Count of Wizards

Chapter 306: Hector (Part 1)

   reached out his hand to catch the document steadily from mid-air, and after Connor, who was very surprised by Margaret's movements, glanced at the cover of the document, his pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a pinhole.

This document depicts the rune representing the Church of Storms, and under the rune it is written: "The Eleventh Document of the Church" in these large characters, besides the large characters, there is a line of small characters next to the large characters, "Read under first-class authority, abolish repairs Imprisoned for life!"

Taking a deep breath again, Connor raised his head and looked at Margaret. There is no doubt that the document in his hand at this time is the secret document of the Loenstorm Church, and judging from the small print on the document, The level of confidentiality of this document is not low, otherwise it would not have written "abolition of repair for life imprisonment" as a punishment measure second only to execution.

   "Let's take a look! That enchanted knight is just an errand, and won't know much about their own changes!" Margaret seemed to be satisfied with Connor's reaction, and said lightly:

   Listening to Margaret's words, Connor's heart was shaken even more. Margaret was right, that fat humanoid beast, no! It should be said that it was a demonized knight. After Connor briefly blocked a kind of perceptual prohibition for him, the fat demonized knight began to tell Connor what he wanted to know.

He said this about how he is now. They are humans, and they have become like this because of reasons that they can’t explain themselves. He was originally named Hector, and his strength is just an official knight. Training strength is slow to improve. He wants to quickly improve his strength, so as to change his life and class reasons, so he joined an organization called the Sark Knights by chance five years ago, in order to be able to obtain the guidance of the great knight. !

For things like this Hector in the world of knights, formal knights are not too mediocre to talents, and the knight breathing method they practice is not very bad. As long as you insist on training carefully, becoming a formal knight is not easy, but it is absolutely perfect. It's not difficult. Without the guidance of a teacher, it is not uncommon in the world of knights to use a book of knight breathing techniques to practice hard work and eventually become an official knight.

However, after becoming an official knight, there is no teacher’s guidance or financial support. It is very, very difficult to move forward. There are many ascetic monks who only rely on a knight breathing method to become an official knight from a preparation knight to an official knight. After being a knight, he still insisted on his original cultivation method, and had not been able to make further progress in his cultivation for decades.

This situation has prompted many formal knights who were born through penances to become more and more choosing to join various knight groups, families, and companies in order to obtain guidance and support. In Connor’s memory, the Ferguson family he belongs to There are several such people in the family knights who have signed a contract with the Ferguson family to serve the Ferguson family in order to obtain guidance and resources, or simply marry a woman from the Ferguson family and become a member of the Ferguson family.

And this Hector is also very normal and has reached a twenty-year contract with the Sarroc Knights that he joined. In the process of just torture, Hector told Connor bitterly. He originally thought that the binding force of the contract was the law of the Kaman Empire, but what he never expected was that this contract turned out to be a soul contract, and he was subject to life and death after signing this contract.

Hector did not join the Hector Knights alone. He also joined eleven official knights who were in the same situation as him, including the one who knew he could not survive and blew himself up to cover Hector’s departure. A thin demonized knight, his name is Kovac.

In Hector’s confession, after he, Kovac and others joined the Knights of Sarok, they secretly came to a small island on the ocean of storms and lived a life of isolation from the rest of the world. The formal knights on the island accepted the guidance of the great knights of the Saroque Knights, and began to take a secret medicine that the Saroque Knights would provide to them, which is said to aid in cultivation. First release https://https://new 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

Accepting the knowledge of the great knight, taking the secret medicine that can assist in cultivation, just when the knights thought that their good days were coming and they did not choose the wrong Sark Knights, nightmare fell on them, and they took the secret medicine The body of the knights of medicine began to appear more or less abnormal, some began to like to eat raw meat for no reason, some began to overeating, and some hair began to grow wild...

Just when everyone began to panic and began to wonder what the secret medicine they were taking was, the Sarloc Brotherhood took the initiative to give them an explanation, and the Sarloc Brotherhood told them that the drug was their special precious. Cherishing medicinal materials can significantly improve the strength of the knights, and these abnormalities in their bodies are normal after taking the secret medicine. Don’t the guy who ate himself to death. It is because of its own problems that cause it, and the secret medicine itself does not have any safety problems.

After giving the explanation, the Knights of Tsarok also taught them a very strange breathing method of knights that is said to promote the absorption of secret medicines, because after taking secret medicines, their strength increased as the Knights of Tsarok said. , Therefore, the knights chose to believe in the statement of the Tsarok Brotherhood.

However, a month later, these knights who chose to believe in the Knights of Tsarok appeared their first victim. According to Hector's confession, the knight who suffered from gluttony because of the secret medicine suddenly lost control, like a head. Like wild beasts, they bit their hands and swallowed their own flesh and blood, causing hemorrhage and death...

The occurrence of such a weird situation made the knights feel terrified, so they once again sought an explanation from the Tsarok knights, but this time the Tsarok knights tore off the veil of tenderness and revealed their original faces, they He directly used force to control all the eleven knights including Hector and Kovac, and forced them to continue to take the secret medicine and practice the very strange set of knight breathing techniques they taught.

The eleven strong knights did not think about resisting, but the huge gap in strength made them unable to escape the control of the Knights of Sarok. Not only that, the Knights of Sarok also threatened their families and told them If the knights resist, not only will they die, but their families will also be implicated.


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