Count of Wizards

Chapter 295: Conquer the Little Blood Tiger (Part 2)

"This is a contract of equal partners and mutual assistance. It can serve as a testimony of our friendship, allowing me to help each other. Never betray" Varga suddenly paused when he said that, and his jade hand gently stroked the one he was wearing. In the space ring, a bottle of light red potion appeared in the white and delicate palm of his hand.

"Sign this equal partnership contract, this blood lotus potion, as long as you need it, I will provide you with a bottle every week!" Varga stared at the little blood tiger with a pair of beautiful eyes, and preached earnestly:

When I heard that Varga wanted to enter into an equal partnership contract with him, the little blood tiger's eyes were full of vigilance and resistance, and the little tiger teeth in his mouth were about to show up again, threatening Varga, but he was a blood lotus. The medicine reappeared in the sight of the little blood tiger. The greed and desire that originated from the bloodline made the look in its ruby-like eyes that had just tasted the wonderful taste of the blood lotus medicine changed again to struggle and hesitate.

After hesitating for a while, the little blood tiger's eyes became firm again. It reluctantly glanced at the blood lotus medicine quietly placed in Varga's hand, and shook it at Varga quite humanely. He shook his head and gave the answer as an Odin blood tiger advocating freedom.

Little Blood Tiger’s refusal did not make Varga give up. She unfolded the paper Connor handed over to her, pointed out the rune written by Connor on the paper, and pointed it to Little Blood Tiger: "A high-level monster like you. , There must be inheritance in the bloodline, I believe you can understand the meaning of the rune above, I can understand your concerns, what the rune above means, you should understand it, this is not a pet contract, it is really just Equal partnership contract!"

Standing aside, Connor squinted his eyes, carefully observing the changes in Little Blood Tiger’s eyes. Up to now, things are proceeding according to his plan. Little Blood Tiger rejected Varga’s conditions. In his expectation, it did not surprise him. If Little Blood Tiger had nodded his head and accepted Varga's terms, Connor might still be suspicious.

For the current situation, Connor has just vaccinated Varga, so that she will be prepared to stay out of her position.

Under Connor’s secret gaze, although the little blood tiger had just given Varga’s refusal answer, when Varga showed it the rune of the equal partner contract, its small eyes hesitated, and it was still a little wary. In the past, watching those runes carefully and seeing this scene, Connor’s mouth showed a wistful smile, and the little blood tiger’s reaction was exactly the same as he had imagined. Next, as long as he did it properly, there would be no surprises. I am afraid that the little guy will not escape the palm of his Connor Ferguson!

Connor’s Equal Partner Contract Talisman is not many, and there are only dozens of runes in total, but the blood-red eyes of the little blood tiger looked very carefully and carefully, and it took about ten minutes to look at it. , I looked away from above and saw the attitude of Little Blood Tiger, Connor knew that it was time for him to play!

As the saying goes, "slap a slap, give a sweet date", Varga sang a white face, and gave the blood lotus potion this sweet date to the little blood tiger. Then he naturally wanted to stand up and sing this black Face up!

Coercion, coercion, coercion, coercion, coercion, coercion, coercion, coercion, coercion, coercion, coercion, and coercion, it is only natural to coerce and coerce, and coercion should be added!

Connor gave Varga a look, and Varga withdrew back. He himself walked over with a faint smile on his face. The little blood tiger noticed that Connor was coming, and he immediately arched himself on guard. When he got up, the blood-red eyes were also full of hatred, and he put on a posture that he might pounce on him at any time and kill Connor!

Seeing the little blood tiger acting like this, Connor suddenly laughed, and said to the little blood tiger in the iron cage faintly, "Little thing, I know you understand it, the rune on the contract, we Believe that you have seen the sincerity, but if you still choose to go your own way, then I can also respect your choice!"

"Before you make the final choice, I think I need to remind you that whether you are a Warcraft or a wizard, you have to learn to bear the corresponding price for your own actions. We want you to be our partner. If Your choice is to refuse, then we have to bear the cost of losing you, and you also have to bear the corresponding price. Of course, I know that the Odin Blood Tiger who advocates freedom is not afraid of death, but sometimes, death Far from being the most terrifying, even death can be said to be the most benevolent way.” At this point, Connor’s angular face showed a weird smile, and countless strangely shaped appliances were removed from the space ring by Connor. He took it out and placed it around the iron cage.

Taking the little blood tiger’s intelligence, although it does not know the specific purpose of the utensils that Connor took out, it does not prevent it from the dark red luster of these utensils and Connor. The undisguised threat in his mouth immediately caused the little blood tiger to tighten his body, looking at the equipment placed by Connor around him, there was also a hint of panic in his eyes unknowingly.

Seeing the little blood tiger like this, Connor was overjoyed in his heart. He knew that he was only one step away from helping Varga to subdue this exceptionally talented Odin blood tiger. Connor on the blood tiger’s face didn’t even notice. Behind him, Varga looked at him and the complicated look in his beautiful eyes.

From his space ring, Connor once again took out a package of secret weapons he prepared to subdue the little blood tiger, and threw it at the little blood tiger in the iron cage.

"As long as you enter into an equal partnership contract with her, not only the blood lotus potions you just drank are yours, but these magic stones are also yours, and we will also find anything helpful to you in the future. You can promise to get it for you as much as possible!" Connor said with a smile:

The little blood tiger in the iron cage saw the pile of magic stones thrown by Connor, and his blood-red little eyes lit up again, and then looked at the scary-looking ones on the side of the iron cage where he was being held. Terrible tool, it hesitated again, after all, it changed its original choice, and nodded slightly at Connor, indicating that Connor had accepted the conditions given to it by Connor.

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