Count of Wizards

Chapter 334: Spiritual Spring

   This is a truth that everyone understands. After doing bad things, you must clean your PG so that no one can see any of the feet, and how to clean PG is a very profound knowledge.

From the beginning of formulating an action plan for the secret warehouse in Mallorca, Connor knew that this was an adventure. From the beginning to the end of the operation, he had to arrange the beads and "break through the formation" to break the secret warehouse. The protective circle enters the secret warehouse, then kills two guards, controls the protective circle hub, and finally finds Heiyancao to leave, and how long does it take to complete so many steps?

   is not thirty minutes, twenty minutes, nor ten minutes, but within three minutes!

Under repeated calculations of the auxiliary chip, Connor found that as long as he moves fast enough, he can complete the series of steps listed above in three minutes, but it is only limited to this. It is completely impossible for him to move in three minutes. In addition to which series of steps to complete within minutes, go to carefully remove all traces of the secret warehouse yourself. To be honest, if you are serious about removing traces, you must add at least another three minutes. After all, remove yourself. The traces are a very meticulous work. An oversight might not only remove the traces of yourself there as you wish, but will leave more traces in the process of removing your traces.

   There is no time to clear the traces of himself. How did Connor clean his PG so that the Storm Church would not come to him?

Connor's choice was extremely extreme. On the one hand, he tried to minimize the traces of himself left in the secret warehouse, such as recovering the disposable world beads after use. On the other hand, he once again arranged the gray crystals he developed in the secret. A hidden place in a warehouse.

  Since he didn't have time to clear his traces in the secret warehouse, Connor simply won't clear it. He wants to repeat the trick and blow up the whole secret warehouse into the sky!

   It doesn’t matter if there is no way to remove your traces, you can cover everything with a big explosion, and use the traces of the explosion to cover your traces! Compared with the last time when he was in his safe house, the gray crystals that Connor refined this time are undoubtedly more evolved. On the basis of increasing the explosive power, Connor has developed timing on the gray crystals. Function, this is also part of the reason why Connor had to rush back to his home overnight.

   On the one hand, it is necessary to avoid the entire search after the explosion, on the other hand, it is best to enjoy the fireworks released by yourself in your own home~(~ ̄▽ ̄)~!

Looking at the flames blasting toward the sky in Mallorca, Connor took out his pocket watch and saw that it was the time he had set on the gray crystal. But with the helpless picture of himself as the initiator, the smile on his face is undoubtedly a three-pointer! He was so happy that he directly drank the "Kant" in the glass!ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм



"Is this bottle of potion prepared for me?" Looking at the old Victor sitting on his sofa, Connor narrowed his eyes with the blue potion he placed on the guest table and asked, although he didn't know what this bottle of potion was. What, but the distance is so close, Connor can clearly feel the rich spiritual vitality in the potion without using mental power detection, a name emerged in his heart...

   "Yes, this potion is called Spiritual Spring, and it was specially ordered by the professor to refine it for you!" Old Victor, who was leaning on the sofa, faced Connor's question, and said coldly:

"Sure enough!" When Connor heard the name of Spiritual Spring, Connor's heart seemed to be tight. It really made Varga guess that the bottle of Spiritual Spring potion that the secret society asked her to refine was really for him Connor. What Ferguson prepared was that he didn't know whether the spiritual spring that Varga had personally refined was a blessing or a curse for him? New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

"It can increase the chance of your breakthrough to become a senior wizard apprentice by 30%!" After telling Connor that the potion is "Spirit Spring", the old Victor can pause for a while and then continue to say after looking at Connor. , But when he said "30%", he deliberately increased his voice.

For the old Victor’s deliberate action, Connor was also very defensive, showing a touch of ecstasy from the heart in a timely manner on his face, and his laughing mouth was almost at the root of his ears. He picked up the bottle of medicament called Spiritual Spring on the guest table, as if he couldn’t put it down and touched the medicament, but in fact this pie was just a cover, Connor’s attention had been quietly focused on sitting on the sofa opposite to him. On the body of old Victor!

An hour ago, Connor still wanted to go to the post office to contact Varga by sending a to tell her that she had put the black rock grass in the safe house. The letter was sent smoothly. However, When Connor had finished his work and was about to go home, Connor found that he was being watched, and the person staring at him was the old butler Victor of his mentor Reyes!

The moment he found out that it was old Victor, Connor realized that this old guy had something to find himself. After all, with the power gap between himself and him, if old Victor wanted it because he was in his apartment last time The matter, secretly Yin himself all of a sudden, it is completely impossible for himself to find him, and now that he has discovered him, it is obvious that the old Victor deliberately let himself find him!

  Although this can be quite certain, but after thinking about it, Connor chose to return to his apartment and see old Victor on his own territory for the sake of caution! As soon as they met in the apartment, the old Victor put the potion of Spiritual Spring on the guest table.

At this time, the old Victor’s old face was as expressionless as before, and it seemed that he had come to deal with the task, but Connor saw a touch of sarcasm in his cloudy eyes... ··

Observing the look in Old Victor’s eyes, Connor was immediately puzzled, but he did not say anything. He still kept the joy on his face, and properly put the Spirit Spring potion into his space ring, and finished it. Connor stood up and saluted old Victor respectfully. He was very sincere, and said apologetically, "Victor Butler, I really troubled you to take this trip, last time. The thing is that I’m emotional, and I’m very sorry!"


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