Count of Wizards

Chapter 304: The secret stronghold of the church

   "Margaret?" Connor yelled somewhat suspiciously in the woods on his left front:

After the fat humanoid beast was attacked and fell, Connor instantly became alert. With the increase of the silver light pendant, his mental power immediately felt a familiar but strange aura from the woods on his left front. From the breath point of view, this breath is obviously Margaret, but what makes Connor extremely puzzled is that this Margaret's breath is obviously many times stronger than his impression!

"Connor, it looks like you are in trouble!" Margaret's lazy and charming voice was clearly transmitted to Connor's ears before the people appeared, and then under the watchful eyes of Connor, the body Wearing a purple cloak, Marguerite, who was smiling but not smiling, just walked out of the woods and appeared in front of him.

Looking at Margaret, who hadn’t seen her for a long time, and feeling the strong aura that she hadn’t concealed, Connor’s expression became a bit bitter. He raised his head and smiled bitterly and said to Margaret: I was really taken aback. Congratulations, I broke through and became a senior wizard apprentice!"

Hearing Connor’s congratulations in her ears, the smile on Margaret’s peerless face was undoubtedly more intense. She stretched out her jade hand and shook it lightly and said to Connor, “Don’t talk about it, you Take this guy, let's go quickly, my colleagues are here right away!" New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

Connor nodded. Margaret was right. At this time, this location is obviously not a good place for reminiscence. The arbiter of the Wizarding Storm Church in the Metropolitan Police Department is flying here like a hungry hound. Then, he picked up the fat humanoid beast that fell on the ground and was pierced by the ice blade and lost consciousness, followed Margaret and started to leave.

Out of trust in Margaret’s work together for so long, Connor did not ask Margaret where he was going to take him. He kept following Margaret closely, but although he didn’t Asked, but Connor still knew that Margaret should have taken him around in a big circle, from the suburbs of the northern district of Ruen to the suburbs of the southern district of Ruen.

After walking for about an hour, it may be that Margaret took Connor, who was carrying a fat humanoid beast into a coma, to a very quiet and hidden place in the suburbs of the Western District. In the courtyard.

"Where is this place?" Putting down the fat humanoid beast in a coma, Connor scanned the courtyard he was in, and asked Margaret in surprise. Although the courtyard he is now in is seen from the outside. It doesn’t look very eye-catching. It’s like a family courtyard of Ruen Putong, but as an alchemist, if Connor reads it correctly, this courtyard is actually very informative, and nothing else is on the wall. On the floor tiles in the upper and courtyard, Connor felt that there were at least three sets of magic circles arranged on it!

   "The secret stronghold of the church!" Facing Connor's inquiry, Margaret didn't have any intention to hide, and said lightly:

   Even though he had guessed the result in his heart, Connor took a deep look at Margaret and said nothing.

   Connor’s refusal to speak seemed to arouse Margaret’s interest. After taking a look at Connor, she asked with interest, “Don’t you ask me why I brought you here?”

"Emperor Raul once said that if you come, you will be safe. With Margaret your character, if you want to tell me, I will tell me if I don’t ask. If you don’t want to tell me, I will ask you too. I won’t tell me...” At this point, Connor paused, shook his head slightly at Margaret, and said, “The reason for coming here is nothing more than the darkness under the lights. The guys who came here would definitely not think that the person they were looking for would be hidden in the secret stronghold of the Storm Church at this moment!"


   Margaret clapped gently, her charming eyes looking at Connor full of admiration.

"It looks like I have been figured out by Connor..." Looking at Connor, Margaret said with a faint emotion: "However, Connor, you just guessed one of them correctly. I brought you here, and I still have a gift for you!" Marguerite's eyes flashed with a sly color.

   "What gift?" Noting the sly in Margaret's eyes, Connor was also secretly wary of the gift Margaret wanted to give him, frowning and asking:

"What's the urgency, let me deal with this guy first, but I didn't keep my hands on that ice blade. If you don't interrogate, this guy will just hang up!" Seeing Connor so anxious, Margaret After an irritable glance, he pointed to the fat humanoid beast that had fallen into a coma and had not yet awakened, and said:

   Connor smiled bitterly and shook his head. He kept talking to Margaret, and he almost forgot this dog who wanted to **** him!

   took out a bottle of dark black potion from the space After taking a pity, Connor took a pity and kicked the fat human-shaped beast's wound pierced by the ice blade!

"Ah...!" The fat humanoid beast that had fallen into a coma immediately woke up from severe pain and let out a miserable cry like a beast. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Connor directly took the dark black in his hand. The potion was forcibly poured into the dog's mouth.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

The fat humanoid beast twisted its heavy body, subconsciously trying to block Connor's movements, but his current state is obviously futile for Connor. Under Connor's compulsion, the dark black potion enters without leaving a drop. Into his body.

After this step, Connor’s eyes flashed with relief. Just as Margaret said, the fat humanoid beast with blood-red ice blade pierced through its chest by Margaret was very injured. If there is no external force. , It may be completely dead in less than an hour.

If you want this guy to die, Connor will not carry him here. This guy is still valuable to Connor. Connor will know from this guy that they are neither human nor wild. What the **** is this! What is the purpose of doing him? Is there a leader behind? ·······So even if this fat humanoid beast is asking for death, Connor will not let him die!

The medicine Connor gave this guy just now is a kind of tiger wolf medicine. Take it to the seriously injured person. This person will be back for three days, but after three days, he will undoubtedly die, but for Connor, it takes three days. It's already enough!

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