Count of Wizards

Chapter 305: Enchanted Knight

Forcibly prolonging the lifespan of this fat humanoid beast by three days, Connor was not afraid that this guy would use conspiracy to search for souls because of his death. Connor put one hand on the fat humanoid beast’s head and began To use his spiritism, he wanted to see what this guy who looks like a human being, but whether it looks or moves, and what a beast-like guy is in the end!

But after a while, Connor took his hand off, and his eyes were full of prudence. Although this fat human-shaped beast also possesses the sea of ​​Gods like humans, his sea of ​​Gods is full of various control restrictions, as long as He searched for the soul forcibly, and the demonized knight would explode like a big watermelon, so after a flash of eyes and careful consideration, Connor shook his head and was forced to give up the method of searching for souls with contemplation and began to seek torture. Breakthrough in forcing a confession.

"Three days! You can live for three more days!" Connor said calmly and calmly, facing the fat humanoid beast, with the cold eyes full of resentment and hatred. Margaret was very acquainted and went to the courtyard. In the other room, the space of this house was reserved for Connor and this fat humanoid beast.

   Hear what Connor said. The fat humanoid beast did not speak, but there was a sarcasm on the fat face.

Seeing the sardonic smile on the fat humanoid beast’s face, Connor was not angry. He smiled and shook his head, patted the fat humanoid beast’s head and said faintly: "You should be very clear about what I gave you just now. , What I want to say is that sometimes the passage of time can be very fast, sometimes it can be very slow. There are many ways for you to spend three days, and what I can do is to give you the choice Power, you can choose to live in these three days, or you can choose to end your life neatly without any pain after you tell me what you know..."

Connor’s words haven’t been finished yet. The fat humanoid beast whose chest was pierced by Margaret’s ice blade had a flash of madness in his eyes. Suddenly, he burst into a **** mouth and bit at Connor’s throat. I have to say that his movements are sudden, but it is a pity that he mispredicted the form, and everything is now under Connor's control.

As soon as the fat humanoid beast approached, the big mouth seemed to hit a transparent wall in the air, and it bounced on the floor tiles of the courtyard, smashing out a big pit which was clear. I saw that its chest, which was originally penetrated by the ice blade, was hit on the ground, and the entire chest seemed to have been broken, and it showed a strange shape...


   The fat human-shaped beast was constantly twisting in the big hole he had smashed, and the intense pain forced him to wailing constantly.

   "Want me to kill you? Your acting is too clumsy!" Connor said with a dumb smile:

Although the fat humanoid beast's attack target just now was his own throat, he obviously hadn't thought of success from the beginning, and his purpose of doing all of this was obviously to use his own sneak attack to provoke Connor. Connor killed him directly in rage, and he was tortured before death.

   Hearing Connor’s words, a look of despair flashed in the eyes of the fat humanoid beast who was groaning in the big pit. He knew how cruel it was waiting for him...



An hour later, looking at the fat human-shaped beast on the ground, the huge scarred body, Connor thought for a while, a flash of flame appeared in his palm, and with a wave of his hand, the flame fell on the fat human-shaped beast's body. After a while, the body of Kung Fu turned into fly ash.

Although this guy was crazy and deliberately seeking death just now, it really can’t be said to be a hard bone. As soon as Connor’s methods were halfway through, this guy couldn’t bear his endless pain and begged Connor. To end his life········ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   After pulling out all the things he wanted to know from this dog thing, Connor naturally satisfied this guy's last request and gave him death! Connor Ferguson was never a SHA madman, and he never took the pain of others as pleasure. He did all this to achieve his goal. In order to achieve his goal, he can do whatever it takes!

After tidying up his clothes, he released a cleansing technique on his body to dispel the strong **** smell on his body. After doing all this, Connor nodded in satisfaction, and his smile returned to his face. Walk to the room where Margaret is

   "Come in...!" Just as Connor was standing outside the closed door, hesitating whether to knock on the door, Margaret's voice came from the door.

Opened the door with a Looking at Margaret standing in front of the window, tasting red wine alone with a glass of wine, Connor heard Margaret turning her head and rushing before Connor could speak. He whispered: "The Demonized Knight!"

Hearing the words "demonized knight" appearing in Margaret's mouth, the city was as deep as the smile on Connor's face, and it solidified for an instant. He noticed that Margaret's tone was not questioning. , But for sure! Starting

Although there were only a few walls between the room where he tortured the fat humanoid beast and Margaret, Connor, who had always been cautious, had placed a barrier in the room to prevent Margaret from the wall ear. He was so careful, why did Margaret overhear it? After Margaret became a senior wizard apprentice, did her spiritual power become so terrifying? Can you ignore the barriers you have laid down, and spy on your own torture without your knowledge? ··········································?

   "Admire, admire!" Taking a deep breath, Connor looked into Margaret's eyes and said with a wry smile:

"You think too much. After I became a senior wizard apprentice, although my strength has grown to a great extent, I still can't do what you think!" Margaret stared at Connor, and said meaningfully. She seemed to know exactly what Connor had thought in the moment.

An awkward expression appeared on Connor’s angular face. When she was about to say something, Margaret Jade stroked her hand on the space ring she was wearing, and a document suddenly appeared in her hand. In the next second, Margaret threw the document that had just been taken out of the Space Ring to Connor.

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