment.

Ten minutes later, Connor walked out of the Imperial Department Store carrying a delicate paper bag. He had already passed Leoni to help himself a letter to Marguerite, and the content of the letter was that he had commissioned Marguerite. Especially see if you can find information about the "Spiritual Spring" medicine inside the church.

  Varga helped herself analyze the role of "Spiritual Spring" from the potion itself, and Margaret looked for information from inside the church. This is what Connor could have thought of, without disturbing the secret society, the best way!

   I don’t know why, Connor has a hunch that the emergence of the spiritual spring may help him to uncover the doubts in his heart all the time, what is hidden under the veil of Reyes’ warm and affectionate veins?

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